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[Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : dim. 13 sept. 2009, 10:46
par Galathée
Welcome to you, turnip lover !

In this thread, do not hesitate to tell us about the problems, bugs, suggestions and everything else you would want to share about the Expanded Jan's Quest mod.

We will try to answer your concerns as soon as possible and to the best of our abilities.

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : sam. 03 oct. 2009, 10:02
par Non inscrit
I've installed this mod and have gotten the request for Jan to return home. When he walks upstairs Lissa says, "Are those shoes I ordered in", and that is it. She won't say anything else, so it seems to be a bug.

But yay for this mod! I've always wanted some closure for Jan's quest.

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : sam. 03 oct. 2009, 19:49
par Galathée
Hello and welcome among us !

The sentence you're mentionning is part of the mod "Aurora's Shoes", not from Jan's Expanded Quest.
If the bug you're having happens during Jan's original quest, it is a bug from Aurora's Shoes that has nothing to do with us...
If it happens during the Expanded Quest, in Baervan's Temple, it is from a conflict between Aurora's Shoes and our mod.
Have you installed Aurora's Shoes ? On which map does the bug happen ?
Thanks a lot for the information, so that we can debug the relevant mod(s) !

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : mar. 06 oct. 2009, 17:19
par Non inscrit
I get the same exact thing. It is in the slums district, in Jan's house during the original quest. Is there anything we can do? I figured it had to do with the Aurora mod. Can we install the mods in a particular order?

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : mar. 06 oct. 2009, 22:37
par Non inscrit
Original poster here - it is occuring upstairs at Jan's house, when we first move up there after talking to Jan's mother. Basically Lissa just starts with the shoes comment, and will say nothing else.

This possibly could be fixed since the Shoes mod has been updated. But perhaps they need to be installed in a particular order? At the moment I have the Shoes mod installed after Jan's Quest.

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : mer. 07 oct. 2009, 17:02
par Galathée
Akadis has checked the code from Jan's Expanded Quest and from Aurora's Shoes. Normally, there should not be any conflict between those two mods, technicallywise. The only trouble you'll encounter might be story incongruencies.
So, your bug is probably directly related to Aurora's Shoes, and you should take it to Aurora's Shoes conceptor...
Sorry !

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : mer. 07 oct. 2009, 23:10
par Graoumf
Indeed, here is a post from a player who has the same bug. You can see his weidu.log, and there's no trace of Jan's Extended Quest in it.

The truth is out there... ;)

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : jeu. 08 oct. 2009, 20:31
par Graoumf
Double post to say that Miloch posted a hot fix for your problem. You can download it here. :)

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : mer. 23 juin 2010, 02:25
par Non inscrit

playing the extended quest was fun so far, yet almost at the end it seems to stuck somehow:

I've done the telescope part and got the amor upgrade. I've seen the paladin/thief encounter in the temple and the following discussion.
In the following dialogue with Jan I opted for the 'let's visit Vaelag and decide then' version, got the jump to Vaelag's place and went upstairs.
And there the story ends
Vaelag did not respond to the other party members, but with Jan in sight he called for the guards, yet no guards appear and no further dialogue triggers.
If I try to start a dialogue, he repeats his calling for the guards - and again, nothing else happens.

Any idea how I could convince the game to continue at this point ( like setting a global or such) ?

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : sam. 26 juin 2010, 11:00
par Galathée
Hello... Here is the answer (imperfectly translated) from Akadis :

I will correct this bug in the version 1.4 that I will maybe publish this week-end.

The bug occurs when Jan enters Vaelag's line of sight while Charname does not. To shortcut this problem in version 1.3, you have to bring Charname forward in the room before you move Jan.

We hope it helps ;) !

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : dim. 27 juin 2010, 18:27
par Non inscrit
Thanks for the answer,

I've tried several ways to move / position my team now, and could manage to finish the quest

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : sam. 03 juil. 2010, 22:45
par Graoumf
The mod was updated by Akadis to version 1.4, with the fix of script triggers for Vaelag. :)

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : dim. 22 août 2010, 13:30
par Non inscrit
when i get to the temple of gond none of the priests "have anything to say to me".

when i try to go into the temple the game crashes completely into windows.
it happens instead of the loading screen. i tried reinstalling the fixpack required and the mod but it doesnt help.

i really wanna finish this quest and beat that damn bully up!!

thanks in advance.

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : mer. 25 août 2010, 18:36
par Isaya
I suspect you reached that place with a variable not properly set. You're not supposed to be moving around freely in the area, if it's the one I'm thinking about (a copy of the House of Wonders in Baldur's Gate). You're supposed to be teleported at the end of the dialog. Going through the doors will indeed lead to a crash.

Please use the following command in the CLUA console to get the current value of the variable and tell us the value:

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : jeu. 06 janv. 2011, 15:50
par Nyalee
I have the same problem, the variable is 43 when I'm in the temple. I tried to reload and play the part again where you swap the lenses, but the priests still don't want to talk to me. :(
Can I solve this problem manually with a console command?

