Code : Tout sélectionner
Notation for slot range: slot/range
where "slot" can be defined as formula: [x,y] means range x to y (inclusive)
CGameAnimationTypeMonster: (0x7002 + ([0x00,0x1f] << 4))/0xd
(0x7004 + ([0x20,0x2f] << 4))/0xb
(0x7000 + ([0x30,0x3f] << 4))/0xf
(0x7003 + ([0x40,0x4f] << 4))/0xc
(0x7002 + ([0x50,0x5f] << 4))/0xd
(0x7003 + ([0x70,0x7f] << 4))/0xc
(0x7005 + ([0x90,0xaf] << 4))/0xa
(0x7007 + ([0xb0,0xbf] << 4))/0x8
(0x7002 + ([0xc0,0xcf] << 4))/0xd
(0x7002 + ([0xe0,0xef] << 4))/0xd
(0x7000 + ([0xf0,0xff] << 4))/0xf
CGameAnimationTypeMonsterOld: (0x7000 + ([0x00,0x1f] << 4))/0x1
(0x7000 + ([0x20,0x2f] << 4))/0x3
(0x7000 + ([0x40,0x4f] << 4))/0x2
(0x7000 + ([0x50,0x5f] << 4))/0x1
(0x7000 + ([0x60,0x6f] << 4))/0xf
(0x7000 + ([0x70,0x7f] << 4))/0x2
(0x7000 + ([0x80,0x8f] << 4))/0xf
(0x7000 + ([0x90,0xaf] << 4))/0x4
(0x7000 + ([0xb0,0xbf] << 4))/0x6
(0x7000 + ([0xc0,0xcf] << 4))/0x1
(0x7000 + ([0xd0,0xdf] << 4))/0xf
(0x7000 + ([0xe0,0xef] << 4))/0x1
J'ai beau savoir utiliser le décalage gauche sur un offset, je patauge un peu sur son utilisation dans un intervalle comme dans cette formule.
Quel est le résultat de (0x7000 + ([0x20,0x2f] << 4))/0x3 ?