Dans la dernière version française Tashia, la version 2.05g les trois épilogues possibles de Tashia ne sont toujours en VO. Il s'agit bien de l’
ancienne version de Tashia pas de de Tashia Remix. Par épilogue j’entends le texte défilant à la fin de ToB. Celui qui raconte ce que chaque NPC est devenu après à la décision finale de l’enfant de Bhaal. Ces 3 épilogues se trouvent dans le fichier Tashia/french/wsetup.tra. Ce sont les lignes @103, @104 et @105. Cela représente un peu moins de 700 mots :
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@103 = ~After the Bhaalspawn saga events were behind them, Tashia and <CHARNAME> proved a match made in heavens. They merrily adventured together for many years to come, being seen in such notable places as Calimport, Baldur's Gate, Waterdeep, Westgate and even Shadowdale. Their adventures came to a halt, however, when the pair finally arrived in the Icewind Dale, Tashia's homeland. Perhaps the two were tired from so many years spent on the open road, or perhaps their lively newborn child influenced the decision, but the newfound parents finally decided to settle down for a few years, to live a peaceful, normal life. The time spent in the Dale was far from peaceful, however, as their boy had so much youthful vitality and unsatiable desire for exploration that he put even his parents to shame. Soon the three set out again, beckoned by the neverending road ahead. It is not known where Tashia, <CHARNAME> and their child travelled to next, as the legends are vague and many. Some say that the trio entered the Underdark in an attempt to find a legendary settlement of dark elves who renounced Lloth as their goddess. Others place them in the lands far to the east, across the Sea of Fallen Stars and the Endless Waste, trying to find an elven artifact of great importance on a mission given to them by Queen Ellesime herself. Whatever did really happen, though, to this day remains unknown.~
@104 = ~After the Bhaalspawn saga events were behind her, Tashia set out again, driven by the brightly burning adventuring spirit within. She has been spotted all over Faerun in the coming years, visiting such notable places as Calimshan, Myth Drannor, Thay, and even the town of Candlekeep, to see for herself the birthplace of the legend she unintentionally became a part of. After countless seasons on the open road, Tashia finally arrived back in the Icewind Dale, the place of her long-passed youth. Her timing was exceptional, as an army of lesser creatures from all over the frozen lands were once again attacking her homeland. According to numerous witnesses, the well-seasoned Sorceress' spells mowed through hoardes of orcs, goblins, and trolls like hot knife through butter. Legends say, that she cleared most of the invading army all by herself, sending the remaining creatures scrambling frantically to get as far away from the berserked spellcaster as possible. Sadly, the fight has left its mark on Tashia, as her wounds were deep and numbered many. She lived not but a day after the siege was over, dying peacefully in the arms of weeping citizens, who came all across Ten-Towns to thank the brave elven maiden that single-handedly stopped an invasion.~
@105 = ~<CHARNAME>'s ascendance to Godhood affected Tashia deeply. However, it was not as much the ascension itself, as the betrayal she felt when <CHARNAME> renounced up his love for Tashia to become a god. The event left an emotional scar on her mind that would never heal, and from that day forward, never did she attempt to pursue another relationship again. In the following years, Tashia was seen wandering the lands from Calimshan to Thay, before finally arriving back where she started so many years ago - at the Icewind Dale. Her timing was exceptional, as an army of lesser creatures from all over the frozen lands were once again attacking her homeland. According to numerous witnesses, the well-seasoned Sorceress' spells mowed through hoardes of orcs, goblins, and trolls like hot knife through butter. Legends say, that she cleared most of the invading army all by herself, sending the remaining creatures scrambling frantically to get as far away from the berserked spellcaster as possible. Sadly, the fight has left its mark on Tashia, as her wounds were deep and numbered many. She lived not but a day after the siege was over, dying peacefully in the arms of weeping citizens, who came all across Ten-Towns to thank the brave elven maiden that single-handedly stopped an invasion.~
La traduction de Tashia Remix ayant été abondonné, ce serait bien s'il y avait un d'Oghmatique qui ait le courage de traduire ces textes

. Dans le cas où le développeur serait toujours inactif (comme dit dans ce sujet
:), il faudra trouver un moyen pour diffuser cette nouvelle traduction aux joueurs francophones. Peut-être qu'un administrateur du mirror
america.iegmc.net pourra le rajouter dans le dossier "Tashia" ?