G3: BG1NPC updates to v24.9 with revised Russian version and bugfixes!

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G3: BG1NPC updates to v24.9 with revised Russian version and bugfixes!


Message par Freddy_Gwendo »

Gibberlings Three

BG1NPC Project

This mod expands on the depth of character and levels of interaction with the NPCs from the BG game. When BG2 was released, one of the major improvements in many peoples' eyes was the increased level of interaction one could have with the party members. This mod was developed to allow BG players a similar experience. NPCs in your party now have banters with the PC, with each other, and small side-quests of their own.

Version 24.9 comes with a revised Russian version and a bugfix!


Tiax no longer leaves in anger although his quest was solved to his liking.
Russian translation revised and corrected (wrong format for some files).
Added bg1npc.ini to support ALIEN's Project Inifnity. *

Read the Readme | Project Page | Mod Forum | Download BG1NPC at G3 | Download at G3 GitHub Mirror

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