[BAM] Sortie de Bam Resizer v8

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Adepte de Grondemarteau
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Enregistré le : sam. 23 avr. 2011, 00:26
Localisation : Égaré dans un vortex entre Féérune et le Royaume de Diamant Éternel
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[BAM] Sortie de Bam Resizer v8


Message par Freddy_Gwendo »

Sam vient de publier une mise-à-jour de Bam Resizer (v2.1 alpha), un utilitaire utilisant des scripts python permettant de réduire automatiquement la taille des fichiers bam.

Il corrige deux bugs évoqués [THREAD=26511]ici[/THREAD]. Vous pouvez le télécharger .

@Graoumf ou Isaya: vous pourriez sans doute l'inclure dans la liste des outils du premier message, merci. ;)
CARPE DIEM...Co-modérateur de La Forge et de La Chambre des Scribes
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Message par Isaya »

Sam vient de rendre publique une nouvelle version de BAM Workshop patchée par Erephine et par lui-même, avec les modifications suivantes :
=== BAM Workshop I UNOFFICIAL PATCH notes ====> (Erephine)
- Background and shadow colours are no longer
reset on file load (preserving saved colours)
- Editing of background and shadow colours
enabled from palette editor
- Offset edit boxes now correctly accept '-' signs
typed into them
- Ability to set shadow (second entry) colour when
exporting to .gif (change via SetExportCol.exe)
- Keyboard shortcuts added for frame/sequence navigation
and common commands
- About page updated to reflect current version> (Sam.)
- Small graphical glitch fix by Sam.
- Included source code for SetExportCol.exe
De même, il a sorti une nouvelle de BAM Resizer, un outil pour convertir les animations de Planescape:Torment vers les autres jeux (celles de PST ont une taille plus importante) :
Version History:

v1.5 (17 February 2003)
* Latest release on PPG

v2.1 (13 October 2013)
* Implemented Avenger_teambg's end main() and resizeFrame() fixes from <http://forums.pocket...ic,28376.0.html>
* Fixed a bug in compressFrame() that caused pixel row misalignment in BAM frames after resize under some circumstances.

v2.2 (11 January 2014)
* Width and height resizing is decoupled to allow specifying separate values. Use "-p" to scale width and "-q" to scale height. Whichever ones not specified will default to 75%.

v2.3 (19 January 2014)
* Value of -q (height) now defaults to the -p (width) value (instead of 75%) if it is otherwise unspecified.
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Adepte de Grondemarteau
Orbe ancien
Messages : 5877
Enregistré le : sam. 23 avr. 2011, 00:26
Localisation : Égaré dans un vortex entre Féérune et le Royaume de Diamant Éternel
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Message par Freddy_Gwendo »

Sam continue d'améliorer Bam Resizer. La version 2.8 permet entre autres d'affiner les réglages, offre plus de formats d'exportation et devrait permettre de travailler sur la transparence (à tester...).
v2.4 (18 March 2015)
  • Fixed a bug in the frame offset calculations of negative numbers.
  • Added option to not recalculate (scale) frame offsets with resize. ['-n' or '--norecalcoffset']
  • Added option to modify (either increment or decrement) x and y offsets by a positive or negative number. ['-x NUMBER' or '--modxoffset NUMBER'] and ['-y NUMBER' or '--modyoffset NUMBER']
  • Added option to set x and y offsets to a positive or negative number. ['-s NUMBER' or '--setxoffset NUMBER'] and ['-t NUMBER' or '--setyoffset NUMBER']
  • Compiled into self-contained EXE.
v2.5 (16 June 2015)
  • Added option to pad the frames (with transparent pixels) before resizing them to ensure the resized dimensions and offsets are uniform. This eliminates frame 'twitching' when resized. ['-u' or '--unify']
  • Added option to trim the padding (transparent pixels) from the frames after resizing them. This is the opposite of --unify. ['-t' or '--trim']
  • Removed option to not recalculate (scale) frame offsets with resize. ['-n' or '--norecalcoffset']
  • Modified the option to set the y offset to a positive or negative number to use ['-v NUMBER' or '--setyoffset NUMBER'] instead of ['-t NUMBER' or '--setyoffset NUMBER']
v2.6 (20 June 2015)
[*] Improved handling of very small frame dimensions (<= 1 px).
[*] Added undocumented ['-d' or '--debug'] option to print some debug information to console.

v2.7 (22 June 2015)
  • Updated Python to v2.1.3, updated PyWin32 to Build 151, and upgraded the Python Imaging Library to v1.1.5.
  • Included installers for the above plus PyInstaller for posterity.
  • Included the entire PIL with BAM Resizer.
  • Added option to export the frames as BMPs. ['-e' or '--export']
  • Fixed several bugs in how input Options were processed.
  • Unify and Trim options are now ON by default and require a second parameter when specified: ['-u VALUE' or '--unify VALUE'] and ['-t VALUE' or '--trim VALUE']
  • Unify can now pad the frames until they are square by setting the option's value to 2. ['-u 2' or '--unify 2']
v2.8 (06 July 2015)
  • Fixed a bug in how unify was implemented when set to square.
  • Fixed a bug where frames were being exported before being resized, not after.
  • Fixed several more bugs in how input Options were processed, resulting in them being applied in a more logical order.
  • Added option to export frames in the basic format indicated by FORMAT: ['-e FORMAT' or '--export FORMAT'] Examples include "bmp", "png", and "gif". Default is do not export.
  • usage.txt documentation included.
CARPE DIEM...Co-modérateur de La Forge et de La Chambre des Scribes
Moddeur qui s'arrache les cheveux...

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