Si tu pouvais t'occuper de ces quelques lignes ou m'expliquer comment trouver ces textes. Je suis en pleine relecture, ensuite Elisabeth me corrigera (les fautes hein), du coup tu peux attendre un peu pour la relecture.jazira a écrit :Voici les lignes pour lesquelles j'ai besoin d'aide.
dw_iwdspells_divine.traspell.traCode : Tout sélectionner
@2="It cannot be cast by good-aligned characters." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: this must *exactly* match the sentence in the description of Cause Light Wounds in your language with this English translation. @3="It cannot be cast by good-aligned characters." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: this must *exactly* match the sentence in the description of Cause Moderate Wounds in your language with this English translation. @4="Cause Medium Wounds cannot be cast by good-aligned characters." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: this must *exactly* match the sentence in the description of Cause Medium Wounds in your language with this English translation. @5="It cannot be cast by good-aligned characters." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: this must *exactly* match the sentence in the description of Cause Serious Wounds in your language with this English translation. @6="It can be cast only by evil-aligned characters." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: this must *exactly* match the sentence in the description of Cause Critical Wounds in your language with this English translation. @7="It can only be cast by evil-aligned characters." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: this must *exactly* match the sentence in the description of Cause Serious Wounds in your language with this English translation.
Code : Tout sélectionner
@500 = ~someone comes too close~ // note to translators: this must be the exact string used in the Symbol spell description @501 = ~an opponent comes too close~ @502 = ~all those within the area~ @503 = ~all enemies within the area~ @1100="This reverses any previous life energy level drain of the creature by a force or monster." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: must be exact string from description of 'Lesser Restoration' spell @1101="This reverses any previous life energy level drain of the creature by a force or monster." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: must be exact string from description of 'Greater Restoration' spell @1102="This reverses any previous life energy level drain of the creature by a force or monster, and restores lost ability score points from sources such as the strength-draining touch of a Shadow or the thought-devouring attacks of a Mind Flayer." @41000="It cannot be cast by evil-aligned characters." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Must match the exact string in the description of IWDEE Cure Critical Wounds @41001="It cannot be cast by evil-aligned characters." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Must match the exact string in the description of IWDEE Mass Cure Light Wounds @41002="It cannot be cast by evil-aligned characters." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Must match the exact string in the description of IWDEE Heal @41003="It can only be cast by evil-aligned characters." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Must match the exact string in the description of IWDEE Harm
EDIT : Je voulais t'envoyer un message privé mais ta messagerie est pleine alors je te poste ça ici.
"Coucou Freddy,
Par hasard aurais-tu un discord, skype, etc... que nous puissions discuter de vive voix, j'ai pas mal de questions techniques mais ce n'est pas pratique de les poser par écrit sur un forum.
Ou par chat au pire."