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[TACTICS] Concernant l'installation du mod Tactics v25

Vous ne connaissez pas Valen, Ilyich, Solaufein ? Vous avez terminé Baldur's Gate cent fois et vous vous en lassez ? Envie de savoir ce qu'est un mod, où en trouver, ce que les gens ont pu en penser ? Envie de découvrir une nouvelle facette de Baldur's Gate ? Vous trouverez ici la réponse à vos questions sur les mods concernant Baldur's Gate. Pour les mods relatifs à Icewind Dale, veuillez consulter la section dédiée.
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Prof Errata
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Enregistré le : jeu. 03 sept. 2009, 19:02
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[TACTICS] Concernant l'installation du mod Tactics v25


Message par Prof Errata »

Voilà, c'est dit. Dans ma prochaine partie de BG2, je compte installer quelques uns des composantes de ce mod bien connu, notamment la Forêt du Nord et TorGal améliorés; or, il se pourrait - à confirmer - que ce mod provoque dans certains cas des plantages dans certains endroits modifiés en raison notamment du fait que Tactics v25 est assez ancien et écrase les fichiers locaux à l'installation au lieu de les patcher.
Aussi, faut-il installer Tactics (hormis les deux profils) - en entier ou en partie - IMMEDIATEMENT après le patch officiel BIOWARE et AVANT le BG2Fixpack (et dans le cas de la VF le patch correctif créé sur la CdC), ou bien sans problème dans un ordre ultérieur, comme pointé ici ?
Merci de votre réponse.
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Prof Errata
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Enregistré le : jeu. 03 sept. 2009, 19:02
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Message par Prof Errata »

Alors, comme ça il n'y a pas une bonne âme prête à me guider ? Vous les grosses pointures de la Couronne - Mornagest, Isaya et consorts - , je ne vous demande qu'un petit coup de main, pas un épluchage de l'Infinity Engine en travers et en détail...Merci d'avance.
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Message par Freddy_Gwendo »

Désolé, mais je n'ai plus utilisé ce mod depuis des années.

Cependant, il me semblait avoir traduit quelques lignes le concernant dans le BWP.

Je suis donc allé vérifier le guide d'installation (pdf) : Tactics v25 peut s'installer avec de nombreuses restrictions (compatibilité avec SCS et compagnie).
Si tu ne comptes installer que les mods que tu as indiqués, il s'installe en dernier.

En revanche, pour une installation avec d'autres mods de difficulté tactique, plus certains autres mods qui modifient certaines cartes, je t'incite à bien lire le Guide d'installation pdf du BWP en lançant une recherche sur "Tactics".
CARPE DIEM...Co-modérateur de La Forge et de La Chambre des Scribes
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Prof Errata
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Message par Prof Errata »

Cher Freddy,
Tu es mon sauveur ! Bon j'ai vite lu le contenu et survolé les forums de SHS, mais ça me parait assez lourd; donc sans installer BWFixpack WorldMap & mégamods, et BPv181_4611 vers la fin, en gardant Tactics v25 "vanilla", dois-je installer l'unique composant suivant (j'ai lu qu'il était inutile d'installer Improved TorGal) :

Install AR1800.ARE [Mike Barnes' Improved North Forest]? nstall

APRES le BG2Fixpack et
AVANT les mods qui ajoutent des items dans AR1800.ARE: présentement The Undying (un anneau +4 et un bouclier) et Shards of Ice (une figurine au magicien du groupe); et
AVANT les mods qui modifient le gameplay (SCS II notamment)
Merci d'avance.
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Message par Anomaly »

Je vais vous ennuyer et dire le contraire : je conseille d'installer Tactics en tout premier, avant même le BG2 FixPack, un peu dans la même veine d'Ascension. Ceci évite déjà que Tactics écrase certains fichiers patchés par BG2 FixPack d'une part et évitera aussi des crashs avec certains composants pour cause d'incompatibilité avec le BG2 FixPack (notamment la Passe du Petit Croc).
Administrateur en charge de la technique et de la rubrique Neverwinter Nights - Modérateur du Bazar de l'Aventurier et de Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition
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Adepte de Grondemarteau
Orbe ancien
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Enregistré le : sam. 23 avr. 2011, 00:26
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Message par Freddy_Gwendo »

Du coup, tu changes ta question et ta liste de mods !

