[PATCH] Baldur's Gate / Tales of the Sword Coast pour Mac OS

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[PATCH] Baldur's Gate / Tales of the Sword Coast pour Mac OS


Message par Isaya »

Patch pour Baldur's Gate et/ou Tales of the Sword Coast sous Mac OS 8/9.

Ce patch provient du site officiel de l'éditeur de la version Mac. Il est hébergé ici en cas de secours.

Voici la description du patch par l'éditeur :

Get the latest Update to Baldur's Gate and Tales of The Sword Coast for Mac OS 8/9.

Update patch 1.02 addresses various issues as described below.
  • "Larloch's Minor Drain" crash is fixed.
  • "Burning Wizard" crash is fixed.
  • Baldur now places correct modification dates on files copied into its disk cache. Previously the dates were four years in the future.
  • The "can't control created creatures" bug is fixed.
  • Some option settings were not saved if the user quit via the Macintosh File / Quit menu choice instead of the in-game buttons.
  • The "character voice" problem is fixed. Both PC games and old Mac Baldur games can be loaded correctly now. Newly saved Mac Baldur games are now completely compatible with the PC version.
  • Some general code stability problems.
  • Baldur speed: 'Maximum Frame Rate' setting is now effective all the way up to 60 for increasing the walking speed of characters. (Previously it did have an effect, but only between 0 and the default of 20, so it appeared to be impossible to speed up walking.)
To change the Maximum Frame Rate, you will need to open the baldur.ini file with a text editor, like Simpletext or Word. Then change the number after Maximum Frame Rate. To increase the speed of the game, increase the frame rate, and vice versa. The highest you can go is 60. You should notice an improvement without increasing this also.

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