WM: Tale of Our Lady Dreamless (IWDEE) now available!

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Adepte de Grondemarteau
Orbe ancien
Messages : 5877
Enregistré le : sam. 23 avr. 2011, 00:26
Localisation : Égaré dans un vortex entre Féérune et le Royaume de Diamant Éternel
Statut : Hors ligne

WM: Tale of Our Lady Dreamless (IWDEE) now available!


Message par Freddy_Gwendo »

There are many places marked by the bitter taste of loss and death. A frozen pond, known as the Pond of the Drowned, is one such place. It screams, begging for change. Will you be the one to bring peace to that snow-covered place... or will you cause even more pain?
The mod adds a new small quest to Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition. To start it, follow the main quest. Once you find a certain book, a new worldmap area will be discovered. Visit it once you're ready.

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