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In need of french version : Help!

Posté : mer. 05 janv. 2011, 13:38
par thisismadness
Hello forums!
I am in dire need of Baldur's Gate 2 in French, I can't find it anywhere on the internet, neither legal way or not. I wan't to learn French and the best way for me is to play games in French, that's the way I learned English. BG2 is the game I know the best so it would be cool if I had it in FR. please help me! :) Is there maybe some patch to change language?

Re : Help!

Posté : mer. 05 janv. 2011, 13:48
par Smidge
You must edit your "baldur.ini" file, and modify the line "Language = ..." into "Langague = French"

Then, you must get "dialog.tlk" and "dialogF.tlk" from a french version (dont know where, neither if it's fully legal), and put them in your baldur's gate main directory (that will erase your english "dialog.tlk")

(Or... you can also join in this forum, and try to post or read in french ^^ )

Re : Help!

Posté : mer. 05 janv. 2011, 15:30
par Lothringen

Re : Help!

Posté : jeu. 06 janv. 2011, 19:18
par Orcslicer
Good luck, in-game dialogs are really complicated most of the times.

Just think about the riddles, even in your own birth language, it's a nightmare, so in french...