Ma première réponse ne concernait que le correctif de la Couronne et BG2 Fixpack. ;)

Comme le souligne Anomaly, le problème de Tactics est identique à celui d'Ascension : il écrase des fichiers.
Si la question d'Ascension a été quasiment résolue par le BP (à moins d'être maso, autant installer la version Ascension de BP ;) ), l'installation de Tactics pose problème et n'est pas compatible avec de nombreux mods et notamment Stratagems qui reprend bon nombre de ses composants.

En théorie, si tu installes Tactics, BP et Stratagems (attention à leur cohabitation), l'ordre préconisé par le BWP est le suivant :

- Patch correctif des textes pour Baldur's Gate 2 (et ToB)

- Throne of Bhaal Extender (TobEx) Beta 0026

- The Undying v2.11 (1)
This mod must be installed in two steps!
The components "Smarter Enemies" and "Harder Enemies" are overwriting files instead of patching them and thus must be installed before BG2 Fixpack.
The Undying must be installed after Spellpack because it changes SPWI231A in a way that otherwise the Spellpack component Hypnotic Pattern cannot be installed anymore.

Install Component 0 ["The Undying" Mod (Requires Throne of Bhaal)]? [N]ot Install
Install Component 1 [Smarter Enemies]? nstall
Install Component 2 [Harder Enemies]? nstall

- BG2 Fixpack v10

- Shards of Ice v5

- The Undying v2.11 (2)

Install Component 0 ["The Undying" Mod (Requires Throne of Bhaal)]? nstall
Install Component 1 [Smarter Enemies]? [N]ot Install
Install Component 2 [Harder Enemies]? [N]ot Install

- Big Picture v1.81 (1)

This mod must be installed in two steps!
All the tactical challenges and also the Ascension components must be installed here because of their dependencies with other mods. However, all the AI components should be installed nearly at the end and particularly after SCS.

Install Component 700 [Mind Flayers]? [N]ot Install
This is the improved version of the original Tactics component. This function is also included in the Sword Coast Stratagems mod. Don’t install both of them.

Install Component [Vampire Encounters]?
Only components 2, 4, 6 and 7 without Bodhi are compatible with the Tactics or SCS component Improved Bodhi
1030 1] Chapter 3 (w/ bodhi)]?
1040 2] Chapter 3 (no bodhi)]?
1050 3] Chapter 6 (w/ bodhi)]?
1060 4] Chapter 6 (no bodhi)]?
1070 5] Chapter 3 and 6 (w/ bodhi)]?
1080 6] Chapter 3 and 6 (no bodhi)]? [6]
1090 7] Generic Vampires Only]?

Install Component 1100 [Copper Coronet and Slavers]? nstall
This is the improved version of the original Tactics component.

Install Component 1110 [Kensai Ryu's Brown Dragon]? nstall
This is the improved version of the original Tactics component. It is also included in Deeper Shadows of Amn. Only one can be installed.

Install Component 1120 [Kensai Ryu's Improved Crypt King]? nstall
This is the improved version of the original Tactics component. No overlap with SCS.

Install Component 1175 [Kensai Ryu's Gnome Fighter/Illusionist in the Docks]? nstall
This is the improved version of the original Tactics component. No overlap with SCS.

Install Component 1225 [Improved Kangaxx Encounter, by Kensai Ryu]? nstall
This is the improved version of the original Tactics component. This component is also included in Deeper Shadows of Amn. Only one can be installed.
This component overlaps with the SCSII component "Spellcasting Demiliches"

Install Component 1250 [Kuroisan the Acid Kensai, by Westley Weimer]? nstall
This is the improved version of the original Tactics component. No overlap with SCS.

Install Component 1275 [Gebhard Blucher's Lich in the Docks]? nstall
This is the improved version of the original Tactics component. No overlap with SCS.

Install Component 1300 [Mae Var]? [I]nstall
This is the improved version of the original Tactics component.

Install Component 1400 [Improved Random Encounters, by Gebhard Blucher and Kensai Ryu]? [I]nstall
This are the combined and improved components “Gebhard Blucher's Random City Encounters” and “Kensai Ryu's Random Wilderness Encounters” from the original Tactics mod.

