SHS: Iylos updates to 2.7 with compatibility with Ascension!

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SHS: Iylos updates to 2.7 with compatibility with Ascension!


Message par Freddy_Gwendo »

Spellhold Studios

Iylos NPC

Iylos is a monk NPC who has been sent by the Bhaalspawn, Balthazar, to discover the PC's intentions. He is a complicated man, and is not at all happy about being forced to join the PC. He does not like the PC at *all* - and you have a very wide range of choices in your dealings with him which will affect how he thinks about you. He will stay with the party unless extremely pressured, and despite his dislike of the PC, is a loyal and steadfast companion.

Iylos has 2-3 banters with each NPC in Throne of Bhaal, as well as a rather extensive player initiated dialogue menu, if you installed it - but don't talk to him too much, because he is highly likely to get annoyed at you. Depending on whether you picked the 'Bioware NPC' option or the 'full-content' option, he has 4/8 dialogues with the PC throughout the course of the game, as well as a fair amount of interjections.

v2.7 comes with fixed compatibility with Ascension 2.0.10. Also, the mod is now available from the official SHS GitHub mirror.

Download Iylos from official SHS GitHub Mirror | Download Iylos from SHS

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