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Un peu perdu parmi tous ces mods (besoin de conseils)

Vous ne connaissez pas Valen, Ilyich, Solaufein ? Vous avez terminé Baldur's Gate cent fois et vous vous en lassez ? Envie de savoir ce qu'est un mod, où en trouver, ce que les gens ont pu en penser ? Envie de découvrir une nouvelle facette de Baldur's Gate ? Vous trouverez ici la réponse à vos questions sur les mods concernant Baldur's Gate. Pour les mods relatifs à Icewind Dale, veuillez consulter la section dédiée.
Commando kobold
Messages : 21
Enregistré le : dim. 29 nov. 2009, 19:23
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Un peu perdu parmi tous ces mods (besoin de conseils)


Message par Aldareis »


Voilà je suis un habitué de longue date de la serie Baldur's Gate. L'anectode va sans doute vous faire sourire, mais je viens de terminer Dragon Age Origin et le fait d'avoir fini ce jeu m'a tout simplement donner envie de rejouer à Baldur's Gate. (j'ai franchement été déçu par la linéarité de ce jeu, ce qui est totalement l'inverse avec Baldur's Gate)

J'ai fais un tour sur le forum par contre, j'avoue être un peu perdu parmi tous ces topics sur les mods.

Je prévoyais de me faire une nouvelle partie épique en usant du mode multijoueur, donc en me créant mes 6 personnages dès BG1.

Je suis en train de préparer mon installation, par contre j'aurais besoin de savoir si je ne rencontrerais pas de problème par rapport à ce que je veux faire :

- En fait, moi ce qui m'interesse, c'est de faire une partie à partir de BG1 et de l'emmener jusqu'a BG2 throne of baal. Pour ce point là j'ai vu qu'il était possible d'utiliser le mod Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU
>> par contre sur ce point là je suis pas sûr d'avoir bien compris, es ce que l'extension BG1 Tales of sword est obligatoire ? Es ce que les objets que j'aurais gagné dans BG1 apparaîtront dans BG2 ?

- Ensuite je prévoyais d'installer le BG2 FixPack pour corriger tous les bugs mineurs

- Après moi ce qui m'interesse, c'est pas spécialement les nouveaux PNJ, mais plutôt toutes les quêtes supplémentaires, objet, créature, es ce que vous avez des mods en particulier à me conseiller ? (à priori, je n'ai pas vu de sondage sur les meilleurs mods)

- Sinon je me posais une question : es ce que le fait de faire une partie "multijoueur" (donc en créant mes 6 persos) va me donner les quêtes annexes des différents compagnons ?

merci d'avance
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Message par Lothringen »

Que de questions !

Pour jouer avec les mêmes personnages du début à la fin, c'est bien BGT qu'il te faut. Ce mod te permet en outre d'avoir le moteur de BG2 dans BG1 (meilleure résolution, etc.). Totsc est requis.

Tes pnjs multijoueurs seront importés et placés dans les autres cages. Normalement tu peux retrouver tout ton matériel (sur la table chez Irenicus)

Il n'y a pas de sondage sur les meilleurs mods car il faudrait soixante options de sondage (minimum) !! D'autant que chacun a ses critères (PNJS/quêtes/défis tactiques/banters supplémentaires/nouveaux kits...). Par exemple, cela te dérange-t-il ou pas de jouer à un mod en anglais ? Tous sont loin d'être traduits.

Quelques mods de quête pour BG1 que j'ai bien aimés :
The vault
The grey clan
Stone ok Askavar
Secret of Bonehill (non traduit)

Quant à BG2, y'en a tellement... surtout si tu ajoutes les mods d'objets... :gign: Et il ne faut pas oublier que la plupart des mods pnjs rajoutent des quêtes eux aussi.

Pour les quêtes des compagnons : ça dépend lesquelles. Tu peux par exemple faire le château de'Arnise sans recruter Nalia, mais tu n'auras pas les démêlés de Jaheira avec les Ménestrels ou Ployer sans Jaheira...
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Message par Graoumf »

Je ne saurais trop te conseiller de suivre le tuto de l'install de BGT. En prenant le temps de bien tout lire, en suivant les liens et tout et tout, tu arrives à une install relativement propre (je dis relativement car l'install est générique et tout joueur est tenté d'installer un mod ne faisant pas nécessairement parti de la liste).
En la suivant et en me documentant un peu sur les forums anglo-saxons, voici l'install orientée quêtes que j'ai pu obtenir (ceci dit, elle ne prend en compte que les mods pour BG1 + quelques mods de BG2 dont il faut prévoir l'install assez tôt).
Commando kobold
Messages : 21
Enregistré le : dim. 29 nov. 2009, 19:23
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Message par Aldareis »

Tes pnjs multijoueurs seront importés et placés dans les autres cages. Normalement tu peux retrouver tout ton matériel (sur la table chez Irenicus)
C'est parfait alors. (pour ma part cela aurait été gênant de n'avoir que mes personnages et pas les objets acquis tout au long de BG)
Il n'y a pas de sondage sur les meilleurs mods car il faudrait soixante options de sondage (minimum) !! D'autant que chacun a ses critères (PNJS/quêtes/défis tactiques/banters supplémentaires/nouveaux kits...). Par exemple, cela te dérange-t-il ou pas de jouer à un mod en anglais ? Tous sont loin d'être traduits.
Uniquement les mods en français (pour le moment en tout cas) Enfin, comme je l'ai précisé en tête de topic, moi ce qui m'interesse c'est allongé la durée de jeu avec des quêtes en plus, des objets... A vrai dire vu que je pars sur une aventure multijoueur (donc où je créé 6 personnages), je ne pense pas installer de mod ajoutant des PNJ.
Quant à BG2, y'en a tellement... surtout si tu ajoutes les mods d'objets... Et il ne faut pas oublier que la plupart des mods pnjs rajoutent des quêtes eux aussi.
Pour les quêtes des compagnons : ça dépend lesquelles. Tu peux par exemple faire le château de'Arnise sans recruter Nalia, mais tu n'auras pas les démêlés de Jaheira avec les Ménestrels ou Ployer sans Jaheira...
Ok merci pour l'information, cependant, il faut choisir, soit en simple joueur soit en multi, avec ces avantages & inconvénients.
En la suivant et en me documentant un peu sur les forums anglo-saxons, voici l'install orientée quêtes que j'ai pu obtenir (ceci dit, elle ne prend en compte que les mods pour BG1 + quelques mods de BG2 dont il faut prévoir l'install assez tôt).
Je vois que ça fait déja une sacré installation. :) Merci en tout cas pour les infos.

Concernant les mods & ajouts divers, je pars là dessus :
Divers :
- Mod Wildscreen (pour avoir une vrai résolution d'écran)
- Mod BG2 Tweaks (pour faire sauter limite xp BG2)

Quêtes et objets supplémentaires
- Gros Mod The Darkest Day (nécessite aussi Revised BP-BGT Worldmap v5 ou plus) [BG2]
- Mod Check the Bodies (nécessite aussi Revised BP-BGT Worldmap v5 ou plus) [BG2]
- Mod The Vault BGT [BG]
- Mod The Grey Clan: In Candlelight [BG]

Nouveau marchand :
- Bolsa
- Dark Ritual
- Mystigan
- Nanstein
- Rolles
- RTT Item Pack
- Song and Silence (j'ai un faible pour les assassins)

Je pense que partir là dessus est déja pas mal. Qu'en pensez vous ? Cela devrait faire l'affaire ou vous me conseillez d'ajouter encore d'autres mods ?
Pour l'installation, vous me conseillez quoi ? D'installer tous les mods qui m'interessent d'un coup ou de passer d'abord par ceux de BG et ensuite BG2 ?

Pour Stone ok Askavar, visiblement il est pas dans liste de mod dans le topic de BGT et dans les topics de listing de mod. Qu'est ce que c'est comme mod ?
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Message par Graoumf »

Pour Stone ok Askavar, visiblement il est pas dans liste de mod dans le topic de BGT et dans les topics de listing de mod. Qu'est ce que c'est comme mod ?
il est dans la liste des mods de BG1, et il y a une présentation détaillée ici.

Attention, le guide de BGT ne contient pas tous les mods dispo pour BGT.
Commando kobold
Messages : 21
Enregistré le : dim. 29 nov. 2009, 19:23
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Message par Aldareis »

Merci pour l'information :)

Je suis en train de récupérer toutes les install & readme necessaire.

Juste une question le mod Check the Bodies commence visiblement avec Chateau-Suif. Je suppose donc que ce mod doit s'étaler sur BG et BG2. C'est ça ?
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Message par Graoumf »

Non, il démarre de BG2 dont le début est en fait modifié pour permettre au PJ de se remémorer son enfance.
Si tu veux jouer à CtB et TDD, il te faudra impérativement installer la Worldmap.

Il te manque à mon sens les mods Unfinished Business, décliné pour BG1 et BG2.
Commando kobold
Messages : 21
Enregistré le : dim. 29 nov. 2009, 19:23
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Message par Aldareis »

Ok merci pour l'information, par contre j'avoue que malgré le fait d'avoir suivi plusieurs guide d'installation et avec la multiplication des différents topics d'aide, je reste un peu perdu par rapport à l'étape d'installation (tout du moins, j'aimerais que les étapes d'installations soient dans le bon ordre)

Officiellement je pars là dessus : (j'ai abandonné l'idée d'installer Darkest Day au vu des avis dessus, idem pour Ease of use qui remplace BG2 Tweaks et le mod Wildscreen)

Contenu BG
Mod Stone of Askavar
Mod The Grey Clan
Mod[ the Vault

Contenu BG2
Mega Mod Check the Bodies
Mod BG2 Tweaks
Mod Marchand bolsa_v4.1
Mod Marchand DarkRitual_101
Mod Marchand Mystigan1.3
Mod Marchand Nanstein_v1.3
Mod Marchand rolles_v3
Mod Marchand&objet RTTItemPack_v1.1

Pour les étapes d'installation ça donnerait ça : (si j'ai bien compris)
- Installation BG + BG TOTSC + patch BG TOTSC
- Installation BG2 + BG TOB + patch BG TOB
- Installation BG2_Fixpack-v8
- Installation Mega Mod Check the bodies + son patch
- Installation BGT
- Installation des mods mineurs (à priori pas d'ordre spécifique)
- Installation BP_BGT_Worldmap_v7_1

Pour les guides je m'aide du guide d'installation de BGT et du guide de la méga installation

Dans le topic d'installation du guide de la méga installation :
- Il est indiqué d'installer la worldmap en dernier (après les mods mineurs), donc si je réinstalle d'autres mods derrière ça risque de bugger ?
- Le guide de la méga installation me concerne même si j'installe un seul méga mod ?

merci d'avance
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Message par Isaya »

Aldareis a écrit :Dans le topic d'installation du guide de la méga installation :
- Il est indiqué d'installer la worldmap en dernier (après les mods mineurs), donc si je réinstalle d'autres mods derrière ça risque de bugger ?
- Le guide de la méga installation me concerne même si j'installe un seul méga mod ?
BGT est aussi un mega-mod, vu toutes les modifications qu'il apporte, donc tu es concerné par le guide. D'ailleurs il est très important de respecter l'ordre entre Check the Bodies et BGT, tel qu'indiqué.

L'un ds plus gros problèmes d'une mega-installation est la carte du monde, qui doit accueillir tous les lieux ajoutés par chacun des mods. Et BGT, sur ce point, ajoute tous les lieux de Baldur's Gate. L'objectif du mod Worldmap est justement de gérer une très grande carte pouvant accueillir tous les lieux possibles et imaginables. Il sait reconnaître l'installation préalable des principaux gros mods et ajouter leurs lieux sur sa carte géante. Mais Worldmap peut aussi s'adapter à des mods qu'il ne connaît pas a priori, à partir du moment qu'ils respectent certaines règles imposées par Worldmap.
Stone of Askavar fait partie de ces mods inconnus de Worldmap mais qui respectent ses règles. A ce titre, il doit donc lui-aussi être installé avant Worldmap.

En fin de compte, Worldmap n'a pas besoin d'être dernier, à partir du moment où les mods installés après ne touchent pas à la carte du monde. Par exemple, dans ton cas : Nanstein, BG2 Tweak pack et probablement d'autres encore.
BG2 Tweak Pack fait aussi partie des mods à installer parmi les tous derniers. Pour que les modifications touchant par exemple un type d'arme s'appliquent vraiment à toutes, il faut que le mod soit installé après tous les mods susceptibles d'ajouter ou de modifier ce type d'arme.
Commando kobold
Messages : 21
Enregistré le : dim. 29 nov. 2009, 19:23
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Message par Aldareis »

Merci pour la réponse. C'est là qu'on peut se dire que bien planifier son installation avant est important.

