Blood and Wine : problème de lancement après l'installation du DLC
Posté : mar. 31 mai 2016, 20:57
Salut, salut.
Bon ben ça y est, DLC téléchargée puisque achetée en même temps que le jeu à l'origine ...
Chouette !
Lancement du jeu, logo Red Engine 3,
Preparing to launch the Witcher 3
et ... patatras = rien !
Bon, blague de Steam surement, vérification du cache
Relancement du jeu, logo Red Engine 3
Preparing to launch the Witcher 3
et ... patatras bis = toujours rien !!
En tout et pour tout, voici la liste obtenue :
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\spells\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\spells\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\spells\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\npc\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\actions\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'GetGradientScale'
Error [content0]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'GetPreviewHeight'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\ability\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.
Le jeu fonctionnait très bien il y a à peine 3 jours et ne se lance plus du tout désormais ....
Suis je le seul dans ce cas ?
Et (surtout) quelqu'un aurait une idée du souci ??
Bon ben ça y est, DLC téléchargée puisque achetée en même temps que le jeu à l'origine ...
Chouette !
Lancement du jeu, logo Red Engine 3,
Preparing to launch the Witcher 3
et ... patatras = rien !
Bon, blague de Steam surement, vérification du cache
Relancement du jeu, logo Red Engine 3
Preparing to launch the Witcher 3
et ... patatras bis = toujours rien !!
En tout et pour tout, voici la liste obtenue :
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\mutations\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\spells\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\spells\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\items\spells\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\npc\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\player\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\actions\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Error [content0]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'GetGradientScale'
Error [content0]game\gui\menus\ Could not find function 'GetPreviewHeight'
Error [content0]game\gameplay\ability\ Could not find function 'MutationHUDFeedback'
Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\ Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.
Le jeu fonctionnait très bien il y a à peine 3 jours et ne se lance plus du tout désormais ....
Suis je le seul dans ce cas ?
Et (surtout) quelqu'un aurait une idée du souci ??