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NearInfinity v1.36-20151216
Posté : sam. 19 déc. 2015, 02:22
par Freddy_Gwendo
La dernière version de
NearInfinity vient de sortir et vous pouvez la télécharger au même
Elle apporte de nombreuses améliorations, et des corrections :
Modifications :
- Major overhaul of the datatypes used in structured resources:
- Improved datatype for song reference fields in ARE resources.
- Dynamically changed fields don't cause the selected field to lose focus anymore.
- Changed the combined IDS target/value field into two separate fields which are updated dynamically.
- Improved projectile list fields by combining entries from MISSILE.IDS and PROJECTL.IDS.
- Improved automatic update mechanism of IDS target fields in PRO resources (Enhanced Editions only).
- Many internal changes.
- Added new Tools->Check->For Illegal Strrefs... feature which checks for out-of-range strrefs in game resources.
- Added "Expiry time" field to Item structures in ARE resources.
- BS scripts (user-defined scripts) can be selected in relevant resource reference fields.
- Extended parameter 2 of opcode 58 (Dispel Effects) in Enhanced Editions.
- Updated parameters of opcode 294 (Set Existence Delay).
- Improved descriptions of (unused) value fields in GAM's Variable structures.
- Fixed infinite blocking bug when opening games via bookmarks.
- Fixed a bug which occasionally caused errors in various search routines.
- Fixed a bug in "Secondary projectile" field of PRO resources, which uses a different numbering scheme.
- Fixed Master/Current area field labels in GAM resources.
- Fixed Kit field type in IWD2.
- More bugfixes and improvements.
Posté : jeu. 24 déc. 2015, 01:31
par Freddy_Gwendo
Dites, ça vient de chez moi ou ça rame un tantinet la dernière version, notamment [Ctrl]-[Alt]-X ?
NearInfinity v1.36-20151227
Posté : dim. 27 déc. 2015, 19:53
par Freddy_Gwendo
Et ben non !
Le problème a été réglé dans la dernière version de
NearInfinity que vous pouvez télécharger au même
Elle apporte des corrections et une fonction drag and drop :
Modifications :
- Fixed an annoying issue which caused very long loading or search times (mainly) for SPL or ITM resources.
- Fixed an issue which incorrectly enabled the "Play sound" button for all strings in DLG resources.
- Added drag and drop support for files to the whole Near Infinity window. Dropping the CHITIN.KEY asks the user whether to open the associated game. (Note: Text edit windows, such as used for script, 2DA or IDS resources may block this operation because it interferes with their own drag and drop mechanism. Dropping files onto the resource tree, menu bar or status bar should work reliably however.)
- Added new "Search reference" feature to MUS resources.
- Added more IDS resource entries to the BCS syntax highlighter.
- Changed ARE "Wind speed" field into "Overlay transparency" for all Enhanced Edition games.
- Fixed display of closed door states in Area Viewer for maps with unusual tile index declarations (e.g. in BG2:EE AR0903.WED).
NearInfinity v1.36-20160112
Posté : mer. 13 janv. 2016, 02:45
par Freddy_Gwendo
La dernière version de
NearInfinity est
Elle apporte des corrections et une fonction drag and drop :
Note : Because of a bug in Near Infinity this release won't be detected by NI's own manual or automatic update check. All releases prior to this version (v1.36-20160112) are affected.
Modifications :
- Added spawned actors by INI file to the Area Viewer (currently used by IWD(EE), IWD2 and PST), including separate icons to distinguish them from ARE-based actors.
- SAV resources: Added option to add new internal or external files or replace file entries. Added confirmation when deleting files.
- Added "Edit as text" option and hex edit tab to "unknown file" viewer.
- Improved consistency check for structured resources to reduce the number of incorrectly detected unused data or holes. This improvement should also reduce the number of hits in "Tools->Check->For corrupted files...".
- Fixed an issue with language selections in EET games.
- Various text search functions: Fixed an issue with the wrong line auto-highlighted in text files if the first line in the text file was empty.
- Lots of internal optimizations in structured resources.
- Improved component structure names in VEF resources.
- Fixed a bug in NI's update check routine.
- Several minor fixes.
