Nouvelle news, annonçant le support sur Mac: ... -mac-os-x/ "The Enhanced Edition will include a variety of Mac OS X specific features, including widescreen and iCloud support." J'y connais rien en Mac, mais ça peut ptet faire des heureux
Pas vraiment une surprise (l'inverse aurait été plus surprenant, puisque le jeu à la base était déjà supporté sur Mac il me semble). Les screens ne révèlent là encore pas grand chose, l'interface est toujours celle de BG2 et donc pas celle sur laquelle ils travaillent.
Un autre post sur leur forum assez intéressant récapitule leur point de vue sur le projet:
We've got a pipeline we need to run content through for approvals, so that limits our throughput on releasing info.
Our vision around BGEE has a few rules and a few goals.
1. Don't break the fun.
2. Fix what is broken. -Multiplayer and UI are top of the list
3. Create the best version of Baldur's Gate possible. - Create new content for the game and work with the creators to curate the community content to make the game better.
I personally like the concept of kicking Throne of Bhall out as a complete original adventure and calling it BG3 (This often came up at Bioware as discussion in hindsight on the series). But, our arrangement is for two products from the existing content. So, ToB is included with BG2.
With regards to rules changes, anything in the original games has already been approved. Any new additions require approval, so we've got to manage the amount of content we can move through the pipeline. We are working hard to prioritize our work to make the best BG we can. The guys we are working with are pretty awesome and the feedback is making our content better, but it does add to our timeline.
"La preuve irréfutable qu'il existe de l'intelligence sur les autres planètes, c'est qu'ils n'ont JAMAIS cherché à entrer en contact avec nous..."
A mort Jaheira ! Je ne cesserai jamais le combat ! Hourra pour Anomen ! Vive lui !