Par rapport au guide de la mega installation :

- Je ne dois pas installer Neverending Journey (visiblement fortement déconseillé dorénavant))

- Après l'étape d'installation des gros mods, il est indiqué qu'il faut installer Sword Coast Stratagems c'est obligatoire ou pas ? (j'ai vu que ça touchait à l'IA), de plus j'ai vu qu'il y avait la version 2 dans la liste des mods français.

- Pour Ascension-WeiDU là visiblement c'est obligatoire pour éviter d'avoir les rêves de BG2 dans BG1.
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Message par Dedalus »

Sword Coast Stratagems, premier du nom, est un mod pour BGT et Tutu. Et Sword Coast Stratagems II est un mod pour BG2.

Donc, pratiquement le même nom mais, en faite, ce sont deux mods différent car il ne s'adresse pas au même composant de Baldur's Gate.

Edit : Correction, merci à Graoumf d'avoir rétabli la vérité.

Errare humanum est
Si la vie était remplie de bonté et de compassion, pensez-vous que j'aurai autant arpenté les terres de Faerûn ?
Commando kobold
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Enregistré le : dim. 29 nov. 2009, 19:23
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Message par Aldareis »

Stone of Askavar fait partie de ces mods inconnus de Worldmap mais qui respectent ses règles. A ce titre, il doit donc lui-aussi être installé avant Worldmap.
Alors pour l'installer j'ai deux problèmes (j'en suis à l'étape où je peux installer tous les mods mineurs)

Je met le contenu de SOA dans le repertoire BG2, je lance le setup, selectionne la langue française, ensuite message me demande d'installer le composant The Stone of Askavar, je met "I" Pour Installer.

Ca me dit qu'il a detecté l'installation de BGT, qu'il va utiliser le code d'installation de BGT.

Code : Tout sélectionner

Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Semantic error in TP2 code (first ext-north-link check failed)
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR: [worldmap.wmp] -> [Override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("Semantic er
ror in TP2 code (first ext-north-link check failed)"))
Stopping installation because of error.

ERREUR pendant l'installation de [The Stone of Askavar], retour a l'etat anterie
Will uninstall 209 files for [SOA/SETUP-SOA.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled    209 files for [SOA/SETUP-SOA.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Failure("Semantic error in TP2 code (first ext-north-link check failed)")

Pour le marchand DarkRitual présent à la couronne de cuivre (je précise que j'ai la dernière version à savoir la 1.01)

Code : Tout sélectionner

Choose your language:
 0 [American English]
 1 [Francais (traduction by Panaka)]
Using Language [Francais (traduction by Panaka)]
ERROR: problem parsing TP file [SETUP-DARKRITUAL.TP2]:
sion denied")

FATAL ERROR: Sys_error("french: Permission denied")
Après ça, il me restera
- WorldMap
- BG2Tweaks

Et après j'aurais plus qu'a tester
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Message par Bat »

@ Aldareis : si tu veux savoir ce qu' est une installation avec un maximum de mods, vas voir ici ;) :

http://www.baldursgateworld.fr/lacouron ... ivers.html .

Quand au mod TDD, il a reçu un accueil mitigé mais la version weidu fonctionne très bien et n'est pas du tout boguée. Donc à toi de voir....

Au sujet de la compatibilité NEJ, j' en profite pour poser une petite question : jusque à quel point NEJ est il incompatible avec CTB ? si on installe les 2, ça fait boguer l'un des 2 mods, les 2 ?

Merci d' avance :) .
Bat la chauve-souris de Gotham :)! Allez faire un tour à Luménis, ville de paix et de lumière. Et Ma Bio JdR ^^.
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Message par Isaya »

Pour que l'installation de Stone of Askavar collabore avec le mod Worldmap, il faut que le mod Worldmap soit déjà extrait dans le répertoire du jeu, mais pas encore installé.
En général, il vaut mieux d'ailleurs extraire toutes les archives avant de commencer la moindre installation. Ainsi les exécutables setup-xxx.exe d'installation vont automatiquement se mettre à jour et adopter la version la plus récente. Mais dans le cas présent, c'est même obligatoire pour que Stone of Askavar sache qu'il doit collaborer avec Worldmap.
Je ne sais pas si c'est la véritable cause de l'erreur signalée, cependant.

Pour celle concernant Dark Ritual, on pourrait croire que la procédure d'installation en français a un défaut. L'erreur ressemble à une erreur de paramètre dans le fichier TP2 de Dark Ritual pour la partie française. C'est un fichier texte ouvrable à partir du bloc-notes.
S'il y a le problème que j'imagine, il devrait y avoir quelque chose du genre :
LANGUAGE ~Francais~
Je suppose que le répertoire "french" n'existe pas (dans ce cas, il manquerait carrément toute la VF) ou que le vrai répertoire des fichiers TRA pour la VF s'appelle autrement et qu'il faudrait corriger le fichier TP2 en y indiquant le bon nom.

Remarque :
je ne sais pas quel est la véritable organisation des fichiers du mod, donc le premier répertoire pourrait être autre que "darkritual" et il se peut qu'il n'y ait pas un second niveau "blabla" et que les répertoires des langues, dont "french", soit directement en dessous de "darkritual" (ou son vrai nom). Il va te falloir adapter à la réalité du mod (que je ne connais pas).

PS : Bat, ouvre un autre sujet pour poser ta question, s'il te plaît. Tu auras plus de chance que quelqu'un la voie, plutôt que perdue en fin fond d'un sujet sans rapport direct avec NeJ et CtB.
Commando kobold
Messages : 21
Enregistré le : dim. 29 nov. 2009, 19:23
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Message par Aldareis »


Déja merci pour l'aide que vous m'apportez. (c'est quand même bien de se sentir soutenu dans ce long périple ;) )

Alors pour SOA, en faisant l'extraction au préalable des fichiers correspondant à la worldmap (en v7.1), j'ai toujours exactement le même message d'erreur. (à priori message toujours identique)

je ne sais pas si ça peut aider, mais je met l'intégralité de la fenêtre de commande :

Code : Tout sélectionner

[D:\Jeux1\BG2\setup-soa.exe] WeiDU version 21100
{Setup-BP-BGT-Worldmap.exe} Queried (pid = 1720) version = 20900
Newest WeiDU is version 21100, updating!
WeiDU files in version order:
  [Setup-Vault.exe] version 21100
  [Setup-TGC1E.exe] version 21100
  [setup-soa.exe] version 21100
  [setup-scs.exe] version 21100
  [Setup-rttitempack.exe] version 21100
  [Setup-Rolles.exe] version 21100
  [setup-nanstein.exe] version 21100
  [Setup-Mystigan.exe] version 21100
  [Setup-GUI.exe] version 21100
  [Setup-DarkRitual.exe] version 21100
  [Setup-CtB_FF.exe] version 21100
  [Setup-CtB.exe] version 21100
  [Setup-CtB-Chores.exe] version 21100
  [Setup-BW_Herbs.exe] version 21100
  [setup-bolsa.exe] version 21100
  [Setup-BGTMusic.exe] version 21100
  [Setup-BGT.exe] version 21100
  [setup-bg2fixpack.exe] version 21100
  [Setup-Ascension.exe] version 21100
  [Setup-BP-BGT-Worldmap.exe] version 20900
        Copying [Setup-Vault.exe] -> [Setup-BP-BGT-Worldmap.exe]: true
[D:\Jeux1\BG2\setup-soa.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"

Choose your language:
 0 [English]
 1 [Deutsch (German)]
 2 [Francais (par Lothringen, des d'Oghmatiques)]
 3 [Espanol (traducido por Clan REO)]
Using Language [Francais (par Lothringen, des d'Oghmatiques)]

Would you like to display the readme? [Y]es [N]o

Installer le composant [The Stone of Askavar] ?
[I]nstaller, [N]e pas installer ou [Q]uitter ? i

Installation en cours [The Stone of Askavar]

Installation de BGT detectee. Utilisation du code d'installation de BGT...
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
Appending to files ...
Appending to files ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Compiling 10 scripts ...
Compiling 2 scripts ...
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Patching SOAITM08.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM04.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM05.ITM into store...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Patching SOAITM39.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM06.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM19.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM20.ITM into store...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Patching SOAITM11.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM12.ITM into store...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Patching SOAITM10.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM14.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM29.ITM into store...
Extending game scripts ...
Extending game scripts ...
Extending game scripts ...
Extending game scripts ...
Extending game scripts ...
Extending game scripts ...
Extending game scripts ...
Extending game scripts ...
Extending game scripts ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Semantic error in TP2 code (first ext-north-link check failed)
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR: [worldmap.wmp] -> [Override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("Semantic er
ror in TP2 code (first ext-north-link check failed)"))
Stopping installation because of error.

ERREUR pendant l'installation de [The Stone of Askavar], retour a l'etat anterie
Will uninstall 209 files for [SOA/SETUP-SOA.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled    209 files for [SOA/SETUP-SOA.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Failure("Semantic error in TP2 code (first ext-north-link check failed)")

S'IL VOUS PLAIT, envoyez par e-mail le fichier SETUP-SOA.DEBUG a http://chosenof
Using Language [Francais (par Lothringen, des d'Oghmatiques)]

Installer le composant [The Stone of Askavar] ?
[I]nstaller, [N]e pas installer ou [Q]uitter ?
Bon y'a quand même un truc qui me semble bizarre (je ne sais pas du tout si ça a un rapport) mais au début il parle de version 20900 (comme par hazard sur WorldMap) et 2110. Faut que tout soit exactement à la même version ?

Pour DarkRitual, je viens de procéder à la vérification, l'arborence est juste par rapport au fichier tp2

Code : Tout sélectionner

LANGUAGE "Francais (traduction by Panaka)" "french" 
Repertoire racine du mod : dark
Dossier french bien présent
Fichier présent dans arborescence du dossier french :

Je vous met là encore l'intégralité de la tentative d'installation :
[D:\Jeux1\BG2\Setup-DarkRitual.exe] WeiDU version 21100
[D:\Jeux1\BG2\Setup-DarkRitual.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"

Choose your language:
0 [American English]
1 [Francais (traduction by Panaka)]
Using Language [Francais (traduction by Panaka)]
ERROR: problem parsing TP file [SETUP-DARKRITUAL.TP2]: Sys_error("french: Permis
sion denied")

FATAL ERROR: Sys_error("french: Permission denied")

Press ENTER to exit.
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Adepte de Grondemarteau
Messages : 6990
Enregistré le : mar. 22 juil. 2003, 21:03
Localisation : Plaisir
Contact :
Statut : Hors ligne

Message par Isaya »

As-tu la dernière version de Stone of Askavar ? A ma connaissance, c'est la version 1.5. Je n'ai jamais installé ce mod, je ne sais pas si cette erreur est due à une version particulière du mod ou à un ordre d'installation de mods particulier. Ni même si c'est un bug connu.
Pourrais-tu poster le contenu du fichier WeiDU.log (dans le répertoire du jeu) pour qu'on voit ce que tu as installé avant, à tout hasard ?

Pour Dark Ritual, il y a bien un défaut : le "french" à la fin de la première ligne est de trop et pose problème. Retire-le et essaie de nouveau. Cela devrait suffire.
Encore un cas où l'auteur n'a pas testé les différentes langues avant de diffuser le mod, j'en ai peur.
Commando kobold
Messages : 21
Enregistré le : dim. 29 nov. 2009, 19:23
Statut : Hors ligne

Message par Aldareis »

Alors pour DarkRitual, ça marche :)

Pour SOA, j'ai bien la version 1.5 (j'ai quand même revérifié en téléchargeant de nouveau, mais toujours la même erreur)

Voici le fichier Weidu.log :

Code : Tout sélectionner

// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #4 #0 // BG2 Fixpack - Correctifs principaux: v8
~SETUP-CTB.TP2~ #2 #0 // Check The Bodies: 1.11
~SETUP-CTB-CHORES.TP2~ #2 #0 // Candlekeep Chores: 2.2
~SETUP-BGT.TP2~ #3 #0 // Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Composant principal: 1.08 (26 Nov 09)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #0 // Ascension v1.41 (ToB requis)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #1 // Abazigal Ameliore (optionnel, ToB requis)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #2 // Demogorgon Originel (optionnel, ToB requis)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #3 // Gromnir Ameliore (optionnel, ToB requis)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #4 // Illasera Ameliore (optionnel, ToB requis)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #5 // Yaga-Shura Ameliore (optionnel, ToB requis)
~SETUP-TGC1E.TP2~ #6 #0 // Le Clan Gris Episode Un : A la Lumière d'une Bougie, BGT-WeiDU edition v1.8 -> Edition normale
~SETUP-VAULT.TP2~ #1 #0 // The Vault (refonte d'Erebusant pour compatibilite avec BGT): v7
~BW_HERBS/SETUP-BW_HERBS.TP2~ #1 #0 // Herbes et Potions (BG1 / BG1Tutu / BGT) par Baronius: v1.0.3
~BOLSA/BOLSA.TP2~ #2 #0 // Bolsa: v4.1
~MYSTIGAN/SETUP-MYSTIGAN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Marchand Mystigan (ToB requis)
~NANSTEIN/NANSTEIN.TP2~ #1 #0 // Nanstein, Ingenieur mage en chef de la montagne Sansimportance: V1.3
~SETUP-ROLLES.TP2~ #2 #0 // Rolles Safyer
~SETUP-ROLLES.TP2~ #2 #1 // Sac de contenance a la prison d'Irenicus
~RTTITEMPACK/RTTITEMPACK.TP2~ #2 #0 // Installer RTT Item Pack ? **Les objets sont ajoutes au magasin 'special' de Ribald (Marche de l'Aventurier, Promenade de Waukyne) accessible seulement apres SpellHold.**: v1.1
~SETUP-DARKRITUAL.TP2~ #1 #0 // Dark Ritual
Ainsi que le fichier DEBUG "SETUP-TGC1E.DEBUG" qui a été généré suite à l'erreur d'installation (je ne sais pas si ça peut servir, mais je prefere donner un maximum d'info)

Code : Tout sélectionner

WeiDU v 21100 Log

[./CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 736023 bytes
[./CHITIN.KEY] 270 BIFFs, 51997 resources
[dialog.tlk] loaded, 13257190 bytes
[dialog.tlk] 94230 string entries
[./Autorun.ini] loaded, 1228 bytes
[./baldur.ini] loaded, 619 bytes
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD1\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD3\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD4\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD5\]
[./Keymap.ini] loaded, 5615 bytes
[./Mplaynow.ini] loaded, 230 bytes
[dialogf.tlk] loaded, 13338326 bytes
[dialogf.tlk] 94230 string entries
[Setup-TGC1E.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"
[dialog.tlk] claims to be writeable.
[dialog.tlk] claims to be a regular file.