NearInfinity v1.36-20160214
Posté : lun. 15 févr. 2016, 00:32
par Freddy_Gwendo
La dernière version de
NearInfinity est
Elle apporte de nouvelles fonctions au convertisseur de bams :
Modifications :
- Added "Import/Export BAM session" feature to BAM Converter. You can export or import the current BAM configuration, which includes BAM frames, center coordinates of frames, cycle definitions and/or filter configurations to/from INI files.
- Added option to import or add internal game resources to the BAM Converter in addition to external files.
- Added an "Edit BAM" button to the BAM resource viewer which opens the current BAM in the BAM Converter.
- Added new "Raw" tab to BAM resource viewer which lets you edit BAM data directly.
- Added Save Type bit 25 description (Limit effect stacking) to Effect structures for TobEx installations.
- Added new EE-specific field to effect v2 structures: "Time applied (Ticks)".
- Added option "Show icons in DLG tree viewer" to Options menu. It can be used to disable the icons in front of dialog state and transition nodes in the DLG tree view tab.
- Fixed a side effect of disabling the "Enable transparency" checkbox in the BAM resource viewer which affected the icons displayed in the ITM and SPL viewer.
- Fixed a bug in the BAM Converter which didn't always properly update cycle definitions when you added new frames to the frames list.
- Fixed autoselection in resource list panels of structured resources when typing into the text field.
- Fixed a bug in DLG resources when selecting empty script structures.
- Spelling fix "Detect Illusions" -> "Detect Illusion".
- Several more minor fixes and improvements.
Note : j'ai pris beaucoup de notes pendant son test et je rédigerai à l'occasion un tuto sur les nouvelles fonctions de modification des bam.

Near Infinity v1.37-20160331-devel
Posté : ven. 01 avr. 2016, 19:26
par Freddy_Gwendo
Une dernière version de développement de
NearInfinity est
Une fois n'est pas coutume, je ne vous listerai pas son nouveau contenu.
Pour résumer, Argent77 est en train de revoir toute l'architecture de l'utilitaire pour profiter des fonctionnalités de java 8 (jusqu'à présent, NI était développé sur les versions 6). Il délivre donc des versions de développement.
Celle-ci est la première : :!: pour l'utiliser, vous devez impérativement disposer d'une version de java compatible.
Elle prend en compte SoD mais je vous invite à lire le message du premier lien pour bien comprendre comment l'utiliser, notamment si vous disposez de la version steam de SoD.
Near Infinity v2.0-20160407
Posté : ven. 08 avr. 2016, 04:51
par Freddy_Gwendo
Il y a eu du nouveau depuis une semaine, et du lourd...
Comme prévu, Argent77 a changé l'architecture du programme et l'a adapté à la sortie de la nouvelle extension SoD, ainsi qu'aux versions Stream et GoG.
Vous pouvez télécharger la
dernière version (le lien renvoie vers l'avant-dernière qui est la mise à jour majeure)
NearInfinity v2.0-20160406
- Upgraded code base to be compatible with Java 8. NI won't start with Java 7 or older anymore.
- Added full Siege of Dragonspear support.
- Support of savegame folders "sodsave" and "mpsodsave" (retrieved dynamically from CAMPAIGN.2DA if available).
- An internal design change breaks compatibility with older releases. As stated above it should not be visible to the user. However, changing global options in older releases won't be recognized in this and future releases anymore and vice versa.
- Added support for DLCs in the form of zip archives for Enhanced Edition games. DLC content will be automatically integrated in correct search order. NI can handle multiple DLCs from all supported DLC search directories correctly. Resources from zip archives are read-only. Modified game resources are saved in the game's default override folder. Saving archived versions of the dialog.tlk doesn't work. You can decide to save it somewhere else instead.
- Added list of detected DLC archives in the "Game Properties" dialog if available.
- The Near Infinity Wiki can be opened from the "About Near Infinity" dialog and from a separate Help menu entry (or via shortcut "F1").
- BCS syntax highlighter loads IDS symbols dynamically based on references found in ACTION.IDS and TRIGGER.IDS.
- Improved DLG Tree Viewer: Added syntax highlighting and resref links to triggers and actions.
- BAM Converter: Added GIF import support, which includes static and animated GIFs.