Install Component 1425 [Red Badge, Poison-Based Encounter, by Westley Weimer]? [I]nstall
This is the improved version of the original Tactics component. No overlap with SCS.

Install Component 1450 [The Ritual, by Westley Weimer]? [I]nstall

Install Component 1525 [Improved Small Teeth Pass, by Kensai Ryu]? [I]nstall
This is the improved version of the original Tactics component. No overlap with SCS.

- Tactics v25 152

Most components are skipped if you install Tactics together with Big Picture.

SKIPPING 0 [Improved Ilyich (requires ToB)]? [N]ot Install
Don’t install this component togehther with Improved Dungeon from Revised Battles
This component conflicts with BG Trilogy (BGT).
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod..

SKIPPING 1 [The Ritual (requires ToB)]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod..

SKIPPING 2 [Improved TorGal and De'Arnisse Keep]? [N]ot Install
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod..
There is a remixed version "Improved d'Arnise Keep ("Tactics Remix")" in SCSII.

Install Component 3 [Improved Sahuagin City]? [I]nstall
There is a similar, but weaker component in the Mod SCSII.

SKIPPING 4 [Improved Bodhi]? [N]ot Install
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod..
There is a remixed version "Improved Bodhi (Tactics Remix)" in SCSII.

SKIPPING 5 [Improved Irenicus]? [N]ot Install
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod..
This component overwrites the improvements to Irenicus made by the "Smarter Mages" component of SCS II. If you want Tactics Irenicus, install that component (before SCS II) - the rest of "Smarter Mages" will still work.
There is a remixed version "Improved battle with Irenicus in Spellhold" in SCSII.

SKIPPING 6 [Improved Guarded Compound in the Temple District]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod..

SKIPPING 7 [Improved Twisted Rune]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod..

SKIPPING 8 ["Kuroisan", the Acid Kensai]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.

SKIPPING 9 ["Red Badge" Poison-Based Encounter]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.

SKIPPING 10 [Gebhard Blucher's Improved Mae'Var]? [N]ot Install
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.
This component is incompatible with SCS II's "Smarter Mages". Only install one of them.

SKIPPING 11 [Gebhard Blucher's Lich in the Docks]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.

SKIPPING 12 [Gebhard Blucher's Improved Demon Knights]? [N]ot Install
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.
This component overlaps with SCS II's Improved Fiends component

SKIPPING 13 [Kensai Ryu's Tougher Kangaxx and Guardians]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.
This component overlaps with SCSII's "Spellcasting Demiliches" component

SKIPPING 14 [Kensai Ryu's Gnome Fighter/Illusionist in the Docks]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.

SKIPPING 15 [Kensai Ryu's Improved Crypt King]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.

SKIPPING 16 [Ishan's "Always Toughest Random Spawns in Dungeons"]? [N]ot Install
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.
This component is included in the component SCSII "Increase difficulty of level-dependent monster groupings". Only one can be installed.
SKIPPING 17 [Gebhard Blucher's Random City Encounters]? [I]nstall

SKIPPING 18 [Kensai Ryu's Random Wilderness Encounters]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.

SKIPPING 19 [Improved Undead]? [N]ot Install
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.
This component is probably not 100% compatible with SCS II. If you want to try it anyway, it will need to be installed after SCS II.

SKIPPING 20 [Improved Golems]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.
This component is incompatible with SCS II's "Improved Golems". Only install one of them.

SKIPPING 21 [Gebhard Blucher's Improved Mind Flayers]? [N]ot Install
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.
This component corresponds to the SCSII component “Smarter mind flayers”. Only one can be installed.

Install Component 22 [Smarter Dragons in SoA]? [N]ot Install
This component corresponds to the SCSII component “Smarter Dragons”. Only one can be installed.

SKIPPING 23 [Smarter Beholders]? [N]ot Install
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.
This component corresponds to the SCSII component “Smarter Beholders”. Only one can be installed.

SKIPPING 24 [Kensai Ryu's Smarter Vampires]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.

SKIPPING 25 [Slightly Smarter Mages and Liches]? [N]ot Install
This component corresponds to the SCSII component “Increase difficulty of level-dependent monster groupings”. Only one can be installed.