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : jeu. 06 janv. 2011, 20:56
par Isaya
Which version of the mod do you use? The latest one, 1.42, is supposed to fix this issue.

In another thread, someone mentioned that setting the variable to 35 while inside the temple (before talking to the priest, I believe) allowed to walk around the problem. That post was made before version 1.42 was released. So this might help you if you have the previous version.
Console command to use:

Code : Tout sélectionner


Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : jeu. 13 janv. 2011, 19:55
par Isaya
It looks like I was mistaken about the variable value. As Akadis confirmed, 43 is used when you visit the temple for the second time (this visit depends on your answer the first time you came).

Akadis uploaded a new version, v1.42b, several days ago, in order to fix this problem. Starting from this version, you are now able to force talk to the male priest, not the high priestess, to trigger the expected dialog in case it doesn't start automatically.
This ability to initiate the dialog is now available for the two visits to the temple.

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : sam. 29 janv. 2011, 16:13
par Non inscrit
Hi guys,

ive got a problem with Jans extendet quest.
I have the latest version of the mod.

I need a telescopic lens in the port replace it with a wrong one. It works. Jan says that it will now go to the priest of Gond. I will then triggered into a room where the priests of Gond (who gave me the job) should be. But nobody wants to say. If I leave the room, crashed BG2.

Have anyone a solution of this problem?


Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : sam. 29 janv. 2011, 16:56
par Isaya
Hi Daniel,

Please read my post above and report the value of the variable I mentioned there.
It looks like your problem is very similar.

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : sam. 29 janv. 2011, 18:06
par Non inscrit
hmm i take the variable 35. Then comes the first dialogue in the temple (find the real telescope and trade it for the wrong). When i take the variable 43 it comes nothing.

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : dim. 30 janv. 2011, 13:02
par Non inscrit
Oh i forgot: the last post was from me, Daniel.

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : dim. 30 janv. 2011, 14:13
par Isaya
Akadis told me it seems there is a mistake in the 1.42b archive, which would make it identical to the 1.42 version, i.e. without the bug fix allowing you to force talk to the priest.

Akadis recently uploaded version 1.42c, which should fix this issue. Please download it and update to the new version. Now you should have the ability to talk to the priest to trigger the next step (I think it's the male priest you need to talk to), if the dialog don't start immediately when you reach the temple.

Re : [Jan's Quest] English version thread

Posté : dim. 30 janv. 2011, 20:56
par Non inscrit
Yeah cool, thx. it works.


Posté : dim. 13 févr. 2011, 10:30
par Zippie68
thanks, that helped me a lot!

Jan Jansen magic weapon in use

Posté : mar. 20 déc. 2011, 13:39
par it-ogo

I play a kind of BWP compilation with Jan's Extended Quest v.1.42c included. And I can not unequip Jan's crossbow nor replace ammo.

Here is one more description of such a problem: ... on-in-use/

Is this a part of mod and is it intended? If not can it be a bug of mod or mod conflicts? Are there any suggestions how to fight it?

Thank you in advance.

Posté : dim. 25 déc. 2011, 22:18
par Isaya
Akadis confirmed that Jan Quest doesn't change anything to Jan creature file and doesn't change anything to his crossbow or his special bolts. At some point, the mod will replace his armor.
The inability to remove the flasher is not intended by the mod. Maybe this is an incompatibility with another mod.
This problem had not been reported here before, so I assume this is something specific to using a mega-installation.

The forum thread you linked to gave some indication on how to proceed to workaround the issue. I'm afraid I can't give more detailed direction.

If you can, please go back to an earlier save where this problem wasn't there and try again. This may be an unstable bug that may not occur again. Did this problem appear while playing the quest? Otherwise it is not likely to be cause by the Jan quest.

Typos in v1.42c

Posté : dim. 12 févr. 2012, 16:45
par hook71
Looked through the tra-files and noticed some typos:

► Afficher le texte

Posté : lun. 13 févr. 2012, 22:35
par Xicloing
@hook71 Wow, thanks for proofreading. 100% agree with all your changes. I will try to update the tra files next week, if nobody gets it done sooner. Xicloing

Posté : jeu. 11 oct. 2012, 13:57
par Nilfalasiel

I've run into a small issue with Jan's Quest. I have version 1.44, which seems to be the latest, installed in English, but it appears that the soundfile for the priest of Gond that you talk to during the quest is still the French one. It's not gamebreaking, and it doesn't cause any bugs, but it feels odd to have him declare "Le plus grand don de Gond est l'inventivité" when everything else is in English.

Could I just remove that particular soundfile, perhaps? If yes, could you tell me which one it is?

Good job on the mod otherwise, Jan's one of my favourite BG2 characters, so I appreciate having some more content for him ^^

Posté : dim. 14 oct. 2012, 04:11
par Akadis
Hello Nilfalasiel,
I suggest rather to set this sound into english (it comes from BG1 and I have a multilingual version). I will put this upgrade in the next version of the mod : v.1.44.1
Until I do that, you can patch your game by unzipping the following file in the 'override' folder of BG2. Then you confirm overwriting of the existing files, and from that moment on the priest of Gond will speak english.