- Improved effect opcode 78 (Disease) for Enhanced Edition games.
- Improved effect opcode 233 (Modify proficiencies) for Enhanced Edition games.
- Edit->BIFF Editor and Tools->Keyfile Cleanup have been disabled because of unsolved issues caused by the internal design change. (I don't know yet how to fix it short of writing a new BIFF Editor.)
- Added option "Include extra folders" to Mass Exporter which exports resources from "Characters", "Portraits" and other extra folders. (Enabled by default.)
- Mass Exporter takes "Ignore Overrides" option into account when exporting resources.
- Restricted "Find selected attribute" option found in structured resources so it doesn't match fields of same name but different meaning anymore.
- Fixed drawing of wall polygons in the Area Viewer that are flagged as "hovering walls".
- Fixed duplicate entries in resource tree if resource of same name exists is extra folder of same name but different location.
- Fixed a bug in the BAM Converter's session export and import routines if the configuration includes a "Replace colors" filter.
- Fixed a bug of missing "ANYONE" entries in IDS target fields in non-Enhanced games.
- Many internal fixes and optimizations.
- And all the changes introduced in the previous development snapshot.
Near Infinity v2.0-20160407
- Added support for language-specific BIFF files in Enhanced Edition games.
- "Find selected attribute" function handles numeric search values correctly.
- Update check dialog: Text in Changelog tab will not automatically be scrolled down anymore.
- Fixed a regression which placed resources into the Override folder even when "??? Folders" option was active.
- Various internal optimizations and fixes.
NearInfinity v2.0-20160408
Posté : sam. 09 avr. 2016, 08:00
par Freddy_Gwendo
Juste un petit
fix téléchargeable
Modifications :
- Fixed a regression which causes read errors when trying to open resources from BIFF files available in main game and zipped SoD archive.
- Fixed a bug of not adding the "Save Type" field to version 1 effect structures in non-Enhanced BG2 installations when TobEx has been detected.
- Fixed a regression of incorrect number detection in attribute search routine.
- Fixed an incorrect field name in ITM resources.
- Slightly improved loading times when opening new games.
NearInfinity v2.0-20160501
Posté : lun. 02 mai 2016, 04:33
par Freddy_Gwendo
La dernière version de
NearInfinity vient de sortir et vous pouvez la télécharger au même
Elle concerne essentiellement des problèmes de compatibilités dus aux nouveaux patches et à la sortie de SoD :
Modifications :
- Added bits 22 and 23 to CRE flags.
- An asterisk denotes the selected weapon in View mode (Items/Spells tab) of CRE resources.
- AddMapNote() and AddMapNoteColor() will display note string as comment in script editor.
- The quick search of the navigation tree now includes resources from extra directories (Movies, Sounds, etc.).
- Fixed a bug which skipped a number of extra directories when searching for resources.
- Fixed a bug in dec/hex/bin array datatypes (as used by the "Unknown" fields or selectable via popup menu) which didn't update modified values.
- Fixed a bug which failed to determine the correct BIFF folders under specific conditions in non-Enhanced games.
- SoD provided as zipped archive will be detected properly even if the game's home folder does not yet exist.
- Several internal optimizations.
NearInfinity v2.0-20160502
Posté : mar. 03 mai 2016, 14:14
par Freddy_Gwendo
Juste un
petit correctif de rien du tout : la dernière version n'affichait pas le répertoire override.
Plutôt gênant, non ?

NearInfinity v2.0-20160521
Posté : sam. 21 mai 2016, 19:38
par Freddy_Gwendo
La sortie de SoD et des nouveaux patches ayant modifié pas mal de choses, voici une nouvelle version de
NearInfinity. Vous pouvez la télécharger au même
Modifications :
- Added option to hide unsupported or unknown resource types and invalid filenames (see Options -> Show Unknown Resource Types).
- List controls in View tabs of various resources will now jump to the first matching entry when typing while the control has focus.
- Updated fields and flag descriptions of various resource structures (which includes several ARE, GAM and PRO structures).
- View tabs of CRE resources can now also display custom portraits from the "Portraits" folder of the game.
- View tabs of CRE resource will display portraits in BAM format, which is used by PST.
- Improved game detection check for SoD.