Choose your language:
 0 [English (olimikrig's revision)]
 1 [English (original text)]
 2 [Deutsch]
 3 [Español (Traducido por Excalibur)]
 4 [Italiano (Ilot & Hedgehog81)]
 5 [Polski (Folmi & Team of Ramazith's Tower)]
 6 [Francais (JaNcEn47 et Galathee des d'Oghmatiques)]
Using Language [Francais (JaNcEn47 et Galathee des d'Oghmatiques)]
[Francais (JaNcEn47 et Galathee des d'Oghmatiques)] has 9 top-level TRA files
[TGC1E/Translations/French/actor.tra] has 72 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/dialogue.tra] has 585 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/info.tra] has 1 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/item.tra] has 56 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/npcsound.tra] has 40 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/scriptstr.tra] has 17 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/setup.tra] has 19 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/spell.tra] has 11 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/store.tra] has 1 translation strings
SETUP-CTB.TP2  2  0 Installed 
SETUP-CTB-CHORES.TP2  2  0 Installed 
SETUP-BGT.TP2  3  0 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  0 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  1 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  2 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  3 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  4 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  5 Installed 

Install Component [Le Clan Gris Episode Un : A la Lumière d'une Bougie, BGT-WeiDU edition v1.8]?
[N]o, [Q]uit or choose one:
 1] Edition normale
 2] Edition allegee
Uninstalling All Other Subcomponents of [Le Clan Gris Episode Un : A la Lumière d'une Bougie, BGT-WeiDU edition v1.8]
Done Uninstalling All Other Subcomponents of [Le Clan Gris Episode Un : A la Lumière d'une Bougie, BGT-WeiDU edition v1.8]

Installing [Edition normale]

Desinstallation des versions anterieures de l'Episode 1 du Clan Gris.
Setup-TGC.tp2 component #0 not present, good.
Setup-TGC1.tp2 component #0 not present, good.

Ajout de nouveaux identifiants...
Appending to files ...
[./override/ACTION.IDS] loaded, 13105 bytes
Appending [113 ForceSpellRES(S:ResRef*,O:Target)...] to [action.ids] because it does NOT contain [ForceSpellRES(S:ResRef\*,O:Target)]
override/action.ids copied to TGC1E/Backup/0/action.ids, 13105 bytes
Appended text to [action.ids]
Appending to files ...
[./override/ACTION.IDS] loaded, 13145 bytes
Appending [160 ApplySpellRES(S:ResRef*,O:Target)...] to [action.ids] because it does NOT contain [ApplySpellRES(S:ResRef\*,O:Target)]
Appended text to [action.ids]
Appending to files ...
[./override/ACTION.IDS] loaded, 13184 bytes
Appending [181 ReallyForceSpellRES(S:ResRef*,O:Target)...] to [action.ids] because it does NOT contain [ReallyForceSpellRES(S:ResRef\*,O:Target)]
Appended text to [action.ids]
Appending to files ...
[./override/ACTION.IDS] loaded, 13229 bytes
Not appending [207 MoveToPointNoInterrupt(P:Point*)...] to [action.ids] because it DOES contains [MoveToPointNoInterrupt(P:Point\*)]

Ajout de nouvelles colonnes de tableau...
Appending to files ...
[./override/MASTAREA.2DA] loaded, 3943 bytes
override/mastarea.2da copied to TGC1E/Backup/0/mastarea.2da, 3943 bytes
Appended text to [mastarea.2da]
Appending to files ...
[./override/MASTAREA.2DA] loaded, 4044 bytes
Appended text to [mastarea.2da]
Appending to files ...
[./override/MASTAREA.2DA] loaded, 4058 bytes
Appended text to [mastarea.2da]
Appending to files ...
[./override/MASTAREA.2DA] loaded, 4072 bytes
Appended text to [mastarea.2da]
Appending to files ...
[./override/ITEMEXCL.2DA] loaded, 790 bytes
override/itemexcl.2da copied to TGC1E/Backup/0/itemexcl.2da, 790 bytes
Appended text to [itemexcl.2da]
Appending to files ...
[./override/ITEMEXCL.2DA] loaded, 801 bytes
Appended text to [itemexcl.2da]

Copie et modification des nouvelles zones...
Copying 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Areas/bw0501.are] loaded, 3896 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Areas/bw0501.are] to [Override/bw0501.are]
Copying 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Areas/bw0502.are] loaded, 972 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Areas/bw0502.are] to [Override/bw0502.are]
Copying 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Areas/bw0503.are] loaded, 1300 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Areas/bw0503.are] to [Override/bw0503.are]
Copying 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Areas/bw0504.are] loaded, 1500 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Areas/bw0504.are] to [Override/bw0504.are]
Copying 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Areas/bw0505.are] loaded, 1184 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Areas/bw0505.are] to [Override/bw0505.are]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Areas/bw0506.are] loaded, 1080 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Areas/bw0506.are] to [Override/bw0506.are]
Copying 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Areas/bw0599.are] loaded, 1184 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Areas/bw0599.are] to [Override/bw0599.are]
Copying 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Areas/bw0598.are] loaded, 1184 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Areas/bw0598.are] to [Override/bw0598.are]
Copying 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Areas/bw0597.are] loaded, 1300 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Areas/bw0597.are] to [Override/bw0597.are]

Ajout des noms de scripts de zones aux zones...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD5\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD4\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD3\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD1\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
[D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF] 2662924 bytes, 484 files, 0 tilesets
Copied [ar7263.are] to [Override/ar7263.are]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copied [ar7264.are] to [Override/ar7264.are]

Compilation des nouveaux scripts...
Compiling 5 scripts ...
[./override/TRIGGER.IDS] loaded, 7905 bytes
[./override/ACTION.IDS] loaded, 13229 bytes
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD5\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD4\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD3\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD1\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
[D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF] 5847739 bytes, 444 files, 0 tilesets
[./override/OBJECT.IDS] loaded, 1735 bytes
[./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 24734 bytes
[./override/STATE.IDS] loaded, 1581 bytes
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Compiling 61 scripts ...
[./override/BW0503.ARE] loaded, 1300 bytes
[./override/BW0503.ARE] loaded, 1300 bytes
[./override/BW0504.ARE] loaded, 1500 bytes
[./override/BW0504.ARE] loaded, 1500 bytes
[./override/BW0505.ARE] loaded, 1184 bytes
[./override/BW0505.ARE] loaded, 1184 bytes
[./override/BW0506.ARE] loaded, 1080 bytes
[./override/BW0506.ARE] loaded, 1080 bytes
[./override/BW0597.ARE] loaded, 1300 bytes
[./override/BW0597.ARE] loaded, 1300 bytes
[./override/BW0597.ARE] loaded, 1300 bytes
[./override/BW0597.ARE] loaded, 1300 bytes
[./override/BW0598.ARE] loaded, 1184 bytes
[./override/BW0598.ARE] loaded, 1184 bytes
[./override/BW0599.ARE] loaded, 1184 bytes
[./override/BW0599.ARE] loaded, 1184 bytes
[./override/RACE.IDS] loaded, 1018 bytes
[./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 7661 bytes
[./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 5038 bytes
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...

Extension des scripts de zone...
Extending game scripts ...
[TGC1E/Script_extend/ar0100.baf] loaded, 576 bytes
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD5\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD4\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD3\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD1\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
[D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF] 960133 bytes, 278 files, 0 tilesets
Extended script [ar7200.bcs] with [TGC1E/Script_extend/ar0100.baf]
Extending game scripts ...
[TGC1E/Script_extend/ar0163.baf] loaded, 791 bytes
Extended script [ar7263.bcs] with [TGC1E/Script_extend/ar0163.baf]
Extending game scripts ...
[TGC1E/Script_extend/ar0164.baf] loaded, 917 bytes
Extended script [ar7264.bcs] with [TGC1E/Script_extend/ar0164.baf]
Extending game scripts ...
[TGC1E/Script_extend/ar0200.baf] loaded, 324 bytes
Extended script [ar7300.bcs] with [TGC1E/Script_extend/ar0200.baf]
Extending game scripts ...
[TGC1E/Script_extend/ar0600.baf] loaded, 421 bytes
Extended script [ar7600.bcs] with [TGC1E/Script_extend/ar0600.baf]
Extending game scripts ...
[TGC1E/Script_extend/ar2300.baf] loaded, 830 bytes
Extended script [ar6800.bcs] with [TGC1E/Script_extend/ar2300.baf]
Extending game scripts ...
[TGC1E/Script_extend/ar3300.baf] loaded, 2564 bytes
Extended script [ar6700.bcs] with [TGC1E/Script_extend/ar3300.baf]

Compilation des nouveaux dialogues...
Compiling 58 dialogue files ...
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding BW05XEPH to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05WILL to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05VLAI to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05THIE to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05TEVE to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05TERG to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05TALI to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05SSER to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05SSE2 to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05SERT to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05RUDI to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05ROBE to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05REUF to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05PETR to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05PET2 to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05PET1 to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05ORH3 to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05OCTA to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05MONI to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05MOLD to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05MIKE to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05MGOL to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05MARY to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05LUCY to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05LIND to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05JUSM to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05JOHN to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05JERE to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05INJM to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05HERT to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05GRZ3 to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05GRZ2 to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05GRZ1 to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05GRAC to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05FIST to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05FIGU to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05FGCA to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05FFWR to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05FFGE to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05FFAP to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05FFAN to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05FFA to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05FELI to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05EROS to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05ERNE to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05DWW to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05DW02 to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05DW01 to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05DAMI to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05COU to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05CHAR to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05BORI to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05BLOJ to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05BL02 to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05BARP to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05BACH to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05BA06 to internal list of available DLGs
Adding BW05BA05 to internal list of available DLGs
[BW05ERNE.DLG] saved	3 states, 3 trans, 3 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05FIST.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05TERG.DLG] saved	28 states, 50 trans, 7 strig, 5 ttrig, 12 actions
[BW05BARP.DLG] saved	2 states, 2 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
[BW05EROS.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05ROBE.DLG] saved	13 states, 25 trans, 4 strig, 11 ttrig, 7 actions
[BW05BLOJ.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
[BW05SSE2.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05SERT.DLG] saved	6 states, 8 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
[BW05SSER.DLG] saved	4 states, 16 trans, 1 strig, 12 ttrig, 2 actions
[BW05MARY.DLG] saved	7 states, 10 trans, 3 strig, 2 ttrig, 3 actions
[BW05DWW.DLG] saved	3 states, 3 trans, 3 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05FFGE.DLG] saved	5 states, 8 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
[BW05GRZ1.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05GRZ2.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05INJM.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
[BW05MONI.DLG] saved	6 states, 9 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 3 actions
[BW05DAMI.DLG] saved	27 states, 50 trans, 3 strig, 11 ttrig, 16 actions
[BW05FGCA.DLG] saved	16 states, 24 trans, 3 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
[BW05GRZ3.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
[BW05REUF.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
[BW05RUDI.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05HERT.DLG] saved	11 states, 18 trans, 5 strig, 4 ttrig, 6 actions
[BW05ORH3.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
[BW05BA05.DLG] saved	2 states, 2 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05BL02.DLG] saved	3 states, 3 trans, 2 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
[BW05JERE.DLG] saved	9 states, 15 trans, 6 strig, 0 ttrig, 6 actions
[BW05THIE.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05BA06.DLG] saved	2 states, 2 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
[BW05FFA.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05TEVE.DLG] saved	10 states, 13 trans, 5 strig, 1 ttrig, 3 actions
[BW05MIKE.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
[BW05FFWR.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05OCTA.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05CHAR.DLG] saved	15 states, 24 trans, 4 strig, 4 ttrig, 10 actions
[BW05GRAC.DLG] saved	8 states, 15 trans, 5 strig, 6 ttrig, 6 actions
[BW05PET1.DLG] saved	5 states, 9 trans, 2 strig, 4 ttrig, 1 actions
[BW05PET2.DLG] saved	3 states, 4 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
[BW05JUSM.DLG] saved	32 states, 45 trans, 12 strig, 2 ttrig, 11 actions
[BW05PETR.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05BACH.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
[BW05COU.DLG] saved	6 states, 6 trans, 6 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05LUCY.DLG] saved	8 states, 11 trans, 3 strig, 3 ttrig, 4 actions
[BW05FIGU.DLG] saved	2 states, 2 trans, 2 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05VLAI.DLG] saved	5 states, 5 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
[BW05FELI.DLG] saved	31 states, 48 trans, 10 strig, 11 ttrig, 5 actions
[BW05MGOL.DLG] saved	18 states, 41 trans, 1 strig, 13 ttrig, 30 actions
[BW05TALI.DLG] saved	11 states, 15 trans, 4 strig, 0 ttrig, 4 actions
[BW05FFAN.DLG] saved	3 states, 3 trans, 0 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
[BW05WILL.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
[BW05XEPH.DLG] saved	2 states, 2 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05BORI.DLG] saved	3 states, 3 trans, 2 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
[BW05MOLD.DLG] saved	5 states, 9 trans, 1 strig, 4 ttrig, 2 actions
[BW05FFAP.DLG] saved	9 states, 13 trans, 4 strig, 2 ttrig, 3 actions
[BW05DW01.DLG] saved	15 states, 26 trans, 5 strig, 7 ttrig, 12 actions
[BW05DW02.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05JOHN.DLG] saved	4 states, 4 trans, 3 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
[BW05LIND.DLG] saved	6 states, 6 trans, 2 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions

