PPG: BG1UB updates to v16.3!

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PPG: BG1UB updates to v16.3!


Message par Freddy_Gwendo »

Pocket Plane Group
PPG official GitHub Mirror

BG1 Unfinished Business

BG1 Unfinished Business ("BG1UB") is a mod designed to restore many of the cut items, quests, and encounters from the original Baldur's Gate game's final release, as well as try to tie up some of the "loose ends." As usual, BG1UB should be compatible with most other WeiDU-based mods, and should be installed after either conversion. BG1UB is compatible with Baldur's Gate 1 (with or without Tales of the Sword Coast), Tutu, BGT, and Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition.

v16.3 comes with an updated Russian translation by d0lphin.

Download at PPG GitHub Mirror | Mod's Homepage (older version) | Discussion Thread at G3 | Discussion Thread at BeamDog's

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