Ca y est, après des heures et des heures, j'ai mon groupe tendance neutre
Garrick Maître lame Humain CN, for 14, dex 16, con 15 (+6), int 13, sag 8 (-6), cha 15
Épée à deux mains ++, arme à deux mains ++ [Rogue Rebalancing donne normalement +++ à deux armes, c’est une variante]
2 APR (spécialisation mod TA et deux étoiles arme à deux mains Skills&Abilities)
Jaheira demi elfe N, Druide forestier, for 16 (+1), dex 17, con 16 (-1), int 9 (-1), sag 15 (+1), cha 15
Arc +, maîtrise des projectiles +
1.5 APR (item revision -0.5)
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Forest Druid (Revised Base Class)
DRUID: Most druids reside in the regions where soil is nutritious, plant life is abundant and animals thrive. These regions are in many ways the epitome of harmonious ecosystems, and druids often charge themselves with nurturing and defending them. Tall forests are a paradise in many ways: they provide shade from the sun, food and homes for animals and people, and wood for tools. Forests are incessantly under threat of being torn down and subjugated by careless humans and demihumans. Forest druids therefore often live with a constant low-grade paranoia, which informs the stereotype of druids being hostile to civilization.
At 1st level, may summon a Spirit Bear. The HD of the spirit animal increases to match the druid's level at 3rd, 5th, 7th and 10th level.
At 3rd level, may shapeshift into the form of a wolf or a ferret at will.
At 5th level, may shapeshift into the form of a black bear.
At 7th level, may shapeshift into the form of a python or a mountain lion.
At 9th level, may shapeshift into a larger dire wolf instead of a wolf.
At 9th level, the druid become immune to poison.
At 11th level, may shapeshift into a larger grizzly bear instead of a black bear.
At 13th level, may shapeshift into a large wyvern.
At 15th level, gains 10% resistance to damage from cold, fire, electricity, and acid. These resistances increase by another 10% at levels 18 and 21.
WOLF: in wolf form the druid can detect hidden enemies. He can attack 1.5 times per round for 2d4 piercing damage. Successful attacks have a chance to grapple the target, briefly Slowing them; they must make a saving throw to avoid this.
FERRET: in ferret form the druid is hidden from view for up to two rounds. <PRO_HESHE> can use this to escape enemies or move undetected, and can attack once per round for 1d2 piercing damage.
BLACK BEAR: in black bear form, the druid has 19 strength. <PRO_HESHE> can attack twice per round with claws that cause 2d6 slashing damage.
PYTHON: in snake form, the druid can attack with a bite that causes 1d3 damage and poisons the target with similar effects to the Assassin's "Poison Weapon" ability. Additionally, the druid can attempt to constrict around an opponent, briefly paralyzing them if they fail a saving throw.
MOUNTAIN LION: in mountain lion form, the druid can attack twice per round for 2d4 slashing damage. Successful attacks can knock the target to the ground if they fail a saving throw.
DIRE WOLF: in dire wolf form the druid has 19 STR. He can attack 1.5 times per round for 2d6 piercing damage. Successful attacks have a chance to grapple the target, briefly Slowing them; they must make a saving throw to avoid this.
GRIZZLY BEAR: in grizzly bear form, the druid has 20 strength. <PRO_HESHE> can attack twice per round with claws that cause 2d6 slashing damage and, if the target fails a saving throw, and additional 2d4 crushing damage.
WYVERN: in wyvern form the druid can fly over ground-based obstacles like Entangle and Web spells. <PRO_HISHER> powerful claws can rake victims for 2d6 damage and <PRO_HISHER> attacks can poison the target with similar effects to the Assassin's "Poison Weapon" ability. Additionally, the druid can create a powerful gust of wind that acts like a smaller version of a dragon's "Wing Buffet" ability.
Alignment: Must have a neutral (ethical or moral) component of their alignment
Sphere Access (original sphere system): Major: Exploration, Vigor, Animal, Plant, Earth, Water, Air, Light Minor: Life, Knowledge, Thought, Affliction, Fire, Shadow, Astral
Sphere Access (2e sphere system): Major: Minor: CONTINUE
Equipment Use: Armor: Leather, Studded Leather Weapons(max ranks): Club(1), Staff(1), Dagger(1), Spear(1), Dart(1), Sling(1), Short Bow(1), Long Bow(1)
Casting Default: CONTINUE
Branwen humaine N, Prêtre « Watcher of Helm », for 15 (+2), dex 17 (+2), con 16 (+1), int 9, sag 16, cha 9 (-5)
Épée bâtarde ++ [« tank » du groupe armure lourde et pavois (Item revision), enchaîne sur arme et bouclier au niv 3 et 6 (Skill&Abilities)]
1.5 APR (spécialisation mod TA)
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WATCHER OF HELM: Like their deity, Watchers of Helm are stern, dedicated, and loyal, perhaps to a fault. Helm teaches that the right path is not always obvious, but the surest way to the right path is through the execution of duty. As such, watchers of helm strive to do what they must despite the consequences, to themselves or even to others. While othes may suggest that this supposed 'dedication' is nothing more than a fetish, the watcher has no time for such nonsense. They do not have the idle time to question; it is their duty to be ever alert for possible threats to cosmic order.
Watchers automatically gain a proficiency point in bastard , Helm's favored weapon. Fighter clerics do not get this bonus, but they are able to gain mastery with the bastard sword.
Heightened Awareness: +1 bonus to AC and +2 bonus to save vs breath
Can cast Helm's eye as a special ability once per day at 9th level. The watcher gains an additional use at levels 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19. Helm's eye is equivalent to the wizard spell, wizard eye.
Can cast Seeking Sword as a special ability once per day. The Watcher gains an additional use at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.
SEEKING SWORD: This spell creates a sword in the Cleric's hand that cannot be dropped or unequipped. The sword is enchanted as a +4 weapon and provides a +4 THAC0 bonus, but no damage bonus. It deals 2d4 damage to any target it hits. The weapon sets the Cleric's number of attacks per round to 3 and lasts for 1 round per level. While it is equipped, the wielder cannot cast further spells.
Alignment: May be Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, or True Neutral.
Sphere Access (original sphere system): Major: Life, Creation, Destruction, Protection, War, Knowledge, Vigor Minor: Death, Exploration, Thought, Dread, Light, Magic
Sphere Access (2e sphere system): Major: Protection, Combat, Divination, Wards, Law, Sun Minor: Healing, Creation, Travelers, Thought
Multiclass: Fighter/Clerics
Equipment Use: Armor: Leather, Studded Leather, Chain, Plate Weapons(max ranks): Club(1), Staff(1), Hammer(1), Mace(1), Flail(1), Dagger(1), Short Sword(1), Long Sword, Bastard Sword(2), 2 Handed Sword(1), Halberd(1), Spear(1), Sling(1), Crossbow(1)
Casting Default: Non-Spontaneous
Eärenduil Bretteur elfe CN, for 18, dex 19, con 16, int 11, sag 8, cha 15
Épée longue ++ [enchaîne sur deux armes au niv 3 et 6]
1.5 APR (spécialisation mod TA)
Imoen humaine NB, « rogue archer », for 9, dex 18, con 16, int 17, sag 11, cha 16
Arc ++ [3 ou 4 niveaux en voleur (détection des illusions) puis mage]
2 APR (spécialisation mod TA et Item revision(-0.5))
Viconia elfe NM, prêtresse « darkcloak of Shar », for 10, dex 19, con 8, int 16, sag 18, cha 14
Arbalète +, maîtrise des projectiles +