SHS: Arath NPC updates to v5 with Russian Translation and Bugfixes!

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SHS: Arath NPC updates to v5 with Russian Translation and Bugfixes!


Message par Freddy_Gwendo »


Arath NPC

Arath is a complex, self-assured, humorous and somewhat hedonistic druid who, on the surface, cares for little else beyond himself and his love for nature. He loves the human form, both male and female, and isn't afraid to be direct about what he wants -- though he's not always successful in getting it, much to his chagrin. He has a passionate hate for aberrations, the undead and anything else that falls beyond the natural scheme of things, and he has some rather complex and occasionally contradictory beliefs.
The mod is compatible with BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, and EET.
Version 5 comes with a Russian translation by Ghyn, a fixed cre file, stackable healing potions, and XP adjustments.
Also, the mod is now available from the official GitHub Mirror.

Arath features:
  • an opinionated, quirky new Druid NPC
  • many banters with BioWare NPCs (3+ throughout SoA/ToB)
  • many talks on a variety of in-game plots and ideas
  • commentary throughout the game on the PC's quest
  • joins during the slaver line of quests in Chapter 2
  • a new quest in late SoA
  • a unique romance spanning SoA and ToB
  • an extensive friendship with any PC not romancing him
  • original portrait by Lady Lesatho
  • original music by theacefes
Changes v5:
  • Russian version by Ghyn added.
  • Corrected Arath's cre file (removed Bhaalspawn Innates and "export allowed" and "been in party" flags; changed stats to specifications in readme).
  • Replaced healing potions in his inventory with normal ones that can be stacked with the others.
  • Arath will receive XP to level to the PC's level upon first joining (up to 3,000,000 XP)

Read the Readme | Visit the Forum | Visit the Mod Page | Download at GitHub

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