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Vous voulez des nouvelles fraîches sur Baldur’s Gate 3 ? Vous souhaitez donner votre avis sur le jeu dans son ensemble ou sur un aspect en particulier ? Vous avez envie de débattre du meilleur compagnon, de la meilleure classe ou encore du moment le plus poignant de l’histoire ? Eh bien, vous êtes au bon endroit !
Adepte de Grondemarteau
Messages : 866
Enregistré le : dim. 25 juil. 2004, 21:28
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Message par Selphira »

Le premier gros patch de BG3 est désormais sorti ! Il corrige et améliore énormément de choses que vous pouvez voir dans la balise spoiler (attention, cela risque vraiment de vous spoiler certains événements du jeu).

Ils indiquent aussi que le patch #2 ne devrait pas trop tarder, et que ce dernier contiendra des améliorations de performance significatives.
Hello everyone,

Today we’re releasing our first major patch for Baldur’s Gate 3, addressing over 1000 bugs, balancing, flow issues and much, much more. Patch 1 is too big for our usual patch notes due to Steam’s character limit, so for the full notes head to this link:

Read the full Patch 1 patch notes (Note: Some of the entries might have spoilers!)

So what can you expect from this update? Well, we’ve eliminated issues like NPCs who sometimes spot you when they really shouldn’t be able to, floating items like mugs and newspapers that should abide the laws of gravity, and the conclusion to Shadowheart’s romance scene not triggering for some players, among others. With expansive systems come many unknowns, so our support team continues to work with you to relay any issues to us. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with further reports.

Patch 1 also tackles a few visual bugs, and sprinkles on more post-launch polish. We’re bringing back Short King Summer with better kissing contact for short races!

You won’t be waiting long for Patch 2, which is right around the corner. This update will feature significant performance improvements - but we’ll go into more detail about that closer to its release.

In the meantime, did you know that collectively you’ve played over 200,000,000 hours of Baldur's Gate 3 since launch? That’s over 22,000 years!

The most popular class choice is currently Paladin, followed by Sorcerer, while the award for least popular class goes to Cleric.

Human and Elf characters reign supreme in Faerûn, followed swiftly and unsurprisingly by Half-Elf. On the opposite end of the spectrum we find Dwarf, Gnome, Githyanki, and Halfling. We get it, they’re not exactly the most ethereal beauties of the Realms but they’d still form a rad metal band.

For now, as we focus on fixes, thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3 and continuing to share this adventure with us.
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