Copie, nommage et ajout des sons aux nouvelles creatures...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ba01.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ba01.cre] to [Override/bw05ba01.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ba02.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ba03.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ba04.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ba04.cre] to [Override/bw05ba04.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ba05.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ba05.cre] to [Override/bw05ba05.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ba06.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ba06.cre] to [Override/bw05ba06.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ba07.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ba07.cre] to [Override/bw05ba07.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05baat.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05baat.cre] to [Override/bw05baat.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05bach.cre] loaded, 1216 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05bach.cre] to [Override/bw05bach.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05barp.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05barp.cre] to [Override/bw05barp.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05bbgd.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05bbgd.cre] to [Override/bw05bbgd.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05bl01.cre] loaded, 1196 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05bl01.cre] to [Override/bw05bl01.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05bl02.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05bl02.cre] to [Override/bw05bl02.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05bl03.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05bl03.cre] to [Override/bw05bl03.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05bloj.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05bloj.cre] to [Override/bw05bloj.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05bori.cre] loaded, 1196 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05bori.cre] to [Override/bw05bori.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05brma.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05brma.cre] to [Override/bw05brma.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05cou1.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05cou1.cre] to [Override/bw05cou1.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05cou2.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05cou2.cre] to [Override/bw05cou2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05cou3.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05cou3.cre] to [Override/bw05cou3.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05dami.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05dami.cre] to [Override/bw05dami.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05dw01.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05dw01.cre] to [Override/bw05dw01.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05dw02.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05dw02.cre] to [Override/bw05dw02.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05dw03.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05dw03.cre] to [Override/bw05dw03.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05dw04.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05dw04.cre] to [Override/bw05dw04.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05dw05.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05dw05.cre] to [Override/bw05dw05.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05erne.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05erne.cre] to [Override/bw05erne.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05eros.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05eros.cre] to [Override/bw05eros.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05fd01.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05fd01.cre] to [Override/bw05fd01.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05feli.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05feli.cre] to [Override/bw05feli.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffa1.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffa1.cre] to [Override/bw05ffa1.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffa2.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffa2.cre] to [Override/bw05ffa2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffa3.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffa3.cre] to [Override/bw05ffa3.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffa4.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffa4.cre] to [Override/bw05ffa4.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffan.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffan.cre] to [Override/bw05ffan.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffap.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffap.cre] to [Override/bw05ffap.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffde.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffde.cre] to [Override/bw05ffde.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffge.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffge.cre] to [Override/bw05ffge.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffwr.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ffwr.cre] to [Override/bw05ffwr.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05fgca.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05fgca.cre] to [Override/bw05fgca.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05figu.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05figu.cre] to [Override/bw05figu.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05fist.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05fist.cre] to [Override/bw05fist.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05gart.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05gart.cre] to [Override/bw05gart.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05gkgo.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05gkgo.cre] to [Override/bw05gkgo.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05gra0.cre] loaded, 2084 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05gra0.cre] to [Override/bw05gra0.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05grac.cre] loaded, 2144 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05grac.cre] to [Override/bw05grac.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05grs1.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05grs1.cre] to [Override/bw05grs1.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05grs2.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05grs2.cre] to [Override/bw05grs2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05grwo.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05grwo.cre] to [Override/bw05grwo.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05grz0.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05grz0.cre] to [Override/bw05grz0.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05grz1.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05grz1.cre] to [Override/bw05grz1.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05grz2.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05grz2.cre] to [Override/bw05grz2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05grz3.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05grz3.cre] to [Override/bw05grz3.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05char.cre] loaded, 1276 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05char.cre] to [Override/bw05char.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05hert.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05hert.cre] to [Override/bw05hert.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05injm.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05injm.cre] to [Override/bw05injm.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05jer2.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05jer2.cre] to [Override/bw05jer2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05jere.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05jere.cre] to [Override/bw05jere.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05john.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05john.cre] to [Override/bw05john.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05jusm.cre] loaded, 1196 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05jusm.cre] to [Override/bw05jusm.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05lind.cre] loaded, 1696 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05lind.cre] to [Override/bw05lind.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05lucy.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05lucy.cre] to [Override/bw05lucy.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05mar2.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05mar2.cre] to [Override/bw05mar2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05mary.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05mary.cre] to [Override/bw05mary.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05mgol.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05mgol.cre] to [Override/bw05mgol.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05mike.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05mike.cre] to [Override/bw05mike.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05mold.cre] loaded, 1412 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05mold.cre] to [Override/bw05mold.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05moni.cre] loaded, 1388 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05moni.cre] to [Override/bw05moni.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05msv1.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05msv1.cre] to [Override/bw05msv1.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05msv2.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05msv2.cre] to [Override/bw05msv2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05msv3.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05msv3.cre] to [Override/bw05msv3.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05octa.cre] loaded, 2080 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05octa.cre] to [Override/bw05octa.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ogma.cre] loaded, 1312 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ogma.cre] to [Override/bw05ogma.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05ogre.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05ogre.cre] to [Override/bw05ogre.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05orh1.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05orh1.cre] to [Override/bw05orh1.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05orh2.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05orh2.cre] to [Override/bw05orh2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05orh3.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05orh3.cre] to [Override/bw05orh3.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05pet1.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05pet1.cre] to [Override/bw05pet1.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05pet2.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05pet2.cre] to [Override/bw05pet2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05petr.cre] loaded, 1756 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05petr.cre] to [Override/bw05petr.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05pump.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05pump.cre] to [Override/bw05pump.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05reuf.cre] loaded, 1536 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05reuf.cre] to [Override/bw05reuf.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05robe.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05robe.cre] to [Override/bw05robe.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05rud2.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05rud2.cre] to [Override/bw05rud2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05rudi.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05rudi.cre] to [Override/bw05rudi.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05sert.cre] loaded, 1540 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05sert.cre] to [Override/bw05sert.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05skw1.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05skw1.cre] to [Override/bw05skw1.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05skw2.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05skw2.cre] to [Override/bw05skw2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05sse2.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05sse2.cre] to [Override/bw05sse2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05sser.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05sser.cre] to [Override/bw05sser.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05tali.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05tali.cre] to [Override/bw05tali.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05tame.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05tame.cre] to [Override/bw05tame.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05tbg1.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05tbg1.cre] to [Override/bw05tbg1.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05tbg2.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05tbg2.cre] to [Override/bw05tbg2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05tbg3.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05tbg3.cre] to [Override/bw05tbg3.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05tbg4.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05tbg4.cre] to [Override/bw05tbg4.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05tbg5.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05tbg5.cre] to [Override/bw05tbg5.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05tbg6.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05tbg6.cre] to [Override/bw05tbg6.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05terg.cre] loaded, 1368 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05terg.cre] to [Override/bw05terg.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05teve.cre] loaded, 1176 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05teve.cre] to [Override/bw05teve.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05thie.cre] loaded, 1256 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05thie.cre] to [Override/bw05thie.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05tobo.cre] loaded, 1136 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05tobo.cre] to [Override/bw05tobo.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05vlai.cre] loaded, 1116 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05vlai.cre] to [Override/bw05vlai.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Actors/bw05will.cre] loaded, 1156 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05will.cre] to [Override/bw05will.cre]
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[TGC1E/Actors/bw05xeph.cre] loaded, 1600 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Actors/bw05xeph.cre] to [Override/bw05xeph.cre]

Copie et nommage des nouveaux objets...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05ax1.itm] loaded, 314 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05ax1.itm] to [Override/bw05ax1.itm]
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[TGC1E/Items/bw05clad.itm] loaded, 506 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05clad.itm] to [Override/bw05clad.itm]
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[TGC1E/Items/bw05clpo.itm] loaded, 314 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05clpo.itm] to [Override/bw05clpo.itm]
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[TGC1E/Items/bw05cm1.itm] loaded, 546 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05cm1.itm] to [Override/bw05cm1.itm]
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[TGC1E/Items/bw05crys.itm] loaded, 170 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05crys.itm] to [Override/bw05crys.itm]
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[TGC1E/Items/bw05dwhe.itm] loaded, 258 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05dwhe.itm] to [Override/bw05dwhe.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05grbl.itm] loaded, 314 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05grbl.itm] to [Override/bw05grbl.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05grch.itm] loaded, 1026 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05grch.itm] to [Override/bw05grch.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05hl1.itm] loaded, 698 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05hl1.itm] to [Override/bw05hl1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05ia01.itm] loaded, 218 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05ia01.itm] to [Override/bw05ia01.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05ibos.itm] loaded, 162 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05ibos.itm] to [Override/bw05ibos.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05icm1.itm] loaded, 546 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05icm1.itm] to [Override/bw05icm1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05ifp1.itm] loaded, 594 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05ifp1.itm] to [Override/bw05ifp1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05ihe1.itm] loaded, 210 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05ihe1.itm] to [Override/bw05ihe1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05ihe2.itm] loaded, 642 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05ihe2.itm] to [Override/bw05ihe2.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05ihe3.itm] loaded, 210 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05ihe3.itm] to [Override/bw05ihe3.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05ihe4.itm] loaded, 258 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05ihe4.itm] to [Override/bw05ihe4.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05ihl1.itm] loaded, 314 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05ihl1.itm] to [Override/bw05ihl1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05ilb1.itm] loaded, 314 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05ilb1.itm] to [Override/bw05ilb1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05ils1.itm] loaded, 314 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05ils1.itm] to [Override/bw05ils1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05ipm1.itm] loaded, 498 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05ipm1.itm] to [Override/bw05ipm1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05iqs1.itm] loaded, 266 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05iqs1.itm] to [Override/bw05iqs1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05ish1.itm] loaded, 306 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05ish1.itm] to [Override/bw05ish1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05isp1.itm] loaded, 314 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05isp1.itm] to [Override/bw05isp1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05juar.itm] loaded, 498 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05juar.itm] to [Override/bw05juar.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05juha.itm] loaded, 458 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05juha.itm] to [Override/bw05juha.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05k1.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05k1.itm] to [Override/bw05k1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05k2.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05k2.itm] to [Override/bw05k2.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05k3.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05k3.itm] to [Override/bw05k3.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05k4.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05k4.itm] to [Override/bw05k4.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05k5.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05k5.itm] to [Override/bw05k5.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05k6.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05k6.itm] to [Override/bw05k6.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05mgsh.itm] loaded, 642 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05mgsh.itm] to [Override/bw05mgsh.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05ogma.itm] loaded, 834 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05ogma.itm] to [Override/bw05ogma.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05pl1.itm] loaded, 690 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05pl1.itm] to [Override/bw05pl1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05rob1.itm] loaded, 354 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05rob1.itm] to [Override/bw05rob1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05rob2.itm] loaded, 354 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05rob2.itm] to [Override/bw05rob2.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05sc1.itm] loaded, 170 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05sc1.itm] to [Override/bw05sc1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05skfb.itm] loaded, 458 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05skfb.itm] to [Override/bw05skfb.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05sum1.itm] loaded, 690 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05sum1.itm] to [Override/bw05sum1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05sum2.itm] loaded, 642 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05sum2.itm] to [Override/bw05sum2.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05sw1.itm] loaded, 410 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05sw1.itm] to [Override/bw05sw1.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05swr2.itm] loaded, 690 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05swr2.itm] to [Override/bw05swr2.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05swri.itm] loaded, 690 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05swri.itm] to [Override/bw05swri.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05vers.itm] loaded, 170 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05vers.itm] to [Override/bw05vers.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05war2.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05war2.itm] to [Override/bw05war2.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05ward.itm] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05ward.itm] to [Override/bw05ward.itm]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Items/bw05wh1.itm] loaded, 362 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Items/bw05wh1.itm] to [Override/bw05wh1.itm]

