Au cours des recherches d'éléments à incorporer dans le mod Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel, Salomon Kane m'a soumis plusieurs descriptions d'épées saintes qu'il serait intéressant d'introduire.
L'une d'entre elles lui a particulièrement tapé dans l'oeil et il souhaite la créer.
Partant pratiquement de zéro (mais il faut bien commencer un jour), il souhaite la forger de A & Z, et en profiter pour "s'initier à tous les paramètres, champs qui vont intervenir dans le process de création d'item (en particulier les scripts et les bams)".
Cette rubrique est donc dédiée à ce projet parallèle et s'organisera comme une espèce de TP.
Bien entendue, elle est ouverte à tous.
:!: En ce sens, puisque le but du jeu est l'apprentissage, il serait souhaitable que les moddeurs confirmés "se contentent" de diriger ou d'expliciter certains points problématiques, en se gardant dans la mesure du possible de fournir des éléments finis, afin que Salomon et les autres puissent bien appréhender le "pourquoi du comment" de chaque étape.
Description de l'épée :
Bon courage à tous !
Chanter was supposedly brought out of Myth Drannor by a timid sage just recently. This long sword is of elven design and bears the name "Shollindal", an elf known to have been a swordsmith before the Army of Darkness decimated the kingdom.
Its rounded tip and distinctive lozenge-shaped cross section further identify it as coming from the last days before the Dusk, although the tuny pale yellow gemstones (datchas) encircling the pommel are a unique personalizaton.
The famous singing sword combats evil gladly, encouraging others in combat with holy verses of faith, heroism. and valor. Although the verses sung are from the canon of Lathander, any creatures of good alignment within 30 feet of the sword during combat receive the benefits of a chant spell.
They are also resistant to magical fear, gaining a +2 bonus to such saves.The sword is susceptible to magical silence but has a 5% chance per round of "burning through" the silence effect, thereby dispelling it. Upon request, it may also sing in a peaceful situation. This singing improves the effects of faith magic gatherings by 25 percent. For instance 100 worshipers become as effective as 125 for the faith magic spell attempted. If not used for either of these purposes, the singing can instead protect against evil within a 30-yard radius, making it a powerful weapon in a large-scale battle. It is always a +4 weapon when wielded by a paladin .
For a total of seven times, the sword will speak rather than sing. This use is limited only to a single word nd has an effect identical to a dispel evil. The sword cannot be commanded to do this, but will use this ability of its own accord. Fortunately, the sword seems willing to help out its holder and never withholds the abilitly if this would cause the death of the paladin or a companion.
Bards often speak of this sword, as they admire its abilities. Judging by their tales, the sword's ability can complement their own, inciting allies to truly heroic feats. Whether this is fact or bluff has not been determined, since it has been a generation since the sword has appeared. Sages suspect that a singing sword may be in the Underdark in the hands of a creature with powerful mental abilities like a mind flayer or aboleth, because the weapon is hidden from divination spells.
XP Value : 2,750 GP
Value : 14.000.