Install Component 26 [Fighter-Class Archer Kit]? [N]ot Install
This kit should be installed AFTER "Ashes of Embers - Unique weapons (bolas and katars)“ and AFTER "Rogue Rebalancing - Proper dual-wielding implementation for Thieves and Bards".

Install Component 27 [Anti-Paladin Kit]? [N]ot Install
This kit should be installed AFTER "Ashes of Embers - Unique weapons (bolas and katars)“ and AFTER "Rogue Rebalancing - Proper dual-wielding implementation for Thieves and Bards".

SKIPPING 28 [Göran Rimén's Improved Nymphs]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.

SKIPPING 29 [Kensai Ryu's Improved Copper Coronet]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.

Install Component 30 [SimDing0's Improved Oasis]? [N]ot Install
This component is replaced with the Improved Oasis II from Ding0's QuestPack v2.3

SKIPPING 31 [Mike Barnes' Improved Small Teeth Pass]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.

Install Component 32 [Mike Barnes' Improved North Forest]? [I]nstall
Install Component 33 [Mike Barnes' Marching Mountainse]? [I]nstall

Install Component 34 [Slightly Tougher Demons]? [N]ot Install
This component is included in the component SCSII "Increase difficulty of level-dependent monster groupings". Only one can be installed.

SKIPPING 35 [Tougher Druid Grove)]? [N]ot Install
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.
This component may or may not be compatible with SCS II's "Smarter Priests". Try at own risk.
The Faldorn part ovelaps with SCS II's Improved Faldorn

SKIPPING 36 [Tougher Fire Giants]? [I]nstall
Skipping Component installation - already included with Big Picture mod.
This component appears to be compatible with SCS II's "Improved Fire Giant Temple"

Install Component 37 [Streamlined Trolls]? [I]nstall
This component ist compatible with the SCSII component "More resilient trolls"!

With this mod you can add 2 fighter kits to the game. Note: These kits should be installed AFTER the "Ashes of Embers - Sensible weapon restrictions" components and AFTER the "Rogue Rebalancing - Proper dual-wielding implementation for Thieves and Bards" component. The BiG World Installpack will handle this correctly for you.

- Sword Coast Stratagems v28 --> Stratagems

Compatibility between Tactics and SCS depends on the components.

- Big Picture v1.81 (2)

Dernière chose : AVANT d'installer tes mods, n'oublie pas de les désarchiver, puis d'installer le BWP Fixpack qui vérifie quels répertoires de mods sont présent et va patcher leurs fichiers si nécessaire pour régler des problèmes de compatibilité ou bien leur appliquer certains fixes en attendant leur mise à jour. D'ailleurs, le répertoire Tactics du BWP Fixpack contient 10 procédures de patch.
Sinon, la page 308 du guide d'installation te donne le WeiDU.log qui installe tous les mods couverts par le BWP.

Quant à l'area AR1800, je n'ai trouvé qu'une référence dans le BWP, mais elle concerne un mod espagnol. Il est toutefois possible qu'elle soit patchée dans le BWP Fixpack.

:!: Encore une fois, comme je ne l'ai plus installé depuis un bail, tout ceci est théorique. Je me suis contenté de suivre la doc du BWP. Libre à toi de la consulter pour sélectionner les composants de Tactics que tu souhaites installer.

Mais n'oublie-pas que tu l'installes à tes risques et périls !
CARPE DIEM...Co-modérateur de La Forge et de La Chambre des Scribes
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Prof Errata
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Enregistré le : jeu. 03 sept. 2009, 19:02
Localisation : La Roche-sur-Yon
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Message par Prof Errata »

Cher Freddy,
J'ai donc lu en détail l'installation que tu proposes et donc procédé ainsi, pour un parcours de test:
1 correcfrbg2
2 bg2 fixpack
3 Tactics avec l'unique installation de la Forêt du Nord (n°32)
4 shards of ice
5 the undying
(Détail: le nouveau tp2 modifié proposé - à vérifier - provoque une non-installation du mod Tactics).
Je procède à une vérification en lançant une nouvelle partie, puis en envoyant via la console Imoen et le protagoniste dans la zone AR1800: ça marche, pas de plantage. Bon, apparemment ton ordre d'installation semble valable, même si à la fin je n'installe que les composantes de BP similaires à celles de Tactics.
Merci encore !

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