Copie et nommage des nouveaux magasins...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Stores/bw05jere.sto] loaded, 1964 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Stores/bw05jere.sto] to [Override/bw05jere.sto]

Copie et nommage des nouveaux sorts...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp00.spl] loaded, 250 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp00.spl] to [Override/bw05sp00.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp01.spl] loaded, 346 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp01.spl] to [Override/bw05sp01.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp02.spl] loaded, 298 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp02.spl] to [Override/bw05sp02.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp03.spl] loaded, 202 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp03.spl] to [Override/bw05sp03.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp04.spl] loaded, 298 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp04.spl] to [Override/bw05sp04.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp05.spl] loaded, 346 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp05.spl] to [Override/bw05sp05.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp06.spl] loaded, 442 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp06.spl] to [Override/bw05sp06.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp07.spl] loaded, 442 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp07.spl] to [Override/bw05sp07.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp08.spl] loaded, 442 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp08.spl] to [Override/bw05sp08.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp09.spl] loaded, 298 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp09.spl] to [Override/bw05sp09.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp10.spl] loaded, 154 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp10.spl] to [Override/bw05sp10.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp11.spl] loaded, 298 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp11.spl] to [Override/bw05sp11.spl]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp12.spl] loaded, 394 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Spells/bw05sp12.spl] to [Override/bw05sp12.spl]

Copie des ambiances de zone dans l'Override...

Copie des nouveaux fichiers sons...
Copying 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Sounds/AMB_E14A.wav] loaded, 43763 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/AMB_E14A.wav] to [Override/AMB_E14A.wav]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR00.WAV] loaded, 85036 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR00.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR00.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR01.WAV] loaded, 153874 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR01.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR01.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR02.WAV] loaded, 227884 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR02.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR02.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR03.WAV] loaded, 90994 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR03.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR03.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR04.WAV] loaded, 99230 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR04.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR04.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR05.WAV] loaded, 49708 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR05.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR05.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR06.WAV] loaded, 76332 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR06.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR06.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR08.WAV] loaded, 39218 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR08.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR08.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR09.WAV] loaded, 73792 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR09.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR09.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR10.WAV] loaded, 37996 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR10.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR10.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR11.WAV] loaded, 214060 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR11.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR11.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR12.WAV] loaded, 114748 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR12.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR12.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR13.WAV] loaded, 83500 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR13.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR13.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR14.WAV] loaded, 198808 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR14.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR14.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR15.WAV] loaded, 166144 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR15.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR15.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR16.WAV] loaded, 71252 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GR16.WAV] to [Override/BW05GR16.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GRZ1.WAV] loaded, 136030 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GRZ1.WAV] to [Override/BW05GRZ1.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GRZ2.WAV] loaded, 96170 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GRZ2.WAV] to [Override/BW05GRZ2.WAV]
[TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GRZ3.WAV] loaded, 86736 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Sounds/BW05GRZ3.WAV] to [Override/BW05GRZ3.WAV]

Copie des nouvelles animations...
Copying 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05CCLA.BAM] loaded, 10699 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05CCLA.BAM] to [Override/BW05CCLA.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ccry.bam] loaded, 6721 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ccry.bam] to [Override/Bw05ccry.bam]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05CDWH.BAM] loaded, 16939 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05CDWH.BAM] to [Override/BW05CDWH.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05CHL1.BAM] loaded, 15360 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05CHL1.BAM] to [Override/BW05CHL1.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05CK1.BAM] loaded, 7788 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05CK1.BAM] to [Override/BW05CK1.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05CK2.BAM] loaded, 4832 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05CK2.BAM] to [Override/BW05CK2.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05CK3.BAM] loaded, 4926 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05CK3.BAM] to [Override/BW05CK3.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ck4.bam] loaded, 5405 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ck4.bam] to [Override/Bw05ck4.bam]
[TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ck5.bam] loaded, 5794 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ck5.bam] to [Override/Bw05ck5.bam]
[TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ck6.bam] loaded, 6412 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ck6.bam] to [Override/Bw05ck6.bam]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05CPL1.BAM] loaded, 22319 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05CPL1.BAM] to [Override/BW05CPL1.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05CSC1.BAM] loaded, 8984 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05CSC1.BAM] to [Override/BW05CSC1.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05CSW1.BAM] loaded, 9191 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05CSW1.BAM] to [Override/BW05CSW1.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05CWAR.BAM] loaded, 9218 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05CWAR.BAM] to [Override/BW05CWAR.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05IAX1.BAM] loaded, 2734 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05IAX1.BAM] to [Override/BW05IAX1.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05ICLA.BAM] loaded, 2583 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05ICLA.BAM] to [Override/BW05ICLA.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05ICRY.BAM] loaded, 1954 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05ICRY.BAM] to [Override/BW05ICRY.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05IDWH.BAM] loaded, 3280 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05IDWH.BAM] to [Override/BW05IDWH.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05IHL1.BAM] loaded, 2795 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05IHL1.BAM] to [Override/BW05IHL1.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05IK1.BAM] loaded, 1818 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05IK1.BAM] to [Override/BW05IK1.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ik2.bam] loaded, 1722 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ik2.bam] to [Override/Bw05ik2.bam]
[TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ik3.bam] loaded, 1612 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ik3.bam] to [Override/Bw05ik3.bam]
[TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ik4.bam] loaded, 1597 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ik4.bam] to [Override/Bw05ik4.bam]
[TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ik5.bam] loaded, 1742 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ik5.bam] to [Override/Bw05ik5.bam]
[TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ik6.bam] loaded, 1806 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ik6.bam] to [Override/Bw05ik6.bam]
[TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ipl1.bam] loaded, 3828 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/Bw05ipl1.bam] to [Override/Bw05ipl1.bam]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05ISC1.BAM] loaded, 2650 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05ISC1.BAM] to [Override/BW05ISC1.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05ISW1.BAM] loaded, 2477 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05ISW1.BAM] to [Override/BW05ISW1.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05IWAR.BAM] loaded, 1984 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05IWAR.BAM] to [Override/BW05IWAR.BAM]
[TGC1E/Animations/BW05IWH1.BAM] loaded, 2636 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Animations/BW05IWH1.BAM] to [Override/BW05IWH1.BAM]

Copie des nouveaux portraits...
Creating 1 directory
Copying 1 file ...
[TGC1E/Portraits/BW05GRAS.BMP] loaded, 7014 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Portraits/BW05GRAS.BMP] to [Portraits/BW05GRAS.BMP]
[TGC1E/Portraits/BW05JUSS.BMP] loaded, 7014 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Portraits/BW05JUSS.BMP] to [Portraits/BW05JUSS.BMP]
[TGC1E/Portraits/BW05MONS.BMP] loaded, 7014 bytes
Copied [TGC1E/Portraits/BW05MONS.BMP] to [Portraits/BW05MONS.BMP]

Already Asked About [Le Clan Gris Episode Un : A la Lumière d'une Bougie, BGT-WeiDU edition v1.8]
Saving This Log:
SETUP-CTB.TP2  2  0 Installed 
SETUP-CTB-CHORES.TP2  2  0 Installed 
SETUP-BGT.TP2  3  0 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  0 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  1 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  2 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  3 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  4 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  5 Installed 
SETUP-TGC1E.TP2  6  0 Installed ~Edition normale~
[bg2fixpack/english/setup.tra] has 101 translation strings
[bg2fixpack/french/setup.tra] has 102 translation strings
[CtB/Language/French/wsetup.tra] has 1046 translation strings
[CtB/Language/French/script.tra] has 383 translation strings
[BGT/Language/French/prompts.tra] has 47 translation strings
[BGT/Language/French/setup.tra] has 76 translation strings
[BGT/Language/French/dialog.tra] has 31 translation strings
[BGT/Language/French/journal.tra] has 319 translation strings
[BGT/Language/French/scripts.tra] has 22 translation strings
[ascension/french/ascension.tra] has 67 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/actor.tra] has 72 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/dialogue.tra] has 585 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/info.tra] has 1 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/item.tra] has 56 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/npcsound.tra] has 40 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/scriptstr.tra] has 17 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/setup.tra] has 19 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/spell.tra] has 11 translation strings
[TGC1E/Translations/French/store.tra] has 1 translation strings
93953 characters, 727 entries added to DIALOG.TLK
[dialog.tlk] created, 94957 string entries
[dialogf.tlk] created, 94957 string entries


		WeiDU Timings
MKDIR                            0.000
parsing .ids files               0.000
UNINSTALL                        0.000
adding translation strings       0.000
unmarshal BIFF                   0.000
OUTER_INNER_PATCH                0.000
READ_*                           0.000
Parsing TPA files                0.000
load TLK                         0.000
APPEND                           0.000
AT_EXIT                          0.000
LAUNCH_ACTION_MACRO              0.000
DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO               0.000
marshal DLG                      0.000
OUTER_SPRINT                     0.000
AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT              0.000
resolve labels                   0.000
EXTEND_TOP                       0.000
DEFINE_ACTION_MACRO              0.000
parsing .log files               0.000
resolve strings                  0.000
PATCH_IF                         0.000
INCLUDE                          0.000
process_patch2                   0.000
BUT_ONLY                         0.000
strings to add                   0.000
DEFINE_PATCH_FUNCTION            0.000
eval_pe                          0.000
parsing .d files                 0.015
process .D files                 0.015
parsing .bcs files               0.030
EXTEND_BOTTOM                    0.032
parsing .tra files               0.047
unmarshal KEY                    0.062
add strings to TLK               0.078
parsing .baf files               0.078
find local string                0.080
PATCH_PRINT                      0.080
marshal BCS                      0.107
loading files                    0.173
marshal and save TLK             0.249
unmarshal TLK                    0.281
COMPILE                          0.425
Parsing TP2 files                0.529
COPY                             0.698
saving files                     1.387
stuff not covered elsewhere     88.204
TOTAL                           92.570
Executing: [start TGC1E/Readme/readme.html]
Avatar du membre
Adepte de Grondemarteau
Messages : 6990
Enregistré le : mar. 22 juil. 2003, 21:03
Localisation : Plaisir
Contact :
Statut : Hors ligne

Message par Isaya »

A vrai dire, le fichier DEBUG d'un mod qui s'installe sans problème (The Grey Clan) n'est pas très utile. Je suppose que tu voulais plutôt fournir celui du mod qui pose problème.

J'ai constaté la présence de Dark Ritual dans le fichier WeiDU.log, dois-je en déduire que l'installation a réussi finalement ?
Commando kobold
Messages : 21
Enregistré le : dim. 29 nov. 2009, 19:23
Statut : Hors ligne

Message par Aldareis »

J'ai constaté la présence de Dark Ritual dans le fichier WeiDU.log, dois-je en déduire que l'installation a réussi finalement ?
Oui, je l'ai indiqué au début de mon précédent post ^^

Pour le fichier Debug, excuse moi, je me suis trompé, voici donc le vrai fichier debug :

Code : Tout sélectionner

WeiDU v 21100 Log

[./CHITIN.KEY] loaded, 736023 bytes
[./CHITIN.KEY] 270 BIFFs, 51997 resources
[dialog.tlk] loaded, 13602879 bytes
[dialog.tlk] 95994 string entries
[./Autorun.ini] loaded, 1228 bytes
[./baldur.ini] loaded, 619 bytes
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD1\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD3\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD4\]
Possible HD/CD Path: [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD5\]
[./Keymap.ini] loaded, 5615 bytes
[./Mplaynow.ini] loaded, 230 bytes
[dialogf.tlk] loaded, 13684323 bytes
[dialogf.tlk] 95994 string entries
[setup-soa.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"
[dialog.tlk] claims to be writeable.
[dialog.tlk] claims to be a regular file.