- Removed Raw tabs from TOH and TOT resources because of internal issues.
- Fixed option "Show Override Files -> In ??? Folders (CRE, SPL, ...)".
- Fixed a bug which prevented result windows from check or search operations to close.
- Fixed a condition which triggered a "Overwrite file" dialog for TIS->PNG conversion even if no files was there to overwrite.
- Fixed filters in Extended Search -> ITM -> Item Ability section not finding matches.
- Some internal test routines and fixes (thanks drakir).
NearInfinity v2.0-20160616
Posté : jeu. 16 juin 2016, 19:55
par Freddy_Gwendo
nouvelle version orientée essentiellement Enhanced. Vous la téléchargez au même
Modifications :
- Added LUA type to text search.
- Added "Find references..." option to 2DA resources.
- Allow unknown or unrecognized game types to be bookmarked.
- Reverted improved SoD game detection because of unintended side effects.
- Fixed a bug in Area Viewer which derived mini maps from ARE filenames instead of WED filenames.
- Fixed search order of DLC archives in EE games (in case you installed more than one DLC).
- Fixed a bug which prevented a number of game resources to load when multiple DLC archives were detected in EE games.
- More internal test routines and fixes (thanks drakir).
NearInfinity v2.0-20160812
Posté : dim. 14 août 2016, 03:16
par Freddy_Gwendo
Quelques nouveaux ajouts pour la
nouvelle version. Vous la téléchargez au même
Modifications :
- Added "Edit as hex number" to context menu for numeric fields in structured resources.
- Added new ITM flag "EE: Adamantine".
- Display map names in addition to area codes in worldmap viewer and labels won't be covered by icons anymore.
- Updated datatype for CRE's "Animation" field: You can open the INI or 2DA resource associated with the selected animation slot if available.
- Updated various fields for effect opcodes 12, 178, 179, 301, 341, 361 and 362.
- Fixed a bug that added Windows-style linebreaks instead of UNIX-style linebreaks to BCS files in certain situations.
- Fixed datatype for setting color ranges to use unsigned numbers (e.g. used for creature colors).
- Fixed decoding of MoveContainerContents() script action.
- Several minor fixes.
NearInfinity v2.0-20161118
Posté : ven. 18 nov. 2016, 17:28
par Freddy_Gwendo
Grâce à Argent77, NI est quasi stable. Cependant, quelques nouvelles modifications peaufinent la
nouvelle version téléchargeable au même
Modifications :
- Added behavior flags bit 6 to PRO resources.
- Added new command line option to enforce a specific game type (execute "java -jar NearInfinity.jar -help" for more information).
- Updated effect opcodes 99 and 342.
- Changed Memorization field type in CRE -> Memorized Spells structure.
- Fixed a bug when adding resources to decompressed SAV files.
NearInfinity v2.0-20170106
Posté : dim. 08 janv. 2017, 03:44
par Freddy_Gwendo
nouvelle version apporte quelques améliorations (conversion des fichiers tis au format EE, gestion des palettes act dans le convertisseur de bams...). Vous la téléchargez au même
Modifications :
- Added a "Properties" feature to BAM and MOS resource viewers.
- Added new color scheme "Monokai" for text files. It may be necessary to reset the selected color scheme for
[INDENT]BCS: Options > Text Editor > BCS and BAF > Color Scheme
GLSL, LUA and SQL: Options > Text Editor > Misc. Resource Types > Color Scheme for GLSL/LUA/SQL[/INDENT]
- Updated exclusion flags of SPL resources. Flag descriptions change depending on selected spell type.
- Improved TIS export into PVRZ-based variant by attempting to preserve relative tileset structure for door regions and extra tiles.
- Improved consistency in PVRZ file generation between BAM, MOS, PVRZ and TIS converters by setting background color to full transparency.
- Improved transparent color detection in BAM V1 decoder.
- Improved ACT palette import routine for BAM converter.
- Improved description of effect "Dispel/Resistance" type 0.
- Improved field names in ARE > Door structures and Vertex structures.
- Improved field names in WED > Overlay Tilemap structures.
- Removed a restriction which prevented NI from referencing BIFF folders outside the current game installation path (relevant only for non-EE games).
