En cherchant des infos sur les projectile, je suis tombé sur ce composant de atweaks :
Code : Tout sélectionner
// STATE.IDS additions (mirrors G3 BG2 Fixpack, SCSII and IESDP code)
APPEND ~STATE.IDS~ ~0x80101FEF CD_STATE_NOTVALID~ UNLESS ~CD_STATE_NOTVALID~ // CamDawg's custom IsValidForPartyDialogue() state
APPEND ~STATE.IDS~ ~0x00000FC0 STATE_REALLY_DEAD~ UNLESS ~0x00000FC0 STATE_REALLY_DEAD~ // includes all possible death states (normal, frozen...)
APPEND ~STATE.IDS~ ~0x00102029 STATE_HARMLESS~ UNLESS ~0x00102029 STATE_HARMLESS~ // includes Feeblemind, Charmed, Helpless, Stunned, Sleeping
APPEND ~STATE.IDS~ ~0x60400010 STATE_ILLUSIONS~ UNLESS ~0x60400010 STATE_ILLUSIONS~ // includes Invisible, Imp. Invisibility, Mirror Image, Blur
APPEND ~STATE.IDS~ ~0x80040004 STATE_RANGED_TARGET~ UNLESS ~0x80040004 STATE_RANGED_TARGET~ // includes Blind, Confused, Panic
[color="#FFFF00"]APPEND ~STATE.IDS~ ~0x00000029 STATE_IMMOBILE~ UNLESS ~0x00000029 STATE_IMMOBILE~ // includes Helpless, Stunned, Sleeping[/color]
APPEND ~STATE.IDS~ ~0x00400010 STATE_NOT_TARGETABLE~ UNLESS ~0x00400010 STATE_NOT_TARGETABLE~ // includes Improved Invisibility and plain Invisibility
APPEND ~STATE.IDS~ ~0x8010202D STATE_DISABLED~ UNLESS ~0x8010202D STATE_DISABLED~ // includes Helpless, Stunned, Panic, Sleeping, Charmed, Feebleminded, Confused
Il réduit les options, mais je ne sais pas s'il te conviendra.