Choose your language:
 0 [English]
 1 [Deutsch (German)]
 2 [Francais (par Lothringen, des d'Oghmatiques)]
 3 [Espanol (traducido por Clan REO)]
Using Language [Francais (par Lothringen, des d'Oghmatiques)]
[Francais (par Lothringen, des d'Oghmatiques)] has 1 top-level TRA files
[soa/translations/french/setup-soa.tra] has 256 translation strings

Would you like to display the readme? [Y]es [N]o
SETUP-CTB.TP2  2  0 Installed 
SETUP-CTB-CHORES.TP2  2  0 Installed 
SETUP-BGT.TP2  3  0 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  0 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  1 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  2 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  3 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  4 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  5 Installed 
SETUP-TGC1E.TP2  6  0 Installed 
SETUP-VAULT.TP2  1  0 Installed 
BW_HERBS/SETUP-BW_HERBS.TP2  1  0 Installed 
BOLSA/BOLSA.TP2  2  0 Installed 
NANSTEIN/NANSTEIN.TP2  1  0 Installed 
SETUP-ROLLES.TP2  2  0 Installed 
SETUP-ROLLES.TP2  2  1 Installed 

Installer le composant [The Stone of Askavar] ?
[I]nstaller, [N]e pas installer ou [Q]uitter ? 
Installation en cours [The Stone of Askavar]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD5\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD4\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD3\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD1\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF]
[D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/BG1ARE.BIF] 2662924 bytes, 484 files, 0 tilesets