- Fixed a condition which prevented NI to provide an option to export BAM resources as compressed BAMs.
- Fixed a bug which prevented loading different PVRZ files of same name, but different locations.
- Several minor bugfixes.
NearInfinity v2.1-20170413
Posté : dim. 16 avr. 2017, 06:07
par Freddy_Gwendo
Argent77 vient de publier une
nouvelle version suite à la sortie de PsT:EE. Elle comporte de nombreux changements très utiles notamment pour les traducteurs.
Vous la téléchargez au même
Modifications :
- Added PST:EE support:
- New opcodes
- New resource type MAZE
- Updated resource types
- Added a new implementation of BCS compiler and decompiler from scratch:
- Full support of all available IE games (EE and non-EE)
- Imposes much fewer restrictions to code formatting
- Added support for decimal (no prefix), hexadecimal ('0x' prefix), octal ('0' prefix) and binary ('0b' prefix) numeric notations
- Allows simple OR expressions for numeric or symbolic parameters (e.g. StateCheck(Myself,STATE_SLEEPING | STATE_STUNNED | STATE_HELPLESS))
- Supports convenience trigger TriggerOverride(O:Object*,T:Trigger*)
- Detects more potential issues
- Greatly increased compiling and decompiling speed
- New submenu Options -> Script compiler contains several compiler-related options
- Improved script editor:
- Improved interactive elements
- Tooltips for identifiers, functions and resources
- Visual markers for errors and warnings
- Greatly overhauled string table editor
- Combines male and female string table (for languages which provide both)
- Greatly reduced loading time
- New export option: as TRA
- A basic undo menu to revert add/remove operations
- Basic syntax highlighting for text strings:
- Highlights tokens and EE-specific color codes
- See related options in menu Options -> Text Editor -> Misc. resource types -> ... for text strings
- Added a DLG -> WeiDU dialog export option.
- Increased performance when adding or removing substructures in structured resources.
- Updated 'Special' parameter of opcode 318 (Restrict item)
- Minor improvements to quick search feature of resource tree.
- File extensions of BAM Converter session files are better handled.
- Updated opcodes 182, 183, 214 and 273.
- Improved opcode 219 parameter types.
- Added new condition "Target's spell state is 'Special'" to opcode 232 (Cast spell on condition).
- Fixed a bug in resources fields which pointed to the wrong UI control after cloning a removable structure.
- Fixed initial state of EE opcode 328 (Set spell state) based on 'Special' parameter.
- Fixed a baldur.lua parsing error if the file contains non-ASCII characters.
- Fixed a bug which prevented opening Enhanced Edition games containing DLC archives.
- Many more bugfixes and improvements under the hood.
Posté : dim. 16 avr. 2017, 09:09
par Isaya
Freddy_Gwendo a écrit :Elle comporte de nombreux changements très utiles notamment pour les traducteurs.
D'après ce que j'ai constaté, il n'y a rien que nous ne puissions déjà faire avec WeiDU (extraire tous les textes en tra, extraire un dialogue) et ensuite avec notepad++ et un highlighter pour le côté édition. Mais cela facilite l'accès puisqu'il n'est plus nécessaire d'apprendre les lignes de commande WeiDU.
La possibilité d'éditer directement les fichiers tlk sera peut-être plus utile aux auteurs de mod voire aux joueurs.
Y a-t-il quelque chose d'autre que j'ai manqué ?
Posté : dim. 16 avr. 2017, 09:30
par Freddy_Gwendo
Pour les dialogues, je n'ai pas encore tout décortiqué. Mais NI devient maintenant un outil facilement utilisable pour les traducteurs qui ne savaient pas utiliser WeiDU. De plus, l'éditeur permet enfin de travailler sur les deux fichiers de dialogue selon la langue choisie.
Je me suis surtout concentré sur le test du compilateur de scripts qui devient vraiment sympa et interactif : par exemple, avec un clique-droit, on peut désormais appeler directement les fichiers ids utilisés dans les lignes de commande.
NearInfinity v2.1-20170416
Posté : dim. 16 avr. 2017, 14:18
par Freddy_Gwendo
Juste quelques corrections de bugs introduits dans l'avant-dernière version :
nouvelle version.
