WM: Varshoon updated to v6.4

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Messages : 5877
Enregistré le : sam. 23 avr. 2011, 00:26
Localisation : Égaré dans un vortex entre Féérune et le Royaume de Diamant Éternel
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WM: Varshoon updated to v6.4


Message par Freddy_Gwendo »

Want to have a non-human ally, but still don't want a god-like NPC? Want to know more about the mysterious and exotic race known as the illithid? Perhaps you should try out Varshoon NPC for BG2(EE). Now, thanks to Austin and his friends who helped to test things, the mod should work even better on both old BG2 and BG2EE. Also, translations should work better (fixed .tra reload).

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