SHS: Hubelpot the Vegetable Merchant NPC mod updated to v2.0.0

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SHS: Hubelpot the Vegetable Merchant NPC mod updated to v2.0.0


Message par Freddy_Gwendo »

Spellhold Studios

The Hubelpot the Vegetable Merchant NPC mod (from BobTokyo and SConrad) has been updated and is now available with macOS and Linux support.

This mod adds the Vegetable Merchant Hubelpot Thistledown to the game. He is a joinable druid-NPC. You can find him in Enge's fruit and vegetable shop in Waukeen's Promenade. Hubelpot is by default a Totemic Druid, and his two optional kits have been re-enabled: the Village Druid for those who want something a bit different, and the Vegetable Farmer for those who want a powerful kit with high comic relief value. Hubelpot features around 30 banters (He interacts with every Bioware NPC except Sarevok) and one quest with an unusual reward.

Version 2.0.0 is ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible and comes with many fixes and improvements.

Read the Readme | Visit the Mod Forum | SHS Download Center | SHS official GitHub alternate download center

Change log:
  • Added hubelpot metadata file (including Dynamic Install Syntax) to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
  • Renamed Setup-Hubelpot.tp2 -> hubelpot.tp2 and moved it into mod top folder to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
  • Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
  • Added `VERSION` flag.
  • Added `README` command in tp2.
  • Added `HANDLE_CHARSETS` function to convert string entries for EE games.
  • Added missing `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.
  • Added components `DESIGNATED` numbers and "hubelpot_npc_totemic_druid", "hubelpot_npc_village_druid", "hubelpot_npc_vegetable_farmer" and "hubelpot_alternate_portrait" `LABELS`.
  • Externalized tp2 code into "main_component.tpa" library for more comfortable readability and maintenance.
  • Commented code as much as possible.
  • Added native BG2:EE and EET compatibility.
  • Rewrote install procedure to use WeiDU's built-in `HANDLE_AUDIO` function.
  • Made the three available kits subcomponents of the main component: Re-enabled the Vegetable Farmer kit (disabled as of version 1.0). ;)
  • Added a brand new optional component to install an alternate portrait from Enkida (thanks Austin!).
  • Converted inventory BAMs to EE: This feature attempts to modify traditional inventory BAMs so that both the large and small icons are utilized by the EE games. The inventory BAM must have two sequences, the first containing the "large" inventory icon frame and the second containing the "small" inventory icon frame to be processed. Inventory icon BAMs in the bam folder that meet these requirements are patched and saved back to the override folder.
  • Fixed bam files: fixed frames coordinates and palettes.
  • Kits:
    • Re-enabled and fixed all optional Druidic kits.
    • `ADD_KIT` process: added missing lower kit strref.
    • Spell and item abilities: fixed wrong opcode settings when accurate (Timing mode: Delay/Permanent replaced with Instant/Permanent until death. Dispel/Resistance: Not dispel/Bypass resistance replaced with Natural/Nonmagical...).
  • Included BWP Fixpack patches:
  • FATESP.dlg: replaced the buggy dialog update process (`REPLACE_TEXTUALLY`) with a more elegant one that actually displays the strref related to Hubelpot Druidic Kit, which solves this annoying bug. Now, Hubelpot recall will be displayed before Imoen.
  • sc#hubquest.d: included Austin fix to resolve the bug when gold could remain in the inventory after the quest (added `TakePartyItem("SC#HuGl")` action).
  • sc#hub25.d: included Austin fix to resolve a dialog bug with Solar in the Pocket plane by renaming SC#Hub25J.d to SC#Hb25J.d.
  • Fixed possible incompatibilities with other mods also patching AR0707 script: included Argent77's fix. Moreover, AR0707.bcs will always be patched in addition to whatever the script of AR0707.are is called.
  • pdialog.2da and interdia.2da: fixed wrong dialogue names (9 characters) that were appended (replaced SC#Hub25D, SC#Hub25J, SC#Hub25P and BSC#Hub25 with SC#Hb25D, SC#Hb25J, SC#Hb25P and BSC#Hb25).
  • No longer overwrites demmag.cre (Dracandros), but patches it with WeiDU's built-in `ADD_CRE_ITEM` function, and removes AR0530.bcs patch.
  • Provided Hubelpot portraits for EE games, and fixed classic medium portrait.
  • Appended tooltip.2da whenever relevant.
  • Proofread strrefs (Gwendolyne).
  • Fixed token typos: replaced <LADYLORD> with <PRO_LADYLORD> to fix the bug with incorrect gender reference to `<CHARNAME>` if another NPC started the dialog (Austin).
  • Updated setup.tra file for compatibility with `GW_UPDATE_ITM_DESCRIPTION_TO_EE` WeiDU function requirements which automatically removes usability restrictions for EE games.
  • Mod Traified. Feel free to provide me with translations. I will include them as soon as possible.
  • Updated deprecated modding tools links.
  • Re-formated, updated and renamed readme file to "hubelpot-readme-english.html", then moved it into new "readme" folder.
  • Removed unused files and backup folder.
  • Renamed "sc#hub" top-folder to "hubelpot" and reorganized mod architecture tree: created or renamed folders to sort files according to their types.
  • Lower cased files.
  • Included Linux and Mac Os X versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
  • Updated OggDec to v1.9.7 and added sox v14.4.1 for Mac.
  • Added archive libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv licence info.
  • Updated WeiDU installer to v247.
  • Uploaded mod to official Spellhold Studios GitHub mirror account.

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CARPE DIEM...Co-modérateur de La Forge et de La Chambre des Scribes
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