NearInfinity v2.1-20170529
Posté : mar. 30 mai 2017, 06:46
par Freddy_Gwendo
Argent77 vient de publier une
nouvelle version orientée modding. Elle comporte notamment une fonction copier-coller des effets très utile et beaucoup plus ergonomique que la précédente.
Vous la téléchargez au même
Modifications :
- Added a "Properties" feature to PVRZ resource viewer (thanks winterheart).
- New export option for PVRZ resources: to PVR (uncompressed).
- Image to PVRZ converter accepts PVR input files which will be compressed directly without reencoding. (Useful if you want to preserve pixel encoding type that are not supported by NI.)
- Paste operations (from a preceding copy/cut action) will insert removable structures at current selection as opposed to being simply appended as done in previous versions.
- Fixed a bug that prevented new or changed CRE script names from being cached after refreshing the resource tree.
- Fixed erroneous warnings about missing 2DA resrefs triggered by script compiler.
- Marked opcode 322 (AoE evade check) as deprecated.
- General code cleanup and optimizations (thanks winterheart)
NearInfinity v2.1-20170731
Posté : sam. 05 août 2017, 00:29
par Freddy_Gwendo
Quand on aime.... La
nouvelle version ajoute des options aux dialogues et surtout (oui, je sais, c'est mon dada

) améliore encore le convertisseur de bam (si, si, c'est possible et vous n'avez encore rien vu...), sans compter le reste détaillé plus bas.
Vous la téléchargez au même
Modifications :
- Greatly improved PLT resource viewer.
- Show more detailed journal info in DLG viewer.
- More accurate representation of random colors (used by CRE or PRO resources).
- Added new BAM Converter filter "Single frame BAM output" which combines all frames of a BAM into a single frame.
- Fixed incorrect CRE item slot definitions in PST:EE.
- Fixed incorrect "South link" label in WMP resources.
- Fixed a bug that failed to open resource types PVRZ, FNT, TTF and MAZE in non-EE games.
- Fixed a bug where the resource tree failed to detect selection of different resources with identical names.
- Several internal fixes and improvements.
NearInfinity v2.1-20170809
Posté : mer. 09 août 2017, 21:31
par Freddy_Gwendo
nouvelle version corrige quelques bugs. Vous pouvez la télécharger au même
Modifications :
- Removed compiler option "Interactive script and resource names" which could permanently block the application under certain circumstances when opening BCS resources. It's now part of "Autocheck BCS".
- Fixed a bug in the string editor that could produce erroneous results for dialog.tlks that have been unusually structured (found in a number of non-english dialog.tlks of non-EE games).
- Fixed a compiler bug where the script function signature table was not properly cleared when a new game was opened. It could result in unrecognized script actions.
- Restored auto-adding resource from a "Add Copy Of" operation to resource tree.
- ARE Actor flags bit 3 (Override Script Name) is supported by IWD2.
- Added a "Properties" feature to PVRZ resource viewer (thanks winterheart).
NearInfinity v2.1-20170907
Posté : jeu. 07 sept. 2017, 18:04
par Freddy_Gwendo
nouvelle version ajoute de nouvelles définitions d'effets, améliore la fenêtre de visualisation des cartes, corrige un bug rétroactif de visualisation de l'arbre des dialogues et d'autres petits bugs. Vous pouvez la télécharger au même
Modifications :
- Improved autodetection of text encoding in non-Enhanced games. It's currently working for western languages and Polish.
- Area viewer provides overhead icon labels which can be controlled via global viewer settings.
- Updated various resource type fields.
- Updated several opcode parameters.
- Fixed an OSX-specific bug that prevented saving current application settings when using shortcut command-Q.
- Applied hotfix to "Undo" button in DLG viewer which didn't work correctly when external DLG references where involved.
- Several internal fixes.
NearInfinity v2.1-20171027
Posté : ven. 27 oct. 2017, 14:47
par Freddy_Gwendo
nouvelle version introduit de nouvelles améliorations, notamment pour le convertisseur de bam. Vous pouvez la télécharger au même
Modifications :
- Lots of changes in BAM Converter:
- Sets a default output name automatically.
- Adds a list of recently used BAM sessions for quick access.
- Improved feedback when an export operation failed.