Installation de BGT detectee. Utilisation du code d'installation de BGT...
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
[soa/translations/French/CEARWIN.TRA] has 62 translation strings
[soa/dlg/CEARWIN.D] loaded, 4636 bytes
[./override/TRIGGER.IDS] loaded, 7905 bytes
[./override/ACTION.IDS] loaded, 13700 bytes
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD5\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD4\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD3\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD1\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]
[D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF] 5847739 bytes, 444 files, 0 tilesets
[./override/OBJECT.IDS] loaded, 1735 bytes
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding CEARWIN to internal list of available DLGs
[CEARWIN.DLG] saved	25 states, 37 trans, 11 strig, 0 ttrig, 12 actions
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
[soa/translations/French/ARANOR.TRA] has 54 translation strings
[soa/dlg/ARANOR.D] loaded, 3348 bytes
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding ARANOR to internal list of available DLGs
[ARANOR.DLG] saved	19 states, 29 trans, 7 strig, 0 ttrig, 11 actions
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
[soa/translations/French/CARNETH.TRA] has 34 translation strings
[soa/dlg/CARNETH.D] loaded, 2629 bytes
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding CARNETH to internal list of available DLGs
[CARNETH.DLG] saved	16 states, 22 trans, 6 strig, 0 ttrig, 9 actions
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
[soa/translations/French/LIZZY.TRA] has 33 translation strings
[soa/dlg/LIZZY.D] loaded, 2159 bytes
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding LIZZY to internal list of available DLGs
[LIZZY.DLG] saved	15 states, 17 trans, 5 strig, 0 ttrig, 3 actions
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
[soa/translations/French/PELERIA.TRA] has 1 translation strings
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding PELERIA to internal list of available DLGs
[PELERIA.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
[soa/translations/French/PIRN.TRA] has 6 translation strings
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding PIRN to internal list of available DLGs
[PIRN.DLG] saved	3 states, 4 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 2 actions
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
[soa/translations/French/REBECCA.TRA] has 9 translation strings
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding REBECCA to internal list of available DLGs
[REBECCA.DLG] saved	5 states, 5 trans, 3 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
[soa/translations/French/RONDAN.TRA] has 5 translation strings
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding RONDAN to internal list of available DLGs
[RONDAN.DLG] saved	3 states, 3 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 1 actions
Compiling 1 dialogue file ...
[soa/translations/French/SALLY.TRA] has 1 translation strings
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Adding SALLY to internal list of available DLGs
[SALLY.DLG] saved	1 states, 1 trans, 1 strig, 0 ttrig, 0 actions
Appending to files ...
[./override/AREALINK.2DA] loaded, 11625 bytes
override/Arealink.2da copied to soa/backup/0/Arealink.2da, 11625 bytes
Appended text to [Arealink.2da]
Appending to files ...
[./override/MASTAREA.2DA] loaded, 4086 bytes
override/Mastarea.2da copied to soa/backup/0/Mastarea.2da, 4086 bytes
Appended text to [Mastarea.2da]
Copying 1 file ...
[soa/areaimages/ARS001.MOS] loaded, 77032 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS001.MOS] to [override/ARS001.MOS]
[soa/areaimages/ars001.tiz] loaded, 1155463 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ars001.tiz] to [override/ars001.tiz]
[soa/areaimages/ARS001.WED] loaded, 24812 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS001.WED] to [override/ARS001.WED]
[soa/areaimages/ARS001HT.bmp] loaded, 17318 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS001HT.bmp] to [override/ARS001HT.bmp]
[soa/areaimages/ARS001LM.bmp] loaded, 34790 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS001LM.bmp] to [override/ARS001LM.bmp]
[soa/areaimages/ARS001SR.bmp] loaded, 17318 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS001SR.bmp] to [override/ARS001SR.bmp]
[soa/areaimages/ars002.MOS] loaded, 222168 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ars002.MOS] to [override/ars002.MOS]
[soa/areaimages/ars002.tiz] loaded, 8861898 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ars002.tiz] to [override/ars002.tiz]
[soa/areaimages/ARS002.WED] loaded, 90244 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS002.WED] to [override/ARS002.WED]
[soa/areaimages/ARS002HT.BMP] loaded, 51318 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS002HT.BMP] to [override/ARS002HT.BMP]
[soa/areaimages/ARS002LM.BMP] loaded, 103478 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS002LM.BMP] to [override/ARS002LM.BMP]
[soa/areaimages/ARS002SR.BMP] loaded, 51318 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS002SR.BMP] to [override/ARS002SR.BMP]
[soa/areaimages/ARS005.MOS] loaded, 222168 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS005.MOS] to [override/ARS005.MOS]
[soa/areaimages/ars005.tiz] loaded, 7758537 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ars005.tiz] to [override/ars005.tiz]
[soa/areaimages/ARS005.WED] loaded, 73418 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS005.WED] to [override/ARS005.WED]
[soa/areaimages/ARS005HT.BMP] loaded, 51318 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS005HT.BMP] to [override/ARS005HT.BMP]
[soa/areaimages/ARS005LM.BMP] loaded, 103478 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS005LM.BMP] to [override/ARS005LM.BMP]
[soa/areaimages/ARS005SR.BMP] loaded, 51318 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS005SR.BMP] to [override/ARS005SR.BMP]
[soa/areaimages/ARS006.MOS] loaded, 7120 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS006.MOS] to [override/ARS006.MOS]
[soa/areaimages/ars006.tiz] loaded, 73324 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ars006.tiz] to [override/ars006.tiz]
[soa/areaimages/ARS006.WED] loaded, 3766 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS006.WED] to [override/ARS006.WED]
[soa/areaimages/ARS006HT.BMP] loaded, 1630 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS006HT.BMP] to [override/ARS006HT.BMP]
[soa/areaimages/ARS006LM.bmp] loaded, 4102 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS006LM.bmp] to [override/ARS006LM.bmp]
[soa/areaimages/ARS006SR.BMP] loaded, 1630 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS006SR.BMP] to [override/ARS006SR.BMP]
[soa/areaimages/ARS007.MOS] loaded, 14936 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS007.MOS] to [override/ARS007.MOS]
[soa/areaimages/ars007.tiz] loaded, 152531 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ars007.tiz] to [override/ars007.tiz]
[soa/areaimages/ARS007.WED] loaded, 4132 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS007.WED] to [override/ARS007.WED]
[soa/areaimages/ARS007HT.bmp] loaded, 3318 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS007HT.bmp] to [override/ARS007HT.bmp]
[soa/areaimages/ARS007LM.BMP] loaded, 7478 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS007LM.BMP] to [override/ARS007LM.BMP]
[soa/areaimages/ARS007SR.BMP] loaded, 3318 bytes
Copied [soa/areaimages/ARS007SR.BMP] to [override/ARS007SR.BMP]
Copying 1 file ...
[soa/itembams/SOABAM01.bam] loaded, 3880 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM01.bam] to [override/SOABAM01.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM02.bam] loaded, 3899 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM02.bam] to [override/SOABAM02.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM03.bam] loaded, 2499 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM03.bam] to [override/SOABAM03.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM04.bam] loaded, 2450 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM04.bam] to [override/SOABAM04.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM05.bam] loaded, 2687 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM05.bam] to [override/SOABAM05.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM06.bam] loaded, 2573 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM06.bam] to [override/SOABAM06.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM07.bam] loaded, 2229 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM07.bam] to [override/SOABAM07.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM08.bam] loaded, 4507 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM08.bam] to [override/SOABAM08.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM09.bam] loaded, 4031 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM09.bam] to [override/SOABAM09.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM10.bam] loaded, 1779 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM10.bam] to [override/SOABAM10.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM11.bam] loaded, 5438 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM11.bam] to [override/SOABAM11.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM12.bam] loaded, 4179 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM12.bam] to [override/SOABAM12.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM13.bam] loaded, 2154 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM13.bam] to [override/SOABAM13.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM14.bam] loaded, 2575 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM14.bam] to [override/SOABAM14.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM15.bam] loaded, 2430 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM15.bam] to [override/SOABAM15.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM16.bam] loaded, 3655 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM16.bam] to [override/SOABAM16.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM17.bam] loaded, 2403 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM17.bam] to [override/SOABAM17.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM18.bam] loaded, 2726 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM18.bam] to [override/SOABAM18.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM19.bam] loaded, 3448 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM19.bam] to [override/SOABAM19.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM20.bam] loaded, 3009 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM20.bam] to [override/SOABAM20.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM21.bam] loaded, 4190 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM21.bam] to [override/SOABAM21.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM22.bam] loaded, 3463 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM22.bam] to [override/SOABAM22.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM23.bam] loaded, 2496 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM23.bam] to [override/SOABAM23.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM24.bam] loaded, 3674 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM24.bam] to [override/SOABAM24.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM25.bam] loaded, 4378 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM25.bam] to [override/SOABAM25.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM26.bam] loaded, 1897 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM26.bam] to [override/SOABAM26.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM27.bam] loaded, 2382 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM27.bam] to [override/SOABAM27.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM28.bam] loaded, 2172 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM28.bam] to [override/SOABAM28.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM29.bam] loaded, 1939 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM29.bam] to [override/SOABAM29.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM30.bam] loaded, 2391 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM30.bam] to [override/SOABAM30.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM31.bam] loaded, 2745 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM31.bam] to [override/SOABAM31.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM32.bam] loaded, 2760 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM32.bam] to [override/SOABAM32.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM33.bam] loaded, 2762 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM33.bam] to [override/SOABAM33.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM34.bam] loaded, 2717 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM34.bam] to [override/SOABAM34.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM35.bam] loaded, 2776 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM35.bam] to [override/SOABAM35.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM38.bam] loaded, 2721 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM38.bam] to [override/SOABAM38.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM39.bam] loaded, 2076 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM39.bam] to [override/SOABAM39.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM81.bam] loaded, 6366 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM81.bam] to [override/SOABAM81.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM82.bam] loaded, 7078 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM82.bam] to [override/SOABAM82.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM83.bam] loaded, 3224 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM83.bam] to [override/SOABAM83.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM84.bam] loaded, 3136 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM84.bam] to [override/SOABAM84.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM85.bam] loaded, 3261 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM85.bam] to [override/SOABAM85.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM86.bam] loaded, 3182 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM86.bam] to [override/SOABAM86.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM87.bam] loaded, 2469 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM87.bam] to [override/SOABAM87.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM91.bam] loaded, 11534 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM91.bam] to [override/SOABAM91.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM92.bam] loaded, 8369 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM92.bam] to [override/SOABAM92.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM93.bam] loaded, 3044 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM93.bam] to [override/SOABAM93.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM94.bam] loaded, 4238 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM94.bam] to [override/SOABAM94.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM95.bam] loaded, 5648 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM95.bam] to [override/SOABAM95.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM96.bam] loaded, 9497 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM96.bam] to [override/SOABAM96.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM97.bam] loaded, 6571 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM97.bam] to [override/SOABAM97.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM98.bam] loaded, 7078 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM98.bam] to [override/SOABAM98.bam]
[soa/itembams/SOABAM99.bam] loaded, 5724 bytes
Copied [soa/itembams/SOABAM99.bam] to [override/SOABAM99.bam]
Copying 1 file ...
[soa/sounds/harmon.ogg] loaded, 12968 bytes
Copied [soa/sounds/harmon.ogg] to [override/harmon.ogg]
[soa/sounds/herald.ogg] loaded, 19025 bytes
Copied [soa/sounds/herald.ogg] to [override/herald.ogg]
[soa/sounds/lute.ogg] loaded, 34237 bytes
Copied [soa/sounds/lute.ogg] to [override/lute.ogg]
[soa/sounds/oggdec.exe] loaded, 184832 bytes
Copied [soa/sounds/oggdec.exe] to [override/oggdec.exe]
[soa/sounds/Tylam.ogg] loaded, 881889 bytes
Copied [soa/sounds/Tylam.ogg] to [override/Tylam.ogg]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/andrath.cre] loaded, 864 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/andrath.cre] to [override/andrath.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/aranor.cre] loaded, 1124 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/aranor.cre] to [override/aranor.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/carneth.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/carneth.cre] to [override/carneth.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/cearwin.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/cearwin.cre] to [override/cearwin.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/cileen.cre] loaded, 1976 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/cileen.cre] to [override/cileen.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/hanwen.cre] loaded, 1984 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/hanwen.cre] to [override/hanwen.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/harpmess.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/harpmess.cre] to [override/harpmess.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/ithkim.cre] loaded, 844 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/ithkim.cre] to [override/ithkim.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/jonell.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/jonell.cre] to [override/jonell.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/lelthorn.cre] loaded, 824 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/lelthorn.cre] to [override/lelthorn.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/lizzy.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/lizzy.cre] to [override/lizzy.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/peleria.cre] loaded, 1520 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/peleria.cre] to [override/peleria.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/pirn.cre] loaded, 1196 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/pirn.cre] to [override/pirn.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/rebecca.cre] loaded, 1096 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/rebecca.cre] to [override/rebecca.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/rondan.cre] loaded, 1940 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/rondan.cre] to [override/rondan.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/sally.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/sally.cre] to [override/sally.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/shaerlee.cre] loaded, 1440 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/shaerlee.cre] to [override/shaerlee.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/stonegol.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/stonegol.cre] to [override/stonegol.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/talmur.cre] loaded, 844 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/talmur.cre] to [override/talmur.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/telagent.cre] loaded, 824 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/telagent.cre] to [override/telagent.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/telarch1.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/telarch1.cre] to [override/telarch1.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/telarch2.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/telarch2.cre] to [override/telarch2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/telcler1.cre] loaded, 1664 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/telcler1.cre] to [override/telcler1.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/telfght1.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/telfght1.cre] to [override/telfght1.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/telfght2.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/telfght2.cre] to [override/telfght2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/telfght3.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/telfght3.cre] to [override/telfght3.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/telfght4.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/telfght4.cre] to [override/telfght4.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/telmess1.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/telmess1.cre] to [override/telmess1.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/telmess2.cre] loaded, 1076 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/telmess2.cre] to [override/telmess2.cre]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/creatures/kalindra.cre] loaded, 1744 bytes
Copied [soa/creatures/kalindra.cre] to [override/kalindra.cre]
Compiling 10 scripts ...
[soa/translations/French/CEARWIN.TRA] has 62 translation strings
[soa/crebaf/CEARWIN.BAF] loaded, 258 bytes
[soa/crebaf/CILEEN.BAF] loaded, 1876 bytes
[./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 24734 bytes
[soa/crebaf/HANWEN.BAF] loaded, 1940 bytes
[soa/crebaf/ITHKIM.BAF] loaded, 318 bytes
[soa/crebaf/JONELL.BAF] loaded, 2271 bytes
[soa/translations/French/PELERIA.TRA] has 1 translation strings
[soa/crebaf/PELERIA.BAF] loaded, 2064 bytes
[soa/translations/French/PIRN.TRA] has 6 translation strings
[soa/crebaf/PIRN.BAF] loaded, 1277 bytes
[soa/translations/French/REBECCA.TRA] has 9 translation strings
[soa/crebaf/REBECCA.BAF] loaded, 220 bytes
[soa/translations/French/RONDAN.TRA] has 5 translation strings
[soa/crebaf/RONDAN.BAF] loaded, 2043 bytes
[soa/crebaf/SHAERLEE.BAF] loaded, 318 bytes
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Compiling 2 scripts ...
Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ...
Copying 1 file ...
[soa/bgt/areas/AR4200SR.BMP] loaded, 51318 bytes
Copied [soa/bgt/areas/AR4200SR.BMP] to [override/AR4200SR.BMP]
[soa/bgt/areas/AR9400SR.BMP] loaded, 51318 bytes
Copied [soa/bgt/areas/AR9400SR.BMP] to [override/AR9400SR.BMP]
[soa/bgt/areas/ars001.are] loaded, 13120 bytes
Copied [soa/bgt/areas/ars001.are] to [override/ars001.are]
[soa/bgt/areas/ars002.are] loaded, 12828 bytes
Copied [soa/bgt/areas/ars002.are] to [override/ars002.are]
[soa/bgt/areas/ars003.are] loaded, 1676 bytes
Copied [soa/bgt/areas/ars003.are] to [override/ars003.are]
[soa/bgt/areas/ars004.are] loaded, 1676 bytes
Copied [soa/bgt/areas/ars004.are] to [override/ars004.are]
[soa/bgt/areas/ars005.are] loaded, 17628 bytes
Copied [soa/bgt/areas/ars005.are] to [override/ars005.are]
[soa/bgt/areas/ars006.are] loaded, 3236 bytes
Copied [soa/bgt/areas/ars006.are] to [override/ars006.are]
[soa/bgt/areas/ars007.are] loaded, 3152 bytes
Copied [soa/bgt/areas/ars007.are] to [override/ars007.are]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM01.ITM] loaded, 498 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM01.ITM] to [override/SOAITM01.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM02.ITM] loaded, 738 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM02.ITM] to [override/SOAITM02.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM03.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM03.ITM] to [override/SOAITM03.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM04.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM04.ITM] to [override/SOAITM04.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM05.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM05.ITM] to [override/SOAITM05.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM06.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM06.ITM] to [override/SOAITM06.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM07.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM07.ITM] to [override/SOAITM07.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM08.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM08.ITM] to [override/SOAITM08.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM09.ITM] loaded, 1034 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM09.ITM] to [override/SOAITM09.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM10.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM10.ITM] to [override/SOAITM10.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM11.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM11.ITM] to [override/SOAITM11.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM12.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM12.ITM] to [override/SOAITM12.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM13.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM13.ITM] to [override/SOAITM13.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM14.ITM] loaded, 314 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM14.ITM] to [override/SOAITM14.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM15.ITM] loaded, 602 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM15.ITM] to [override/SOAITM15.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM16.ITM] loaded, 210 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM16.ITM] to [override/SOAITM16.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM17.ITM] loaded, 306 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM17.ITM] to [override/SOAITM17.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM18.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM18.ITM] to [override/SOAITM18.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM19.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM19.ITM] to [override/SOAITM19.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM20.ITM] loaded, 410 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM20.ITM] to [override/SOAITM20.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM21.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM21.ITM] to [override/SOAITM21.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM22.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM22.ITM] to [override/SOAITM22.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM23.ITM] loaded, 218 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM23.ITM] to [override/SOAITM23.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM24.ITM] loaded, 450 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM24.ITM] to [override/SOAITM24.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM25.ITM] loaded, 842 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM25.ITM] to [override/SOAITM25.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM26.ITM] loaded, 170 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM26.ITM] to [override/SOAITM26.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM27.ITM] loaded, 610 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM27.ITM] to [override/SOAITM27.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM28.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM28.ITM] to [override/SOAITM28.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM29.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM29.ITM] to [override/SOAITM29.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM30.ITM] loaded, 610 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM30.ITM] to [override/SOAITM30.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM31.ITM] loaded, 642 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM31.ITM] to [override/SOAITM31.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM32.ITM] loaded, 258 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM32.ITM] to [override/SOAITM32.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM33.ITM] loaded, 402 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM33.ITM] to [override/SOAITM33.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM34.ITM] loaded, 210 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM34.ITM] to [override/SOAITM34.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM35.ITM] loaded, 210 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM35.ITM] to [override/SOAITM35.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM36.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM36.ITM] to [override/SOAITM36.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM37.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM37.ITM] to [override/SOAITM37.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM38.ITM] loaded, 650 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM38.ITM] to [override/SOAITM38.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM39.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM39.ITM] to [override/SOAITM39.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM40.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM40.ITM] to [override/SOAITM40.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM41.ITM] loaded, 114 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM41.ITM] to [override/SOAITM41.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[soa/items/SOAITM61.ITM] loaded, 362 bytes
Copied [soa/items/SOAITM61.ITM] to [override/SOAITM61.ITM]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[./override/highhedg.sto] loaded, 2112 bytes
Patching SOAITM08.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM04.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM05.ITM into store...
override/highhedg.sto copied to soa/backup/0/highhedg.sto, 2112 bytes
Copied [highhedg.sto] to [override/highhedg.sto]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[./override/sto0703.sto] loaded, 4148 bytes
Patching SOAITM39.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM06.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM19.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM20.ITM into store...
override/sto0703.sto copied to soa/backup/0/sto0703.sto, 4148 bytes
Copied [sto0703.sto] to [override/sto0703.sto]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD5\/DATA/BG1STO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD4\/DATA/BG1STO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1STO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD3\/DATA/BG1STO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1STO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/BG1STO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1STO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/BG1STO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD1\/DATA/BG1STO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1STO.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/BG1STO.BIF]
[D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/BG1STO.BIF] 33428 bytes, 43 files, 0 tilesets
Patching SOAITM11.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM12.ITM into store...
Copied [INN3351.sto] to [override/INN3351.sto]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[./override/TAERUM.sto] loaded, 2108 bytes
Patching SOAITM10.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM14.ITM into store...
Patching SOAITM29.ITM into store...
override/TAERUM.sto copied to soa/backup/0/TAERUM.sto, 2108 bytes
Copied [TAERUM.sto] to [override/TAERUM.sto]
Extending game scripts ...
[soa/snips/ar0100.baf] loaded, 345 bytes
[./override/AR7200.BCS] loaded, 4317 bytes
override/ar7200.bcs copied to soa/backup/0/ar7200.bcs, 4317 bytes
Extended script [ar7200.bcs] with [soa/snips/ar0100.baf]
Extending game scripts ...
[soa/snips/ar0114.baf] loaded, 241 bytes
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD5\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD4\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD3\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD1\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF]
[D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/BG1BCS.BIF] 960133 bytes, 278 files, 0 tilesets
Extended script [ar7214.bcs] with [soa/snips/ar0114.baf]
Extending game scripts ...
[soa/snips/ar1900.baf] loaded, 453 bytes
[./override/AR8700.BCS] loaded, 758 bytes
override/ar8700.bcs copied to soa/backup/0/ar8700.bcs, 758 bytes
Extended script [ar8700.bcs] with [soa/snips/ar1900.baf]
Extending game scripts ...
[soa/snips/ar4300.baf] loaded, 873 bytes
Extended script [ar3200.bcs] with [soa/snips/ar4300.baf]
Extending game scripts ...
[soa/snips/ar4900.baf] loaded, 614 bytes
[./override/AR3800.BCS] loaded, 2427 bytes
override/ar3800.bcs copied to soa/backup/0/ar3800.bcs, 2427 bytes
Extended script [ar3800.bcs] with [soa/snips/ar4900.baf]
Extending game scripts ...
[soa/snips/ar5200.baf] loaded, 848 bytes
Extended script [ar4200.bcs] with [soa/snips/ar5200.baf]
Extending game scripts ...
[soa/snips/ar3500.baf] loaded, 721 bytes
Extended script [ar9400.bcs] with [soa/snips/ar3500.baf]
Extending game scripts ...
[soa/snips/ar3337.baf] loaded, 201 bytes
Extended script [ar6737.bcs] with [soa/snips/ar3337.baf]
Extending game scripts ...
[soa/snips/ar3346.baf] loaded, 194 bytes
Extended script [ar6746.bcs] with [soa/snips/ar3346.baf]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copied [AR8700.ARE] to [override/AR8700.ARE]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copied [AR3200.ARE] to [override/AR3200.ARE]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copied [AR9400.ARE] to [override/AR9400.ARE]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copied [AR4200.ARE] to [override/AR4200.ARE]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD5\/DATA/CTB-RULE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD4\/DATA/CTB-RULE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/CTB-RULE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD3\/DATA/CTB-RULE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/CTB-RULE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/CTB-RULE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/CTB-RULE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD2\/DATA/CTB-RULE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\CD1\/DATA/CTB-RULE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\French\/DATA/CTB-RULE.BIF]
BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/CTB-RULE.BIF]
[D:\Jeux1\BG2\/DATA/CTB-RULE.BIF] 1657633 bytes, 875 files, 0 tilesets
Semantic error in TP2 code (first ext-north-link check failed)
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR: [worldmap.wmp] -> [Override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("Semantic error in TP2 code (first ext-north-link check failed)"))
Stopping installation because of error.

