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SHS: IEP Extended Banters and Imoen Friendship Mod Updates!

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Adepte de Grondemarteau
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Messages : 5877
Enregistré le : sam. 23 avr. 2011, 00:26
Localisation : Égaré dans un vortex entre Féérune et le Royaume de Diamant Éternel
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SHS: IEP Extended Banters and Imoen Friendship Mod Updates!


Message par Freddy_Gwendo »

Spellhold Studios

IEP Extended Banters Mod

The goal of this mod is to ensure that each Bioware NPC gets their fair share of banters with each other. We also intend to expand on friendships and relationships between the various NPCs; the friendship between Mazzy and Aerie, for example, or the peculiar relationship between Jaheira and Viconia.

Version 5.7 comes with full compatibility with the Imoen4Ever Mod.

Download IEP Extended Banters Mod | Read the Readme | Visit the Forum

Imoen Friendship Mod

This mod adds a series of dialogues with Imoen, the PC's sister, expanding on Imoen's experiences and struggles.

Version 3.6 of the Imoen Friendship mod comes with technical compatibility with the Imoen4Ever Mod. Please note: content wise compatibility will be available with I4E v5 which should be released soon.

Download Imoen Friendship Mod | Read the Readme | Visit the Forum

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