- Added filter category to filter names.
- Added new transform filter "Center BAM frames" which expands the dimension of all frames to a fixed size.
- Added new output filter "GIF output" which exports BAM cycles into animated GIFs.
- Added new output filter "Image output" which exports all BAM frames into separate images (PNG or BMP).
- Updated some CRE fields and flag labels.
- Added SPL primary type (school) 'Wild Mage'.
- Updated 'Special' field for opcodes 25, 39, 98 and 213.
- ARE > Song > Reverb uses entries from REVERB.2DA if available.
- Turned list of script states for opcode 282 (Modify script state) into a static list.
- Improved color value selection controls used by opcode 7 (Set color) or 342 (Override creature data).
- Resource types VEF and VVC should not be available for PRO > Area effect > Spread/Ring animation fields.
- Removed BMP type from ITM description image field (not used anymore by recent game patch versions).
- Improved ARE resource reader to prevent errors if Song or Rest Encounter structures are missing.
- Wild Mage kit id won't be displayed as negative value in resource fields anymore.
- Fixed incorrect order when copying and pasting multiple removable structures at once.
- Fixed opcode 140 projectile references being off by 1.
- Fixed auto-comments for several script actions and triggers.
- Many more internal fixes and improvements.
NearInfinity v2.1-20171124
Posté : ven. 24 nov. 2017, 22:57
par Freddy_Gwendo
nouvelle version contient des améliorations graphiques et quelques autres techniques, mais très spécifiques. Vous pouvez la télécharger au même
Modifications :
- Added option to scale the default font sizes of UI controls (Options > Change Global Font Size), which should improve usability on high DPI monitors.
- Switched color selection control, as used by creature colors or effect opcode 7 (Set Color), from slider to list.
- Area Viewer: Use individual color shades for different region types (trap, info, travel).
- BAM Converter: Resize filter supports scaling along individual axes.
- Improved description of PRO area flag labels regarding target selection.
- Improved icon display of SPL and ITM resources in Viewer tabs.
- Reference search should ignore empty CRE script names.
- Fixed a bug that prevented BALDUR.SAV files from being compressed if they contained empty files.
- Various internal fixes and optimizations.
NearInfinity v2.1-20171222
Posté : lun. 25 déc. 2017, 16:49
par Freddy_Gwendo
Petit cadeau de Noël d'Argent77, la
nouvelle version améliore la visionneuse des cartes et utilise une nouvelle méthode pour déterminer la valeur des champs de certains effets, notamment (NI abandonne donc l'utilisation de certaines listes de données statiques pour construire des tables prenant en compte les mods installés). Vous pouvez la télécharger au même
Modifications :
- Cut/copy and paste operations automatically convert EFF V1.0 structures into EFF V2.0 and vice versa if needed.
- Area Viewer: Added setting to disable individual region shades.
- Area Viewer: Added option to specify a custom map zoom factor. Select "Custom" from the combobox list.
- Area Viewer: Containers, doors and regions provide additional info in quick info box and tooltips (e.g. lock/trap state or associated scripts).
- List of codes for CRE > Equipped appearance is determined dynamically based on available game resources. It replaces the (inaccurate) static list from previous versions.
- Extended "Edit as string" option from popup menu for CRE > Equipped appearance field.
- Added ITM to allowed resource types for opcodes 258, 260, 318, 321 and 324.
- Updated several field names in EFF V2.0 structures.
- Some internal optimizations.
NearInfinity v2.1-20180502
Posté : lun. 05 févr. 2018, 21:07
par Freddy_Gwendo
nouvelle version offre de nouvelles commandes et améliore le visionnage de certains champs des fichiers du jeu. Vous pouvez la télécharger au même
Modifications :
- Added option to create zip archives of saved games to the context menu. (Right-click on save folder or related save file in resource tree.)
- Added option to toggle visibility of icon labels in WMP view tab.
- Added option to export WMP map as PNG, including selected overlays.
- Added PST/PSTEE-specific CRE color support.
- Improved list of color location descriptions, used by opcodes 7, 8, 9, 50, 51, 52 and 61, to be more modder-friendly.
- Unhardcoded color field labels for CRE resources in PSTEE.
