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SHS: Jan's Alchemy uptaded to v8.0.0 with EE compatibility

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SHS: Jan's Alchemy uptaded to v8.0.0 with EE compatibility


Message par Freddy_Gwendo »

Spellhold Studios

The Jan's Alchemy mod has been updated and is now available with macOS and Linux support.

This mod adds Jan's Book of Brewing into the game, a magical tome that will allow Jan to create 8 potions following specific recipes.

Version 8.0.0 includes v7 (by Deratiseur), is ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible, and provides updated French, German and Russian translations.

Change log:
  • Added alchemy.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
  • Renamed Setup-Alchemy.tp2 -> alchemy.tp2 to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
  • Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
  • Restored `VERSION` flag.
  • Replaced `AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT` deprecated command with `README`.
  • Added `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.
  • Added component `DESIGNATED` number and "jan_alchemy" `LABEL`.
  • Fixed infer_charsets variable name in `HANDLE_CHARSETS` function.
  • Added native EET compatibility.
  • alchem1.baf: replaced `CreateItem` action with `GiveItemCreate` and added `DestroyGold` action. Fixed Potion of Mind Shield recipe (2 Potions of Clarity - was 1 - and 2 000 gp - was 1 000).
  • Spl files: removed hard-coded spell descriptions.
  • Jan's Book of Brewing spell (jalchem.spl ) replaced wrong description spell with a more accurate one (was "Spell Immunity" spell description!).
  • EE only: Jan's Book of Brewing use is now restricted to Jan.
  • Potions updates:
    • itm files: hard-coded item unidentified names and descriptions to avoid writing them in installation process.
    • Fixed item descriptions: added missing restriction flags.
    • Fixed wrong Dispel/Resistance effects values : 3 Dispel/Bypass resistance (were 0 Natural/Nonmagical).
    • Fixed wrong duration effects values.
    • Assassin's Gift (potx03.itm): added missing Ranger and Monk restriction flags.
    • Potion of Mind Shield (potx05.itm):
      • Added missing opcode #142 (Display portrait icon): 52 (Mind Shield).
      • Added missing opcodes for a full Immunity to Confusion effects: op#267 (protection from string = 14782 Confused - 14791 Rigid Thinking), op#169 (Immunity Special Effect Icon = 2 Rigid Thinking, 47 Chaos), op#296 Protection from Specific Animation (SPCONFUS).
      • Added missing opcodes for a full Immunity to Fear effects: op#296 (Protection from Specific Animation = CDHORROR), op#240 (Remove Special Effect Icon = 36 Panic), op#106 (Morale break = 1), op#161 (Remove fear), op#23 (Reset moral), op#101 (Protection: from Opcode = 23 Reset), Added op#321 (Remove effects by resource) for EE games (a7!in13b, spwi205, spin105).
      • Added DS value (67 BUFF_PRO_EFFECTS and 106 RESIST_FEAR) for EE games (op#328).
      • Added missing opcodes for a full Immunity to Charm effects: op#296 Protection from Specific Animation (SPNWCHRM), op#267 (protection from string = 8364 Dominated - 14780 Dire charmed - 1476 14672 Charmed).
      • Added missing opcodes for a full Immunity to Hold effects: op#296 (Protection from Specific Animation = SPFLAYER, SPMINDAT), op#101 (Protection: from Opcode = 109 Paralyze, 185 Hold Creature III), op#169 (Prevent portrait icon: 13 Held), op#267 (protection from string = 14102 17404 8823 1473 915 384 340 Held).
      • Added missing opcodes for a full Immunity to Stun effects: op#169 (Immunity Special Effect Icon = 55 Stun), op#267 (protection from string = 1280 Stunned - 14013 Stun).
      • Added missing opcodes for a full Immunity to Sleep effects: op#169 (Immunity Special Effect Icon = 14 Sleep 130 Unconscious), op#267 (protection from string = 14001 Sleep - 20438 Unconscious).
      • Added missing opcodes for a full Immunity to Feeblemindedness effects: op#169 (Immunity Special Effect Icon = 48 Feebleminded).
    • Gatekeeper (potx07.itm): fixed wrong duration effects values (300 - was 360).
    • Heal (potx08.itm): removed Wizard Slayer restriction flag.
  • Updated tra files for compatibility with GW_UPDATE_ITM_DESCRIPTION_TO_EE WeiDU function requirements which automatically removes usability restrictions for EE games.
  • Added foreign languages WeiDU prompts whenever possible.
  • Updated translations (Gwendolyne and Austin).
  • Updated and renamed readme file to "alchemy-readme.txt", then moved it into new "readme" folder.
  • Removed useless "backup" folder
  • Reorganized mod architecture tree: created folders to sort files according to their types.
  • Lower cased files.
  • Included Linux and Mac Os X versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
  • Added archive libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv licence info.
  • Uploaded mod to official Spellhold Studios GitHub mirror account.

Read the Readme | Visit the Mod Forum | SHS Download Center | SHS official GitHub alternate download center

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