G3: BG1 Romantic Encounters updates to v4.2 with Tutu bugfix!

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G3: BG1 Romantic Encounters updates to v4.2 with Tutu bugfix!


Message par Freddy_Gwendo »

The Gibberlings Three

bg1re, the Baldur's Gate version of the popular Romantic Encounters mod, adding several encounters and quests all over the game, aims at populating the game with romantic encounters, intense dialogues, unexpected private dinners, romantic traces of long lost times, and real quests that all deal with true love, fulfilled or unfulfilled.
The mod installs on BG w/TotSC, Tutu, BGT, BGEE, and EET.

v4.2 fixes an install error for Tutu.


Fixed Tutu install error for component "Duke Eltan's Spare Minute"

Learn more about the mod | Readme | Visit the Forum | Download

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