- Show symbolic names in color fields (found in CRE, PRO and opcode 7) when available.
- Tools > Check for unused files: Added BAM to list of resource types.
- Updated opcode 32 (Raise Dead).
- Updated PRO behavior flags.
- Fixed ground icon not always being displayed in ITM view tab.
- Fixed not setting correct compression type for Tools > Convert Image to MOS (V2).
- Fixed a bug in the script decompiler for actions with multiple signatures, that differ only in the number of string parameters.
Posté : lun. 30 avr. 2018, 21:47
par Freddy_Gwendo
Si certains sont intéressés, je dispose d'une version expérimentale qui permet d'exporter des cartes au format png incluant des éléments (zones de pièges, annotations, entrées...), bien pratique pour illustrer des tutos.
:!: Oubliez ce message : elle a été intégrée dans NI à partir de [post=454952]cette version[/post].
Posté : jeu. 10 mai 2018, 16:35
par Luren
Je viens de tester l'outil de création des bams, et c'est un vrai plaisir comparé à la galère Bamworkshop /DLTCEP ! Que ce soit pour ce qui est de la suppression/ajout de frames et de pouvoir les déplacer facilement, l'affichage des cycles, l'import des palettes prenant en charge le format .act de Photoshop... Merci à Agrent77 et toi Freddy pour le boulot que vous avez fait !
Un truc auquel je pensais : ça pourrait être pratique d'afficher, pour un jeu donné, les mods installés, en récupérant par exemple les infos du weidu.log du répertoire où l'on a pointé le jeu. Que ce soit pour BG ou IWD, je travaille sur plusieurs installations différentes dans lesquelles je teste différents mods, et ce serait pratique de pouvoir afficher en un clin d'oeil (par exemple dans le "Gamme Properties"), les mods installés avec telle installation plutôt que d'aller systématiquement voir le weidu.log, qui n'est pas super lisible...
Posté : jeu. 10 mai 2018, 18:34
par Freddy_Gwendo
C'est surtout l'ami Argent77 qu'il faut remercier.
Je me suis contenté de jouer les poils à gratter en lui demandant d'ajouter des fonctions utiles pour créer et modifier des bams, utiliser des formats de fichiers différents (tu peux aussi charger un fichier bam comme référence de palette...). Ça, c'est la partie la plus valorisante, la moins drôle ayant été de valider chaque nouvelle version en recréant des centaines de fichiers bam test pour s'assurer 1) que le code fonctionnait, 2) qu'il n'introduisait pas de retro bugs.
D'autres fonctions sont dans les tuyaux, notamment depuis que j'ai expliqué à Argent comment convertir les animations PsT pour son mod de construction de golems : il a enfin compris l'utilité des petites fonctions que je lui demandais pour effectuer certaines opérations automatiquement. On n'est donc pas à l'abri d'avoir une nouvelle version du convertisseur lorsqu'il aura du temps à y consacrer.
Quant à ta question, le sujet a été évoqué quand on a travaillé sur la possibilité de remplacer les pions d'échec représentant les acteurs dans les cartes par leurs animations. Un des points à traiter était de s'assurer de l'installation ou non de IA. Malheureusement, il semble que ce ne soit guère possible à faire sans modifier considérablement l'architecture de NI, ce qu'Argent répugne à faire, voulant conserver la philosophie originale de l'utilitaire.
Ceci dit, je peux lui relayer la demande, après tout, dans ce cas, il "suffirait" de lire le WeiDU.log et de le retranscrire en langage courant dans une fenêtre, et non de devoir écrire en dur toutes les modifications introduites dans les fichiers système du jeu.
Ce n'est pas comme la possibilité de créer des bams d'inventaire en lignes de commande ou en fichier bat. Celle-ci, je ne suis pas près de l'obtenir. Et pourtant...
Par ailleurs, la future génération "GUI" de WeiDU te permettra de lire ce genre d'infos facilement :
:!: Édit : j'allais oublier. Ce n'est pas dans la doc, mais le convertisseur a un bug non répertorié : ne pas créer plus de 255 séquences ! La probabilité qu'un moddeur soit assez fou pour le faire est infime, mais ça plantera. Ce n'est pas dû au convertisseur, mais au format BAM.