ERREUR pendant l'installation de [The Stone of Askavar], retour a l'etat anterieur
[soa/backup/0/UNSETSTR.0] SET_STRING uninstall info not found
Will uninstall 209 files for [SOA/SETUP-SOA.TP2] component 0.
  Restoring backed-up [soa/backup/0/Arealink.2da]
soa/backup/0/Arealink.2da copied to override/Arealink.2da, 11625 bytes
  Restoring backed-up [soa/backup/0/Mastarea.2da]
soa/backup/0/Mastarea.2da copied to override/Mastarea.2da, 4086 bytes
  Restoring backed-up [soa/backup/0/highhedg.sto]
soa/backup/0/highhedg.sto copied to override/highhedg.sto, 2112 bytes
  Restoring backed-up [soa/backup/0/sto0703.sto]
soa/backup/0/sto0703.sto copied to override/sto0703.sto, 4148 bytes
  Restoring backed-up [soa/backup/0/TAERUM.sto]
soa/backup/0/TAERUM.sto copied to override/TAERUM.sto, 2108 bytes
  Restoring backed-up [soa/backup/0/ar7200.bcs]
soa/backup/0/ar7200.bcs copied to override/ar7200.bcs, 4317 bytes
  Restoring backed-up [soa/backup/0/ar8700.bcs]
soa/backup/0/ar8700.bcs copied to override/ar8700.bcs, 758 bytes
  Restoring backed-up [soa/backup/0/ar3800.bcs]
soa/backup/0/ar3800.bcs copied to override/ar3800.bcs, 2427 bytes
Uninstalled    209 files for [SOA/SETUP-SOA.TP2] component 0.
SETUP-CTB.TP2  2  0 Installed 
SETUP-CTB-CHORES.TP2  2  0 Installed 
SETUP-BGT.TP2  3  0 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  0 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  1 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  2 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  3 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  4 Installed 
SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2  2  5 Installed 
SETUP-TGC1E.TP2  6  0 Installed 
SETUP-VAULT.TP2  1  0 Installed 
BW_HERBS/SETUP-BW_HERBS.TP2  1  0 Installed 
BOLSA/BOLSA.TP2  2  0 Installed 
NANSTEIN/NANSTEIN.TP2  1  0 Installed 
SETUP-ROLLES.TP2  2  0 Installed 
SETUP-ROLLES.TP2  2  1 Installed 
ERROR: Failure("Semantic error in TP2 code (first ext-north-link check failed)")
S'IL VOUS PLAIT, envoyez par e-mail le fichier SETUP-SOA.DEBUG a http://chosenofmystra.net/forums/index.php
Using Language [Francais (par Lothringen, des d'Oghmatiques)]
[Francais (par Lothringen, des d'Oghmatiques)] has 1 top-level TRA files
[soa/translations/french/setup-soa.tra] has 256 translation strings

Installer le composant [The Stone of Askavar] ?
[I]nstaller, [N]e pas installer ou [Q]uitter ? 
Statut : Hors ligne

Message par Graoumf »

L'erreur d'install de Stone of Askavar a déjà été rapportée auparavant. Essaie de prendre la Worldmap jointe par Leomar.
Commando kobold
Messages : 21
Enregistré le : dim. 29 nov. 2009, 19:23
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Message par Aldareis »

Merci ! En suivant les conseils donné sur le topic en question, l'installation de SOA a fonctionné.

Du coup, j'ai installé BG2 Tweak (avec pas mal d'ajout)

Et ensuite la worldmap. A ce propos j'espère ne pas m'être trompé, j'ai installé la worldmap avec les mega modif [1], avec la carte original + zone de visibilité [1], en gigantesque [2] et enfin en utilisant une nouvelle map pour TOB [1]
Dans les 1er choix je pouvais mettre dès le départ [2] qui concernait tutu et "easytutu" (donc à priori pas de soucis de ce côté là)

Voici mon weidu final : (n'hésitez pas à me dire si y'a quelque chose qui vous choque)

Code : Tout sélectionner

// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~BG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2~ #4 #0 // BG2 Fixpack - Correctifs principaux: v8
~SETUP-CTB.TP2~ #2 #0 // Check The Bodies: 1.11
~SETUP-CTB-CHORES.TP2~ #2 #0 // Candlekeep Chores: 2.2
~SETUP-BGT.TP2~ #3 #0 // Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Composant principal: 1.08 (26 Nov 09)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #0 // Ascension v1.41 (ToB requis)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #1 // Abazigal Ameliore (optionnel, ToB requis)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #2 // Demogorgon Originel (optionnel, ToB requis)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #3 // Gromnir Ameliore (optionnel, ToB requis)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #4 // Illasera Ameliore (optionnel, ToB requis)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #5 // Yaga-Shura Ameliore (optionnel, ToB requis)
~SETUP-TGC1E.TP2~ #6 #0 // Le Clan Gris Episode Un : A la Lumière d'une Bougie, BGT-WeiDU edition v1.8 -> Edition normale
~SETUP-VAULT.TP2~ #1 #0 // The Vault (refonte d'Erebusant pour compatibilite avec BGT): v7
~BW_HERBS/SETUP-BW_HERBS.TP2~ #1 #0 // Herbes et Potions (BG1 / BG1Tutu / BGT) par Baronius: v1.0.3
~BOLSA/BOLSA.TP2~ #2 #0 // Bolsa: v4.1
~MYSTIGAN/SETUP-MYSTIGAN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Marchand Mystigan (ToB requis)
~NANSTEIN/NANSTEIN.TP2~ #1 #0 // Nanstein, Ingenieur mage en chef de la montagne Sansimportance: V1.3
~SETUP-ROLLES.TP2~ #2 #0 // Rolles Safyer
~SETUP-ROLLES.TP2~ #2 #1 // Sac de contenance a la prison d'Irenicus
~RTTITEMPACK/RTTITEMPACK.TP2~ #2 #0 // Installer RTT Item Pack ? **Les objets sont ajoutes au magasin 'special' de Ribald (Marche de l'Aventurier, Promenade de Waukyne) accessible seulement apres SpellHold.**: v1.1
~SETUP-DARKRITUAL.TP2~ #1 #0 // Dark Ritual
~SOA/SETUP-SOA.TP2~ #2 #0 // The Stone of Askavar: 1.5
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #60 // Animation des armes amelioree: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #110 // Amelioration des icones des objets: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #130 // Mode pause dans tous les dialogues: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #1020 // Modifier la valeur limite des points de vie pour les dialogues des PNJs blesses: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #1080 // Ajouter des sacs de contenance: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #1090 // Pack d'objets exotiques: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #1120 // Plus de munitions dans les boutiques: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #1130 // Reinitialisation de la reputation dans BG2 (BGT uniquement): v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #1150 // Reequilibrage du metamorphe: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #1160 // Forteresses pour toutes les classes -> Pas de restrictions (Baldurdash): v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #1170 // Marchands bonus (Baldurdash): v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #1220 // Permettre a Cromwell d'ameliorer les objets de la Tour de Garde: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2020 // Epees batardes a deux mains: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2030 // Katanas a deux mains: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2040 // Gourdins universels: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2060 // Styles de combat pour toutes les classes: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2080 // Reporter les competences de haut niveau: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2090 // Changer la limite de points d'experience -> Retirer la limite: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2100 // Autoriser l'utilisation des competences de voleur en armure lourde: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2120 // Autoriser le lancement des sorts profanes en armure: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2140 // Options de jumelage etendues: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2151 // Port de plusieurs objets de protection -> Pas de restrictions: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2160 // Modifier le systeme des competences martiales -> Reequilibrage des competences martiales: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2200 // Grande maitrise pour les multi-classes (Weimer): v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2210 // Veritable grande maitrise (Baldurdash): v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2240 // Table debridee des TAC0: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2250 // Table de progression des sorts du sorcier debridee: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2260 // Alterer la table de progression des sorts du mage -> Table debridee (Blucher): v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2270 // Alterer la table de progression des sorts du barde -> Table debridee (Blucher): v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2280 // Alterer la table de progression des sorts du clerc -> Table debridee (Blucher): v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2293 // Alterer les tables de progression des sorts et de niveaux du druide -> Table d'XP des clercs, table debridee des sorts des druides (Blucher): v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #2300 // Tables de capacites de haut niveau pour les triclasses: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #3000 // Plus de points de vie a la montee de niveau -> Maximum: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #3010 // Points de vie maximum pour les PNJs (the bigg) -> Pour toutes les creatures du jeu: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #3070 // Changer l'effet de la reputation sur les prix dans les boutiques -> Prix reduits dans les boutiques pour les faibles reputations (Sabre): v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #3160 // Conserver le butin de Drizzt et desactiver Malchor Harpell: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #3170 // Pas d'avatar Elfe Noir sur le groupe en Ombre-Terre: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #3200 // Batons, gourdins et frondes vendables (Icelus): v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #4000 // Ajuster le jet de reputation des PNJs mauvais recrutables: v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #4050 // Changer l'alignement de Jaheira en "Neutre Bon": v7
~BG2_TWEAKS/SETUP-BG2_TWEAKS.TP2~ #2 #4100 // Changer l'alignement de Korgan en "Neutre Mauvais": v7
~SETUP-BP-BGT-WORLDMAP.TP2~ #0 #0 // Worldmap for Baldur's Gate v7.1 - including colored Baldur's Gate map icons -> New Worldmap for use with Mega Modification...: v7.1
~SETUP-BP-BGT-WORLDMAP.TP2~ #0 #2 // Worldmap for Throne of Bhall -> Use new Worldmap for Throne of Bhaal as well: v7.1
Par rapport à cette installation, je me demandais s'il était nécessaire que j'installe DEF JAM, j'ai lu sur le topic d'installation de BGT que par défaut l'attribution des points d'expérience était déja remise à niveau pour plus coller à la réalité (par rapport au fait qu'on est bcp de quête et que l'aventure BG1-BG2 se suive), donc à votre avis es ce que je dois l'installer ? (à priori c'est possible puisqu'il vient se greffer tout à la fin de la méga installation)

Après j'ai aussi comme alternative de tout simplement augmenter la difficulté (notamment avec 50% de Point de vie en plus ou le double, mais bon, je ne sais pas trop ce qui est le plus interessant du coup entre ça et DEF JAM)
Commando kobold
Messages : 21
Enregistré le : dim. 29 nov. 2009, 19:23
Statut : Hors ligne

Message par Aldareis »


je viens de m'apercevoir que j'ai des zone d'ombre sur la carte. Grosso modo, tout ce que j'ai déja visité reste en noir sur la carte.

Je voulais savoir si cela pouvait provenir de la worldmap, par exemple quand j'ai mis ça :
[1] original travel tomes and area visibility

en [2] il y avait l'option revisited (donc à priori "déja visible" ?)

J'aimerais savoir si c'est bien ça qui pose problème. Si oui, es ce que je peux écraser l'installation de worldmap avec ce nouveau paramètre ?

merci d'avance

PS : si vous voyez pas ce que je veux dire, je peux vous faire un screenshot.

EDIT : bon j'ai réglé mon problème, en fait j'ai une carte graphique qui a quelque bug connu. J'avais défini le jeu en 32bit, il faut le définir en 16 bit et en cochant la case Software BLT, puis relancer le jeu (il n'y a plus de zone d'ombre sur la carte par rapport au lieu déja visité)

par contre, j'arrive pas à trouver la différence entre les 2 options de la worldmap, si quelqu'un pouvait éclairer ma lanterne, merci d'avance
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Message par Isaya »

L'option [2] "revisited" n'a rien à voir avec les "visites". Cela signifie que la visibilité initiale des zones et les temps de temps ont été revues, ou "revisités" (terme aussi employé en français) : bref il s'agit de modifications par rapport à l'original. Mais rien à voir avec le fait d'avoir déjà visité la zone... ;)

Quand on installe Worldmap, il faut recommencer entièrement l'aventure, sinon la nouvelle carte ne sera pas prise en compte (l'état de la carte est enregistré dans une sauvegarde).
Worldmap a la possibilité de modifier les cartes dans les sauvegardes afin de permettre de reprendre une partie en cours, mais il faut pour cela installer un autre composant, celui qui évoque explicitement une notion de conversion.
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Message par Anomaly »

Je recommande très fortement de choisir « Original Travel Time and Area Visibility ».
Administrateur en charge de la technique et de la rubrique Neverwinter Nights - Modérateur du Bazar de l'Aventurier et de Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition
Commando kobold
Messages : 21
Enregistré le : dim. 29 nov. 2009, 19:23
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Message par Aldareis »

Ok bon du coup je viens de recorriger ma version worldmap. (selon les conseils d'Anomaly) Je suis également passé sur une carte grande et non gigantesque. Et vu qu'il n'y a pas d'option zoom + ou zoom + c'est pas gérable.

Après test des zones de la carte pas de problème. Tout s'est bien passé.

Encore merci pour les infos.

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